*** President OBRADOR Says “Peace And Love”
*** Lack of Punishment Creates More Impunity
San Antonio, TEXAS.- In Mexico, the national stage that is in style is not at all favorable for President ANDRES MANUEL LOPEZ OBRADOR. After his triumph, in the last presidential election on 2018 of July 1.
While the Reactionary Entrepreneurs, Radio Stations, Press, TV networks and others factors of power discharge many criticisms against President LOPEZ OBRADOR, due to the situation of impunity of former Presidents, which do not have exemplary punishments.
In Tone Burlesque, President LOPEZ OBRADOR responds saying: “Love And Peace”. When do some journalists ask him If will have punishment the former Presidents of Mexico.?. At His Press Conference, he spoke of not punishing to former Presidents.

Let’s review some concepts and history passages of certain philosophers, political scientists, and politicians to see the relationship between punishment and impunity, which historically harms at Humanity. Due to that, if the punishment does not apply, the Criminals go free.
“…MARCO TULIO CICERO was a statesman, lawyer, researcher, writer, and Roman speaker. He was one of the most prominent figures in the Roman world. ‘…We must ensure that crimes are not punished more severely than they deserve.’ He said in a social context.”
“… ‘Punishing one or two transgressors to serve as an example is more benevolent than being too compassionate’ explains NICCOLO MACHIAVELLI who is highly-regarded the Creator of the Political Science at worldwide level.”
“…THOMAS HOBBES was an English Philosopher considered one of the founders of Modern Political Philosophy. His best-known work is Leviathan (1651). Hobbes says ‘Hold that deterrence of punishment depends on its being effective and without impunity.”
“… ‘Good, Evil, Reward, and Punishment are the only reasons for achieving the balance of a rational person. At the end of counts, these are the stimuli and reins through which all of the humanity gets to work and is guided.’ told JOHN LOCKE, English Philosopher.
“…MAO TZE TUNG, (The Great Constructor of the China of Today) through exemplary punishment was going to “cleanse” society of “traitors, enemies, and spies,” in the presence of the people. With the punishments imposed by MAO, he was able to put an order in Chinese society.
“…The First Ruler of a society must have no more flag than the law, common happiness must be his north, and equal men before his presence, as they are before the law. He must only distinguish merit and virtue to reward them, ‘to vice and crime to obtain their punishment’ says BENITO JUAREZ who was President of Mexico.”
Why President OBRADOR does not want punishments for former Presidents of Mexico?. OBRADOR forget that a large majority of the people want to destroy the impunity forever. And for that, the people insist on punishing against former presidents?
The Destruction of the Mexican Economy and of PEMEX, together with the ills of drug trafficking, are damaging to the nation that the former Presidents committed and now there is already a clean record for them?.
From where they are: SALINAS, ZEDILLO, ECHEVERRIA, FOX, CALDERON, and PEÑA let go of the great laughs to mock of the people and OBRADOR makes them a sign of ‘Love and Peace’ seeing that they will have no punishment?.
OBRADOR repeatedly says that the people are who order. Why does the Mexican President prevent a national consultation, so that the people can decide whether to punish former Presidents?.
Why does OBRADOR want to impose ‘forgiveness and forgetfulness’ for former President Corrupts, who did a lot of damage to Mexico?. Previous are the questions that make millions of Mexicans in the country.
As ALBERT EINSTEIN would say ( The Most Important Scientist, known and popular in the 20th century). If you are looking for different results, do different things. If He wants that 4T has deep root in Mexico. OBRADOR should punish at the former Presidents. Do Not You Believe?.
Over The Fourth Transformation (4T) in Mexico, The President LOPEZ OBRADOR should getaway of Demagoguery of PRI-PAN. Because People are not minors of age. And the people don’t want untouchables and the impunity finish.
But… You’d better tell us your opinion…. For us, it’s the only one that’s worth and not another. Please…. ¡ Attention! “Appreciable Readers” of EL UNIVERSO and The UNIVERSE News Can Send All The Comments And Criticisms to theuniversenews@gmail.com And Are Welcome.