*** ‘UAT’ Controlled by The “Merchants of the Education”
By William MORGAN / Special to EL UNIVERSO.
WASHINGTON, DC.- President DONALD TRUMP was exonerated by the Senate of the United States Congress, from the two crimes for which he was for impeachment: Abuse of the Executive Branch, and Obstruction of Congress.

Republican Senator from UTAH and former Presidential Candidate MITT ROMNEY joined the Democrats, in condemning TRUMP in the charges. Mr. ROMNEY voted in favor of the indictment against President TRUMP.
“… The Asterisk of Shame will be forever marked in this trial of President Trump,” said CHUCK SCHUMER, senator for New York and Democratic minority leader in the Senate, moments before the final ruling.
DONALD TRUMP became the third president to be prosecuted by the Congress. ANDREW JOHNSON was first in 1868, and BILL CLINTON the second in 1998. In 1974, RICHARD NIXON was to be prosecuted by the Capitol, but resigned from the position before being prosecuted.
Later of the Debacle suffered by GENERO GARCIA LUNA. Because of the -capture- made by the TRUMP government, police against FELIPE CALDERON’s partner. Who ‘pretended’ to be Secretary of Public Security, for six years, in Mexico.
The Case of GENERO GARCIA LUNA, a trial that takes place in the U.S. courts. It has serious implications, which not only affect the ‘Free Mexico Party’, which promotes CALDERON-MARGARITA. Even the ex President of Mexico in the USA could be called to account, say his critics.
The ‘Free Mexico’ Organization of former President FELIPE CALDERON and former presidential candidate MARGARITA ZAVALA, who seeks to become a political party, will have to wait a few months to achieve their goal.
After the National Electoral Institute reported that it will be until June, when the General Council approves the records of those organizations that have fulfilled all legal requirements to become political parties.
CARLOS F. SALINAS and HECTOR DOMINGUEZ, two prestigious professionals, and critics of the current state of affairs in Tamaulipas. They Both talk about the UAT in social networks, and show the management of JOSE SUAREZ FERNANDEZ, Rector of The UAT.
“…In Tamaulipas, higher education is divided between the UAT ‘Cartel’ and the dozens of duckling universities. This does lead to the conclusion that everything is a simulation and deception for the students. Fraud that society is already paying for”, opinion of SALINAS DOMINGUEZ.
”…The Loss of University Consciousness, driven by the gradual corruption from the government of ENRIQUE CARDENAS GONZALEZ until FRANCISCO GARCIA CABEZA DE VACA, Governor of Tamaulipas, is regrettable.” Says DOMINGUEZ MENDOZA. And to Explain:
“…The Violation is constant and permanent at the University Autonomy (Autonomous University of Tamaulipas, UAT). And the simulation of Universities, which controlled the Merchants of the Education.”
Remember ‘Friends’ Readers of The UNIVERSE That : “…None Useless Thought. You Can Not Might Keep it …Because if You Broke This Universal Rule. You Help to Your Enemies.”… See You Later on… EL UNIVERSO.