*** PUTIN Support The ‘Heterosexual Marriage’
By William MORGAN / Special to EL UNIVERSO.
WASHINGTON, DC.-Russian President VLADIMIR PUTIN submitted to the Russian Lower House the constitutional amendments that will be voted on by citizens on 22 April. Including the inclusion of the figure of God, heterosexual marriage and the ban on ceding territory to a foreign state.
In mid-February, Russian President already said that “as long as he is president”, same-sex marriages will never be legalized in Russia.

“As far as parent number one and parent number two are concerned, I have already made a public statement and I say it again: as long as I am president there will be no parent one and two, there will be mom and dad,” he said.
PUTIN, who since his rise to power 20 years ago has supported the conservative morality promoted by the Russian Orthodox Church, has always been adamantly against homosexual union.
Two Characters linked to President ANDRES MANUEL LOPEZ OBRADOR, Senator AMERICO VILLARREAL, and HECTOR GARZA, SEP senior official, whom are seeking the Government of Tamaulipas in 2022, obscure the image of FRANCISCO GARCIA CABEZA DE VACA.
An Unusual Fact, there is at the time that Governor FRANCISCO GARCIA CABEZA DE VACA renders his fourth government report. A Denounces of the irregular managements of public resources of Tamaulipas Government.
When in Tamaulipas, some thought that Senator VILLARREAL ANAYA ate from the same plate of the Governor GARCIA CABEZA DE VACA, on his visits to the state. A few days ago, he pointed out a serious irregularity in public money, in the area of health.
A Terrible Statement made Senator VILLARREAL about the investigation carried out by the Secretary of Public Function of the OBRADOR Government in Tamaulipas. For the deviation of one billion pesos that the health sector suffered in the State Government.
When Asked if Governor CABEZA DE VACA is being investigated for these one billion pesos. VILLARREAL responded that the Governor is aware of this through the Ministry of Health. In Health, GARCIA CABEZA DE VACA is being audited said in conference of Press.
On His Lightning Trips from Mexico City to Tamaulipas, a close collaborator of ESTEBAN MOCTEZUMA BARRAGAN, HECTOR GARZA since the entry of President LOPEZ OBARDOR’s government took the initiative to be a sponsor of students from several schools.
There was nothing wrong with that. But the high official of the SEP hides the real reason for his visits to Tamaulipas. What HECTOR GARZA wants is GARCIA CABEZA DE VACA’s chair, in 2022.
Mr. HECTOR GARZA was the godfather of a generation of high school students. The strange thing about the case is that all the spotlights in the state focused on him.
And He damaged Governor GARCIA CABEZA DE VACA’s promotions, which announced his 4th Government Report. He never cared about the very important Governor CABEZA DE VACA event on 7, March.
Both AMERICO VILLARREAL as HECTOR GARZA overshadowed the most important event of Governor FRANCISCO GARCIA CABEZA DE VACA. The Fourth Governmental Report.
One With a millionaire denunciation of public resources of Health. And the Other making a lot of noise with his presence in the local political environment. When the public event of GARCIA CABEZA DE VACA is in front of the people of Tamaulipas.
An Hours away from the CABEZA DE VACA Governmental Report. In Mexico City there is a lot of talk in political circles that Governor of Tamaulipas will request a license from his office, to lead the National PAN. From there, go the presidential candidacy in the PAN, in 2024.
His critics interpret it as an unheard event, which seeks to shield him from any act of the Federal Justice. Because there are several investigations by GERTZ MANERO’s office. There are also investigations of diversion of federation resources from the federation audit against him.
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