*** Organized Crime Linked to Former Mexican President
*** Harm to Mexico And Assassinations Caused by SALINAS
*** Today, LENCHO of INE Try to Damage to Mexico
*** LENCHO And “Accomplices” Could go to Jail
SAN ANTONIO, TEXAS.- Head of the Mafia in Mexico, CARLOS SALINAS DE GORTARI, considered as such, by President LOPEZ OBRADOR. His government is immersed in political crimes, ties with organized crime, and dismantling the Mexican State, privatizing the public companies.
In the journalistic chronicles of the U.S. and Mexico by that time, tell the story: “…The Assassination of LUIS DONALDO COLOSIO MURRIETA, presidential candidate for the Institutional Revolutionary Party (PRI), occurred on Wednesday, March 23, 1994, at 5:12 p.m. Pacific Time, 7:12 p.m.”
“…COLOSIO’S Death is considered the first assassination committed in Mexico since the murder of Álvaro Obregón on July 17, 1928. Due to the rarefied political environment in which it occurred. In addition to the errors, omissions and blunders committed in the course of the investigation.”
“…This case generated great suspicion and disbelief among the population. The prevailing popular opinion is that it was a plot orchestrated and directed within the PRI itself, ordered directly by the then president of Mexico, CARLOS SALINAS through his chief advisors, JOSE CORDOBA.”
“…JUAN JESUS POSADAS OCAMPO (Salvatierra, Guanajuato; November 10, 1926 / Guadalajara, Jalisco; May 24, 1993) was a Mexican Catholic religious, bishop and cardinal, archbishop of the archdiocese of Guadalajara, Mexico.”
“… Tragedy struck Cardinal POSADAS at the Guadalajara Airport. He was killed there, supposedly mistaken for a drug trafficker. The Prelate was an outspoken critic of President SALINAS’ failure to combat organized crime.”

“…SALINAS gave TELMEX (Telefonos de Mexico) to CARLOS SLIM (Carso Group). He did the same with INMEVISION (State Television) to the RICARDO SALINAS PLIEGO owner of the concession of TV AZTECA. Among other state companies that he gave away to his friends.”
“…Zapatista National Liberation Army (EZLN), in Spanish: Ejército Zapatista de Liberación Nacional. A guerrilla group in Mexico, founded in the late 20th century and named for the early 20th-century peasant revolutionary EMILIANO ZAPATA.”
“…On Jan. 1, 1994, the Zapatistas staged a rebellion from their base in Chiapas, the southernmost Mexican state, to protest economic policies that they believed would negatively affect Mexico’s indigenous population. The Fact impacts severely on President SALINAS.”
Today, one of the students more advanced from CARLOS SALINAS DE GORTARI, and is the heritage of the former Mexican President, LORENZO CORDOBA that feels owner of the INE. He is throwing his hat into the ring, trying to damage Democracy of Mexico, exposes the critics.
LORENZO, known in Mexico as LENCHO. He took the stitch: of suspending the conduct of the revocation of mandate exercise that is inscribed in the Mexican Constitution, and which endorsed by the SCJN.
Surely, LENCHO thought he would receive cheers and applause by this action.He continues to receive an avalanche of criticism from President ANDRES MANUEL LOPEZ OBRADOR and the President of the Chamber of Deputies, SERGIO GUTIERREZ LUNA.
At this moment, LENCHO does not know where to hide, to avoid the bitter remarks against him. Because he did not realize in severe problems in that is involved. Because, he and his accomplices could go to jail for the alleged crime. For contempt of the Court, think in MORENA.
Mr. GUTIERREZ opens the possibility to go to FGR to denounce penal crimes to LORENZO CORDOBA and accomplices from INE. For several harms at the Democracy in Mexico, as attest in your count of Twitter.
Like a snowball accumulates it more criticism, LENCHO.18 Governors of the country (MORENA) strongly denounced the head of INE, LORENZO CORDOBA, and the electoral counselors who oppose the democratic exercise of the revocation of the mandate.
It is known to anyone in Mexico, which LENCHO and your accomplices serve to the Head of the Mafia in Mexico, CARLOS SALINAS DE GORTARI. As to your partners: VICENTE FOX QUESADA, FELIPE CALDERON, and ENRIQUE PEÑA NIETO, among others.
Like happened in the last June election, in which LENCHO, and his partner CIRO MURAYAMA blocked all MORENA candidates. In special on Michoacan and Guerrero, but they could not bring to your candidates to win. The People decide the victories of MORENA.
In the meantime, LENCHO and your accomplices showed the copper: They need a million of dollars to carry out the revocation of Mandate. While the Mexican people know who are the enemies of Mexico, and the Mexican democracy.
Not Forget ‘Friends’ Readers of The UNIVERSE: “… The Way of success is to adhere faithfully to the silence of the facts. ‘They’ -speak- more than a thousand words. To follow the opposite is to travel to a ‘void’, which only misfortunes that it can bring. And what is that for?.”
“…The World of hollow words drags anyone to make the worst mistakes, which they later regret, because they could be avoided.Vanity is the worst enemy for full professional development or any level. Be careful that when you see yourself in the mirror, do not look at your mistakes,” …advises The Wise Men of The World…See You Soon in ‘The UNIVERSE News, and EL UNIVERSO’.