*** On The Case of Narco-Politics, MARIO Says Nothing
*** AMERICO Collapses, For Crime Style-Mafia
*** In Danger MORENA, on Six States, in 2022
Houston, TEXAS.-After the spectacular announcement made by ENRIQUE PEÑA NIETO, when he was President of Mexico in 2012. With him, the New PRI would begin. It raised a lot of doubts, and suspicions, since the people knew the corrupt PRI, by decades.
PEÑA NIETO chose the worst way to communicate with the Mexican people, which is wild demagogy. Which at the end of his government destroyed the PRI, and its candidate JOSE ANTONIO MEADE. Who were repudiated in 2018, in the presidential election.
In Guerrero, State of Mexico, the disappearance of 43 Students that commotion in the world, and the large corruption the White House in Mexico, City, were two events who marked at The Government of PENA NIETO, for which the people repudiate it, for always.
U.S. officials discovered what was an open secret in Mexico: that President FELIPE CALDERON HINOJOSA, and a select group of his government’s collaborators were at the service of the darkest interests of organized crime.
GENARO GARCIA LUNA, Mexico’s former security minister during the six-year term of FELIPE CALDERON HINOJOSA (2006-2012), entered a New York court, on charges of conspiracy to traffic cocaine.

It is the same Brooklyn federal court, where JOAQUIN “EL CHAPO” GUZMAN, leader of the Sinaloa Cartel, was judged, and sentenced to life imprisonment. On based to the accusation, he delivered millions of dollars in bribes to GARCIA LUNA, to “operate with impunity” in Mexico.
With CALDERON, a harmful and destructive effect for the PAN, which is presented in 2018. At a time when the PAN presidential candidate, RICARDO ANAYA seeks to win. Today, he is a fugitive from federal justice, for serious crimes, which the FGR has him in its sights.
As in the past, today there is a phenomenon that in Mexico is admitted by the Tyrians and Trojans. All and sundry recognize it. Mexican President ANDRES MANUEL LOPEZ OBRADOR has a popular approval rating of around 70 percent nationwide, according to some polls.
It’s just not a product of social chance. The government that, he heads is governed by a permanent accountability to the people, as attested the experts, they that explain it.
Monumental works are on the way to be completed in a short period of time. The Santa Lucia Airport, to be inaugurated on March 21, is considered by experts to be one of the best in the world. Among the works that are underway, the specialists appreciate.
In the 4T, Mexico as a country under the leadership of OBRADOR tends to live in better levels of social welfare. So far, the MORENA party has been able to circumvent the serious obstacles placed by the PRI-PAN-PRD, in the elections from 2018-2021, observers note.
It is key the figure of the Mexican President, among the millions of voters who support him and MORENA. The same cannot be said of MARIO DELGADO, who is considered by his critics as an opportunist, an usurper, and a traitor in the leadership of the red-cherry party.
Near at The Zocalo, in Mexico, City, his critics spoke loudly: “…Perhaps, MARIO thinks that the national militancy of MORENA is foolish, naïve, and lacks the minimum intelligence to endorse all the cheating, and deceit that he does at all the country. Now, he faces a national critical that reverberates in the National Palace.”
“…A Few blocks from the National Palace, where President OBRADOR lives, gathered at the Monument to the Revolution, militants and personalities of the National Regeneration Movement, were holding the “National Convention of MORENA”, in which they seek to unify the party’s bases.”
“…The Attendees repeatedly shouted the slogans “Out MARIO”, in repudiation of the party’s leader, MARIO DELGADO CARRILLO. Alongside, the characteristic campaign cry: “It is an honor to be with OBRADOR”. In the past 5 February, on 2022.”
“…As speakers, they paraded: PACO IGNACIO TAIBO II, JOHN ACKERMAN, JESUSA RODRIGUEZ, VICTOR TOLEDO, JAIME CARDENAS, among others. Personages who grabbed to MARIO DELGADO from “PIÑATA”, for your acidic criticisms against MARCELO’s pupil.”
“…At the Convention, attendees held roundtable discussions on internal democracy and party decisions. Morena’s ideology as a leftist force. Preparations for the next Morena, National Congress.”
MARIO is being blamed: “…On 2021. Where MORENA lost two very important Governments: SAN LUIS POTOSI and NUEVO LEON, due to the political imperfection of the clumsy MARIO. Who, leaving aside the militancy, with false polls put his candidates, who lost.”
“…In 2022, recent evidence is in sight: in DURANGO, OAXACA, TAMAULIPAS, HIDALGO, QUINTANA ROO and AGUASCALIENTES, MARIO’s evident clumsiness appeared, trying to deceive the militancy. Imposing their candidates for Governor through fraud.”
“…A Great escalation of challenges occurred, and is ongoing in Oaxaca, Tamaulipas and Durango. Because MARIO, the omnipotent leader applied, as is his custom, customized polls. This caused MAKI ORTIZ, JOSE RAMON ENRIQUEZ and SUSANA HARP to protest.
“…MAFIA in the power rules in MORENA, pointed out the senator by Durango, JOSE RAMON ENRIQUEZ, in a caravan of citizens protesting the imposition that MARIO made of his candidate in Durango. He led it from there to Mexico City.”
Before the eyes, and ears of the country, MARIO DELGADO keeps a cynical silence in the face of public accusations made against him, which no one understands. What everyone can see is the damage he is doing to the MORENA party, now that six state governments are in dispute.
Nothing MARIO says around: “…The Case of TAMAULIPAS is difficult, and MARIO has not said anything about this: On occasions MARIO DELGADO traveled by private plane, according to flight logs kept by the SCT to different places. Accompanied by ERASMO GONZALEZ and SERGIO CARMONA ANGULO as revealed by SALINAS PLIEGO’s TV.”
“…Mexican TV comments: Businessman SERGIO CARMONA ANGULO, was executed ‘narco-style’, with two bullet impacts to the head, who was killed instantly, in a barbershop. So which there are serious indications that MARIO DELGADO could be linked to narco-politics.”
Also keep quiet about: “…Another friend of the businessman murdered in NL, keeps a sepulchral silence, AMERICO. They raise several questions: When is AMERICO VILLARREAL ANAYA going to clarify the close relationship, that he maintained with businessman SERGIO CARMONA, who was investigated by the UIF and the FGR for serious crimes, in the face of the people?.”
“…Why in the decisive moments, in the Chamber of Deputies impeached to GARCIA CABEZA DE VACA, at the request of GERTZ MANERO’s office. AMERICO, in the upper chamber, never made a position in favor of the people, and against the Governor of PAN?.”
“…Huge suspicions surround to AMERICO, as he seeks the Government of Tamaulipas. It is already known that he has the support of EGIDIO TORRE, TOMAS YARRINGTON, and covertly of CABEZA DE VACA. With the approval of his partner MARIO, colossal enemy of AMLO.”
What you see is not judged. MARIO DELGADO walks like a crab. Taking MORENA to the political abyss in 2022, and 2024, with his clumsiness as the national pseudo-leader of OBRADOR’s party, many militants think of Mexico.
“…In The Universe there are different ways: ‘The One of Good, and The One of EVIL’. The Universal One, and The One of Mediocrity. Each one decides, which to take. People complicate the decision. The Transit for the good, and universal being is through study, imagination, and good will. Zero Negativism.”
“…The ego of people plunges them into an abyss of pride, which has no end. When exist simpler ways of doing good, and are there for everyone to see.”
“…However, people prefer to base their behavior on following the blind men. Those who talk about the light. And they have never seen it ,”…advises The Wise Men of The World…See You Soon in ‘The UNIVERSE News, and EL UNIVERSO’.