*** Government of CABEZA Has Neither Feet Nor Head.
*** San Fernando ‘Massacre’ Involves to EGIDIO
*** The National Security Archive Reveals The Role of Authorities
*** MORENA Will Win to The PAN 3 to 1, on June 2
SAN ANTONIO, TEXAS.-“…One of the consents of FELIPE CALDERON(PAN) being president of Mexico was EGIDIO TORRE CANTU. Who served as Governor of Tamaulipas. CALDERON’s influence of The PAN on EGIDIO exceeded the reasonable limits.”
“…Those who saw him in Mexico, City, and Tamaulipas claim that EGIDIO went crazy. Because he never noticed the high treason made to ENRIQUE PEÑA NIETO, who was the presidential candidate of The PRI, in 2012, supported by FELIPE CALDERON of The PAN.”

“… EGIDIO does not battled so that in Tamaulipas, the presidential candidate of the PAN, JOSEFINA VAZQUEZ MOTA will win to the party partner (PRI) PEÑA NIETO, in the state. VAZQUEZ MOTA’s campaign manager was EGIDIO TORRE CANTU.”
“…The Connections of TORRE come from many years ago with the PAN. As Mayor of Victoria, EGIDIO approached the groups of The PAN. Later, as Governor of Tamaulipas, he opened the doors of the Government Palace. With the federal delegates of the PAN, EGIDIO saw them as their brothers.”
“…For that and other reasons, EGIDIO tied himself at the party of FOX and CALDERON. When they were from the PAN. Without any shame, EGIDIO consumed the great treason against ENRIQUE PEÑA NIETO, in 2012. Being both of the same party: The PRI.”
“…Unwavering ‘Love’ that EGIDIO professed to the current governor CABEZA DE VACA was never seen in the Political History of State. That was the cause EGIDIO would abandon to BALTAZAR HINOJOSA OCHOA. Loser candidate of the PRI, in the dispute on the Government of Tamaulipas”.
The Previous Revelations were given to EL UNIVERSO And The UNIVERSE News, by residents of Tamaulipas that live in Mexico City. In their Opinion, no wonder that between FRANCISCO GARCIA CABEZA DE VACA and EGIDIO TORRE CANTU have bad deals which damage at Tamaulipas.
“… The Anarchic Government that made EGIDIO TORRE CANTU not has precedented until FRANCISCO GARCIA CABEZA DE VACA came to the state government. Today things are going worse. Neither with EGIDIO nor with CABEZA DE VACA. The Current Government of Tamaulipas has neither feet nor head.”
“… The Second San Fernando Massacre was a mass murder of at least 193 people, found in clandestine graves in the municipality of San Fernando, Tamaulipas (Mexico) since April 6, 2011. Suspicions of mass murder of migrants reach former governor EGIDIO TORRE CANTU.”
“… Before, there was another massacre in San Fernando, between 22 and 23 August 2010. In which 72 migrants were found dead. The Zetas was blamed both of them. The National Security Archive reveals the role of Mexican authorities before and after of the San Fernando massacres.”
“…Insecurity is the evil of evils in Tamaulipas. Although the governor of the state FRANCISCO GARCÍA CABEZA DE VACA was publicly committed to the people who in 18 months was going to solve. And it hasn’t. “
“…In almost three years of Government of CABEZA DE VACA, there is no large-scale construction done at that time. As did other governors of Tamaulipas, in the past.”
“…The Insecurity and lack of large-scale work in Tamaulipas.Two vital problems which not solved by CABEZA DE VACA governor. And lack of employment at the state level better not talk. In addition to other lines of government that does not serve CABEZA DE VACA, in his government.”
“…With its null government work, EGIDIO and CABEZA DE VACA want to win the local Congress, through their candidates (22-14) of the PRI and PAN, to continue doing a big business through the protection of public power.”
“…Only that the most serious polls give the 3 to 1 win to President OBRADOR’s party. And to materialize the triumph of MORENA on June 2, it would be a scandalous -collapse- for CABEZA DE VACA and EGIDIO TORRE CANTU.”
The previous points of view are expressed by local analysts and observers who do not fail to notice that the situation in Tamaulipas is incredibly explosive in matters of insecurity, in Matamoros, Reynosa, Nuevo Laredo, San Fernando, Miguel Aleman, Rio Bravo, Victoria, Mante, Altamira, Madero, and Tampico, and other places of Tamaulipas.
But… You’d better tell us your opinion…. For me, it’s the only one that’s worth and not another. To The “Appreciable Readers” of EL UNIVERSO and The UNIVERSE News Can Send All The Comments And Criticisms at theuniversenews@gmail.com And Are Welcome.