*** CABEZA DE VACA Lost The Battle Against ‘Organized Crime’
*** OBRADOR Will Seek to Bring Social Tranquility to Tamaulipas
San Antonio, TEXAS.- In the midst of two important events for U.S. and Mexico. Mexico’s President-Elect, ANDRES MANUEL LOPEZ OBRADOR visits Tamaulipas. The Goal was to thank the people of Tamaulipas, for their vote that favored him, in the last federal elections.
FIRST: In the US, DONALD TRUMP reiterated his warnings to the governments of El Salvador, Guatemala, and Honduras to suspend the financial assistance given to them by Washington. If they do not stop the migrant caravan, through Twitter pointed out the American President.
Also, TRUMP threatened to use the military force to close the southern border of his country. If Mexico can not stop the caravan of migrants from Central America that heading at north.TRUMP used the same communication pathway.

SECOND: In Mexico, The Legal Department of the presidency of ENRIQUE PEÑA NIETO presented to the Supreme Court of Justice a constitutional controversy to avoid claims of possible orders of apprehension, precautionary detention, citations, inquiries or research folders open, by the local authorities against federal officials.
What the President PEÑA NIETO wants through this simulated protection is that he and his collaborators, not being judged for certain crimes. That the government of LOPEZ OBRADOR can investigate and punish them, in the opinion of Political Analysts.
The Climate favored such a distinguished visitor, in Tamaulipas. The President-elect left on the flight of AREOMAR VW 332, in the Airport of Mexico City at 6.10 AM. And He reached the Airport of Ciudad Victoria at 7.55 AM. Last October 17th.
Before the meeting with the governor of Tamaulipas, FRANCISCO JAVIER GARCIA CABEZA de VACA. ANDRES MANUEL LOPEZ OBRADOR had a meeting of friends. With the representative of the federal government, who was appointed by him, JOSE RAMON GOMEZ DEL CAMPO.
According to witnesses, The Meeting between LOPEZ OBRADOR and GOMEZ DEL CAMPO was in a restaurant in the north of the capital of Tamaulipas.
And it developed like this: “…There was a great camaraderie. In an atmosphere full of great friends. GOMEZ DEL CAMPO’s gaze was always attentive to the words of the President-elect.”
“…The LOPEZ OBRADOR’s message was clear, was observed in the positive attitudes of the President-elect. It was always noticed that President ANDRES MANUEL LOPEZ OBRADOR was totally relaxed and with a fraternal attitude towards GOMEZ DEL CAMPO.”
At The End of The Meeting with GOMEZ DEL CAMPO. LOPEZ OBRADOR attended the appointment with the Governor CABEZA DE VACA, in the Government Palace. After the CABEZA DE VACA deals, LOPEZ OBRADOR went to The City and Port of Tampico, in Tamaulipas.
In The State where it is very convulsed by the violence of organized crime. The statement by LOPEZ OBRADOR is a huge relief and it raises hopes for that Tamaulipas will return to social tranquility. Tamaulipas has a permanent threat: the violence of organized crime.
And in front of that, The governor CABEZA DE VACA has failed, according to the citizen’s perception. In the current official figures, Tamaulipas is in the first place of the negative effects of organized crime. People leave their house. It goes to schools and jobs, living with a great fear of being harmed by wild violence.
President ANDRES MANUEL LOPEZ OBRADOR says: “…He has not received communication from organized crime. It must be clear that we cannot make any kind of agreement of that nature.”Mr. OBRADOR felt like a resident of Tamaulipas, on his land, according to those who saw him.
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