*** Since 1940, The ‘MAFIA’ Has Taken Root in Mexico
*** CALDERON And GARCIA LUNA, The “Protagonists”
*** DEA Arrest to The General, Friend of PEÑA NIETO
SAN ANTONIO, TEXAS.- Some Historians highlight: “The Mafia (Organized Crime) ‘began’ to grow since 1940, in Mexico. Because of its relations with criminal-mafia of the United States, which encouraged this dirty multi-million dollar business in the Aztec land.
If We take such claims as true, numerous PRI and PAN governments have passed through Mexico, in that time to date. They were the protagonists of the enormous damage to the nation, due to the covert complicity with organized crime and its illicit activities.

Today, Mexico sees the hard battle of President ANDRÉS MANUEL LÓPEZ OBRADOR (in two years of his government), against the organized crime (The Mafia) that is far from being defeated. Despite their efforts to combat it, National Security analysts appreciate it.
In President OBRADOR’s morning conference, the Secretary of Security and Citizen Protection, Alfonso Durazo, announced that during the last four months of 2020 there was a historic downward trend in intentional homicides of -0.8%.
When comparing the figures for the first six months of the year with the same period, 2018 and 2019, this crime increased its victims every 24 hours, according to the Common Law Crime Report issued by the SSPC in July.
EDGARDO BUSCAGLIA, one of the most critical voices of President ANDRES MANUEL LOPEZ OBRADOR’s security strategy, gave him credit for recognizing that Mexico became a ‘narco-state’ during past administrations.
During a distance intervention, in Carmen Aristegui’s program, the analyst in matters of public security celebrated that a Mexican president finally recognized that drug trafficking and organized crime infiltrated the highest levels of the Mexican State.
This is in reference to the words that LOPEZ OBRADOR issued in his morning press conference, from the National Palace. OBRADOR mentioned that, during FELIPE CALDERON’s six-year term, he rejected the notion of a ‘narco-state’.
However, President OBRADOR, faced with the evidence against GENARO GARCIA LUNA and his collaborators, has no choice but to accept this situation which is a disgrace for the country: the ‘Narco-State’.
To exemplify what was mentioned by the head of the Executive, Buscaglia addressed the cases of states in the west of the country, such as Colima and Jalisco, where criminal groups have effective control over local authorities.
Despite agreeing with the president’s diagnosis, the Columbia University Professor regretted that it took more than twelve years for a Mexican leader to recognize the seriousness of the situation.
He concluded by stating that the government’s job now is to fight political corruption; furthermore, it is not credible that FELIPE CALDERON was not aware of his collaborator’s activities.
In the past, EDGARDO BUSCAGLIA criticized various facets of the current administration’s fight against crime, such as the militarization through the National Guard or the lack of strategy of the Secretary of Security and Citizen Protection led by ALFONZO DURAZO.
In August 2019, the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) charged General SALVADOR CIENFUEGOS before Judge BRIAN COGAN with four counts of trafficking in heroin, cocaine, methamphetamine, and marijuana and laundering drug money.
‘CIENFUEGOS’ was the head of the Sedena, was in charge of a large part of the so-called “war against drug trafficking”, launched during the six-year term of Calderon -in whose last year he was the Major Officer of the military institution- and continued during the six-year term of PEÑA NIETO.
U.S. authorities will file various charges of drug trafficking against General SALVADOR CIENFUEGOS ZEPEDA, head of the Secretariat of National Defense (Sedena) during the six-year term of PEÑA NIETO.It was an open secret that CIENFUEGOS was a close friend of The President PEÑA NIETO.
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