(***Jueces Mexicanos: Émulos de ZELENSKY)
*** They Try to Give a “Reversal” vs. CLAUDIA And AMLO
(*** Intentan Dar un “Revés” vs. CLAUDIA y AMLO)
*** There is an Investigation in The U.S. vs. MARIO And AMERICO
(*** Hay Una Investigación en EU vs. MARIO y AMÉRICO)
*** AMERICO Delivered -Suitcases – Fulls of Dollars
(*** AMÉRICO Entregaba -Maletas- Llenas de Dólares)
*** Mary de la RIVERA entrañable amiga y colaboradora de The UNIVERSE News y EL UNIVERSO. Traduce el título y sumario de la información del Inglés al Español. Y el primer párrafo.
San Antonio, TEXAS.- What was missing -happened- with the -emulators- of VOLODYMYR ZELENSKYY, in Mexico. Two Judges prohibit the approval of the Judicial Reform, by the deputies of MORENA, the Green Party and PT, who have the “Qualified Majority” in the Federal Congress.
(Lo que faltaba -sucedió- con los -émulos- de VOLODYMYR ZELENSKYY, en México. Dos Jueces prohíben que sé -apruebe- la Reforma Judicial, por los diputados de MORENA, el Verde y PT, que tienen la “Mayoría calificada” en el Congreso federal.)
Two federal courts granted suspensions that prevent, for an indefinite period of time, which the Chamber of Deputies from authorizing the ruling that reforms the Judicial Branch. Seeking to give a setback to President CLAUDIA SHEINBAUM and President ANDRES MANUEL LOPEZ OBRADOR.
One of them orders that -no- it should not be analyzed. Nor is the vote on the opinion to be carried out. Until the trial is finally resolved. The second, that in the event of continuing with the legislative process, the decree should not be sent to the state congresses, for its approval.
The first suspension, granted “flatly” was admittedly by Judge MARTHA EUGENIA LOPEZ and the second was in effect by Judge FELIPE CONSUELO SOTO, in charge of the third district court, based in Chiapas.
Both characters are identified in the social networks. One of them: MARTHA EUGENIA MAGAÑA LOPEZ as XOCHITL GALVEZ’s people. Former PRI-AN-PRD presidential candidate. While FELIPE CONSUELO SOTO is accused, of corruption, in the Judicial Power.
Regarding the suspensions: they stop the legislative process and its approval that began this Monday. But the first of them, granted within the file 1251/2024, by the fifth district court based in Cuernavaca, Morelos.
The jurisdictional body in charge of MAGAÑA LOPEZ, was granted so that “it would not be effective for the plaintiffs, the draft of the opinion related to the initiative that reforms, adds and repeals several provisions of the Federal Constitution”. This implies “that said project in particular -cannot- be discussed and voted by the Chamber of Deputies of the new legislature”.
In the agreement issued within the amparo trial 1251/2024, it is stated that the suspension is appropriate, since “at the moment of the legislative process (…) it is feasible to suspend the challenged act in order to analyze it (…) since the legality of the proposed amendments has not materialized”.
Meanwhile, the third district court (in Chiapas), in charge of FELIPE CONSUELO SOTO, granted a suspension so that in the event that the Congress of the Union approves the reform of the Judicial Power, its resolutions will not be sent to the local congresses.
In view of this serious violation of the federal congress. RICARDO MONREAL, who presides over the Political Coordination Board of the Chamber of Deputies, did not wait long to respond. He qualified as inadmissible and improper any judicial resolution on the performance of the Congress.
He considered that the suspensions granted by two federal judges violate the Constitution, the principle of legality and invade the functions and faculties of the legislature.

ZELENSKYY who -pretends- to be President of UKRAINE, seems to have a great influence on the two Mexican judges, who are against the federal congress. His examples are in sight: his term as President is over. And he becomes Dictator of his country.
He recruits Ukrainian citizens by force, to go to war. All his acts of government are by decrees. He decides how, when and where the Ukrainian people should submit to his whims and occurrences. Mexican judges imitate him very well.
Behind the suspensions, the Judges who oppose the judicial reform are the same of the PRI-PAN-PRD. Those who tried to make the alleged fugitive from Justice, FRANCISCO GARCIA CABEZA DE VACA, as presidential candidate in 2024, according to analysts.
The UNIVERSE News and EL UNIVERSO were able to interview residents of Tamaulipas, based in Mexico City, on lands of TEXAS. Regarding the recent movements following the capture of the legendary capo, ISMAEL ‘EL MAYO’ ZAMBADA. And its political implications.
In the diffusion of the communiqué from El Mayo’s lawyer, where the Governor of Sinaloa, RUBEN ROCHA is involved in an alleged meeting, what political consequences will there be for other Mexican personalities. If the capo begins to speak before the U.S. Judge?.
“…Look, we are going to give you information, but we want anonymity. Although FRANCISCO CUELLAR, master of communications for the VILLARREAL government, feels he is the navel of the world. And he boasts that he controls the local and national press. Something happened.”
“Because several U.S. and Mexican media mention that MARIO DELGADO and AMERICO VILLARREAL ANAYA were in collusion with the Sinaloa drug lord, El Mayo. With the purpose of making RUBEN ROCHA Governor. There AMERICO was delegate of MORENA, in Sinaloa.”
“A hallmark that -characterizes- to the Governor AMERICO is his -opportunism- and servility. At all times, he sought to look good with the next governor of Sinaloa. To such a degree, that he personally -carried- allegedly the suitcases of dollars from the Mayo, and delivered them to RUBEN ROCHA.”
“ In social networks and in certain U.S. newspapers, they mention that both MARIO DELGADO, leader of Morena, and the governor of Tamaulipas, AMERICO VILLARREAL ANYA are subject to a U.S. investigation, for the Huachicol and MAYO cases.”
“This last one, CABEZA DE VACA with an enormous influence in the Government of AMERICO. More than any citizen of Tamaulipas. Since he walks the streets, with total impunity. By counting on the protection of the prosecutor: IRVING BARRIOS MOJICA, imposed by him.”
“In the perverse game of AMERICO of serving “God and the devil”, at the same time. Collaborating with him are: Secretary General of Government HECTOR VILLEGAS and Secretary of Administration, JESUS LAVIN VERASTEGUI. Cousin of CESAR VERASTEGUI, (partner) of CABEZA DE VACA.”