*** NOROÑA Said: I Will Resolve That Issue…
*** We Already -Affect- The Movement: MONREAL
*** XI JINPING Guest of TRUMP, January 20 Next
MONREAL y ADÁN Pelean Entre sí, Por Dinero
*** NOROÑA Dijo: Resolveré Esa Cuestión…
*** Ya -Afectamos- al “Movimiento”: MONREAL
*** XI JINPING Invitado de TRUMP, el 20 de Enero, Próximo
*** Mary de la RIVERA -entrañable- amiga y colaboradora de The UNIVERSE News y EL UNIVERSO. Traduce el título y sumario de la información del Inglés al Español. Y el primer párrafo.
San Antonio, TEXAS.- ANTONIO GRAMSCI, Italian Politician (1891-1937) in his reflections, said: “The old world is dying. The new one is slow to appear. And in this chiaroscuro monsters emerge”. On the Transition in Mexico-the monster of corruption-has a foul smell which harms to MORENA.
(ANTONIO GRAMSCI , Político Italiano (1891-1937) en sus reflexiones, decía: “El viejo mundo se muere. El nuevo -tarda- en aparecer. Y en este “claroscuro” surgen los monstruos”. En la Transición en México- el monstruo de la corrupción- tiene un -olor fétido- que daña a MORENA).
In an authentic national and international scandal is the -rivalry- between the coordinator of the senate ADAN AUGUSTO LOPEZ (AMLO’s gossip) and the coordinator of the deputies of MORENA, RICARDO MONREAL, according to journalists from México, City.
It is -no small matter- that this major conflict of presumed corruption among members of MORENA (the party founded by President ANDRES MANUEL LOPEZ OBRADOR) has surfaced, and everyone in MORENA, say: that they are different from the PRI, PAN, MC and others. Will be?.
What positions make the national leaders of MORENA, LUIS MARIA ALCALDE and the son of ex-President OBRADOR, ANDRES MANUEL LOPEZ BELTRAN take on the case of alleged corruption between MONREAL and ADAN AUGUSTO?. It is not known.
Some members are convinced that MORENA should have: a long life as a political party. In Mexico, City, they suggest to LUISA and LOPEZ BELTRAN that they review certain episodes of the Chinese Communist Party, which from the time of MAO ZEDONG, endure to this day.
For example, they put: “A high rate of corruption existed in China. And President XI JINPING since he became the General Secretary of the CPC in 2012. He conducted an Anti-Corruption campaign aimed at punishing all misconduct.”
“Focusing on: Illicit Enrichment, Abuse of Power and the Violation of Human Rights carried out, by senior officials. Regardless of their power in the CPC or in the Government. By 2017 more than 1.2 million members of the CPC were sanctioned. The Party cleaned it up.”
The Bible says: ‘By their fruits you shall know them’. The Chinese Communist Party led by XI JINPING, at the time of COVID-19, determined the health measures to eradicate the Pandemic among the 1.4 billion Chinese. This was achieved, as reported by the WHO.
In the midst of COVID-19, which was no small matter. The Chinese Communist Party was able to solve the acute problem of Poverty. It was able to solve the severe problem of poverty by providing a solution to 800 million poor (Chinese) people, and according to reports from international organizations, it succeeded in doing so.
At the moment, it is the Presidents of the World, XI JINPING that is invited to the inauguration of the Magnate DONALD TRUMP, next January 20, 2025. Who will take the reins of the U.S. as revealed by TRUMP himself, at a press conference in Florida.
Will be any lessons from the Chinese Communist Party, for the leaders of MORENA, in Mexico (LUISA MARIA ALCALDE, ANDRES M. LOPEZ BELTRAN, MARIO DELGADO) and their strategists from the Chinese party?, they ask in the capital of the Aztec country.
The conflict between the distinguished members began, after the Chamber of Deputies which controls MONREAL, approved a cut of 123 million pesos in the Senate budget.
In response, the President of the Senate Political Coordination Board, ADAN AUGUSTO LOPEZ, said that they will rescind two contracts for “old businesses” regarding the maintenance of elevators and file management, made by MONREAL.
President CLAUDIA SHEINBAUM referred to the public disagreement between Senator ADAN AUGUSTO LOPEZ and Representative RICARDO MONREAL: “This misunderstanding has to be resolved, and considered that an issue of resources, cannot be brought to a discussion.”
PATRICIA ARMENDARIZ, Deputy for MORENA shared a series of messages in support of RICARDO MONREAL. She described the accusation of alleged irregular contracts as a clumsy aggressive. And of -great perversity- on the part of ADAN AUGUSTO LOPEZ.
Although GERARDO FERNANDEZ NORONA promised to mediate the conflict between ADAN and MONREAL. But, it was SHEINBAUM who ended it, where it is clear that above all else is: the movement for the transformation of Mexico.
Without hesitation – openly – RICARDO MONREAL acknowledged that he and Senator ADAN AUGUSTO LOPEZ that: ‘We have already affected the movement’ with the cross declarations they did, in a press conference, which he offered in the legislative precinct.
“Nor in the PRI era, when the President in office managed Mexico’s public affairs as he pleased. Neither the federal deputies nor the senators asked publicly that they wanted money from the people for their ideas. As ADAN and MONREAL of MORENA have done”.
“Despite the fact that the PRI, like the PAN, both have black histories of corruption, for decades. There is no record that neither the deputies, nor the senators of the PAN-PRI made a farce to ask for money, and fight each other in front of everybody’s eyes. As ADAN and MONREAL did”, their critics divulge.