*** GERTZ MANERO Should do His ‘Homework’
*** Issues Very Dark Links to MARTA SAHAGUN
*** Wife of VICENTE FOX Rejects The Accusations
San Antonio, TEXAS.- “… Mexico might feel some relief. For the enormous damage done by MARTA SAHAGUN. If GERTZ MANERO’s office prosecutes the former tenant of “Los Pinos”. With the denunciation of SANTIAGO NIETO, which link with The Legionaries of Christ.”
“…Incredible as it may seem. Marta removed the stigma of being a lover of the President. With the support of Priest MARCIAL MACIEL of the Legionaries of Christ, she obtained the approval of the Pope, to marry.” According to divulgations of The Critics of FOX.

Thus Saw the Argentine Writer OLGA WORNAT to MARTA SAHAGUN, in your book: LA JEFA (Edition Spanish) “…His servants and collaborators of President FOX’s Press Chief, called her BOSS. And it is not surprising, as she took the leap to the Presidential Alcove.”
“… MARTA in her marriage to Bribriesca(Manuel) was a disaster: conflicting and violent. She was hit by the Doctor. But she found the love of his life: VICENTE. Vicente was also unhappy, with LILIAN (DE LA CONCHA).”
“…Following the invitation which MARTA received from the Governor of Guanajuato, VICENTE FOX. She began the affair with the rancher, who ended his love in Los Pinos. Where there were many obscure issues of diversion of millions of public resources.”
“… According to OLGA WORNAT, the wife of President VICENTE FOX QUESADA confessed to her, not only her closeness to the Legionaries of Christ. But also, the positions she held, in that organization. And his close relations with MARCIAL MACIEL”.
After the publication of the book LA JEFA’,(Edition Spanish) the -calvary- began for the Argentine writer OLGA WORNAT. Because the entire Federal Government apparatus repressed it, because she had the audacity to speak obscure things about the FOX-SAHAGUN Marriage, that was seen in Mexico.
RAUL OLMOS, author of the book “The Financial Empire of the Legionaries of Christ,” says that: “… Martha Sahagun’s Vamos Mexico Foundation transferred public funds to Legion of Christ organizations.”
“…In addition, former president Vicente Fox gave the Legionaries of Christ a beach in Quintana Roo. Which they continue to use for weddings and parties. All complicity in sight. While Mexico is mired in a lack of economic growth and insecurity.”
While there are detractors of MARTA which commenting: “…It was through the former first lady that this religious organization would have increased its political and economic power in Mexico. During that government of PAN, in which her husband VICENTE FOX was President.”
“…Before entering politics and occupying the communication, coordination of the government of Guanajuato, Sahagun was treasurer of this religious order in that entity and even taught in schools of the Legionaries of Christ.”
“…In 2002, this religious order, with influence in Guanajuato and Michoacan, donated land in the municipality of Cotija for the construction of the University of Arts and Crafts. The Federal and state governments would have to contribute 84 million pesos for its construction.”
“…The Relationship of the former First Lady dates back to her father, Alberto Sahagun, who was a childhood friend of Father Marcial Maciel, who after years of leading the powerful religious congregation, was accused of sexual abuse against dozens of minors.”
Wife of former President VICENTE FOX, MARTA SAHAGUN, denied having ties with the congregation of the Legionaries of Christ. After the head of the Financial Intelligence Unit (FIU) of the Treasury Secretary, SANTIAGO NIETO, announced that there is an investigation against the Legionaries of Christ and her, wife of former president VICENTE FOX.
In the Press Release, MARTA SAHAGUN described the information circulating in the media about her person as “perverse and false”, as well as “a deception to public opinion and a slander to my person”. She said she was in favour of transparency and accountability.
“…I know that those of us who have worked in politics run (sic) the risk of being slandered”. It explains in the statement from the account of former president VICENTE FOX.
But… You’d better tell us your opinion…. For us, it’s the only one that’s worth and not another. Please…. ¡ Attention! “Appreciable Readers” of EL UNIVERSO and The UNIVERSE News Can Send All The Comments And Criticisms to theuniversenews@gmail.com And Are Welcome.