*** Punishment Against ‘White Neck Offenders’
*** Also to Them: FOX, CALDERON And PEÑA
*** The Judiciary is Divorced From The People
San Antonio,TEXAS.-When will there be Exemplary Punishment against ‘White Neck Offenders’ and former Presidents of Mexico(FOX, CALDERON, PEÑA NIETO and others) who damaged to the Country?. It is a question that millions of Mexicans have been making, for decades.
“… From How Dangerous that is for a republic or a prince – not to punish the offenses made – to the peoples or to the private individuals,” says NICOLLO MACHIAVELLI, ‘Man of State’ who demonstrated with scientific-historical rigor that political phrase.
A Few Days ago in the Capital of the Country(Mexico), the Minister President of the Supreme Court of Justice, Arturo Zaldívar Lelo de Larrea, stated that the Federal Judiciary must keep in mind that Mexico is fed up with corruption, of the privileges and impunity”.
At Heading the ceremony of the Federal Judiciary Council, Minister ARTURO ZALDIVAR, explained: “…The Transformation of the Judiciary with the serious fight against corruption and nepotism practices, and affirmative action for the benefit of women.”

He added that: “…We are not bureaucracy. “We are a judiciary that has to be composed of judges, jurists who understand the pain of the people,by jurists who understand the suffering of the people, and by jurists who understand that we have the highest commitment to change for good of this country that is sick of corruption, privileges and impunity.”
“…In 1982, when MIGUEL DE LA MADRID HURTADO came to the Presidency. Before, also with JOSE LOPEZ PORTILLO and LUIS ECHEVERRIA, the statements and speeches of the court, ministers refer to the great virtues of the Mexican Justice.”
In View of hundreds of millions of Mexicans, justice is a social longing, which still in 2019, is not fulfilled in the field of facts. What leads to impunity, monster of a thousand heads, remains untouchable. Because empty words prevail to fight impunity” according to Political Experts.
In Geneva, Switzerland, on 1784 where a work was printed: “ The Spirit of The Laws”. Without the name of the author. Everyone named its author: MONTESQUIEU. “…As I left school -writes MONTESQUIEU- they put law books in my hands. I look for his spirit.”
Conforming to Montesquieu: “…This division of State power into three(Ejecutive, Legislative, and Judicial) is the only way to ensure the freedom of citizens.” Charles-Louis de Secondat, Baron de La Brède et de Montesquieu is a French Thinker who was born in 1689.
“…The Mexican Constitution establishes that the supreme power of the Federation is divided into Legislative, Executive and Judicial. The executive is the President of the Republic. Legislative power consists of two chambers: Senators and Deputies.”
“…The Judiciary consists of the Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation, the Electoral Tribunal of the Judiciary of the Federation, the Council of the Federal Judiciary, the District Courts, the collegiate circuit courts and the unitary circuit courts.”
“…While the President, Senators and Federal Deputies are elected by the people. Ministers, Magistrates, Judges and other officials of the judiciary are appointed and they are not elected by the people. This is a trap that prevents at the people have justice” in opinion of the specialists.
“…If, Mexico as a country does it not apply to impose real justice. With exemplary punishments will continue into social chaos, where impunity continues to bear more terrible fruits. And The Monster of Impunity will end to Mexico”, judge political analysts.
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