*** Earns More Than The President OBRADOR
*** Supports to CABEZA DE VACA, Not to CEPEDA
*** MARIO GOMEZ MONROY, The ‘Great Puppet’ of RIGO
*** Might Have a Meeting RIGO With CABEZA, in The Jail?
By William Morgan / Gerardo ‘JERRY’ Estrada / Special to The UNIVERSE News, And EL UNIVERSO / First (1a.) Part.
Brownsville, TEXAS.- “…According to the “MATHEMATICAL LOGIC”, we comment two hypotheses: One of them is probably remote. Although the other one is very realizable. Both in the relationship between RIGOBERTO GUEVARA, and FRANCISCO GARCIA CABEZA DE VACA.”
“…MATHEMATICAL LOGIC was a subject they taught at UNAM, in the Law School, a long time ago. Where you have to start from true premises, to reach true conclusions. It’s more complicated, but we show it in a simple way, so you understand.”
“…Why, He not only does not deny, but accepts it as a great act of virtue, RIGOBERTO GUEVARA VAZQUEZ, who recognizes that: he is in the arms of “Thief Governor” GARCIA CABEZA DE VACA. As Senator ALEJANDRO ROJAS DIAZ DURAN calls to The Governor of PAN.”
So begins a long conversation with teachers from Tamaulipas, based in the city of Matamoros, with The UNIVERSE News and EL UNIVERSO. About the political-union situation in Section XXX of the SNTE, and its imminent change of state leader.
We Only ask, that we have anonymity in exchange for giving them information.Because, we are denouncing people linked to organized crime, who present themselves as ‘white doves’, and pretend to be redeemers of the SNTE workers.
The talk continues: “…The inhabitants of Tamaulipas know that since the times of MANUEL CAVAZOS LERMA, TOMAS YARRINGTON, EUGENIO HERNANDEZ, EGIDIO TORRE, until FRANCISCO GARCIA CABEZA DE VACA. The SNTE has been subjected to the Governor in office.”
“…The General Secretaries of the SNTE dance to the rhythm of the Governor in office. In Tamaulipas, in exchange, they receive bribes and millions of dollars in support under the guise of legality.”

“…First Hypothesis: If Minister-President, ARTURO ZALDIVAR heeds the sentiment of the people of Tamaulipas by resolving the constitutional controversy that protects CABEZA DE VACA, and a ruling in accordance with the federal constitution, that the impeachment is unassailable.”
“…CABEZA DE VACA, his family and close associates would be in serious legal-criminal trouble. Due to the serious accusations that link them to organized crime. And it would leave the door open for Justice to send them to jail.”
“…Once CABEZA DE VACA and accomplices are arrested. The safest place of residence: it would be jail. At that moment, Professor RIGO would bring cigarettes, at least. To his real boss. And no, ALFONSO CEPEDA SALAS, national leader of the SNTE.”
“…Second Hypothesis: Also, if Minister-President, ARTURO ZALDIVAR, acts like an elephant with rheumatism, with the complicity of the ten ministers. And the thorny case of CALDERON’s partner is passed by. The Justice that the Court proclaims is neither prompt, nor expeditious.”
“…But, as the aphorism says, there is no deadline that is not met. Fatal Date: 1 of October 2022. Date on which GARCIA CABEZA DE VACA’S term as Governor expires. And who will be able to save him and his family from ALEJANDRO GERTZ MANERO’s actions?.”
“…Amid of this organized crime scandal of CABEZA DE VACA. The teacher RIGOBERTO GUEVARA VAZQUEZ will be able from to go to meeting with your boss, in the Jail . And He does not forget who during more of five years was great partner in the PAN?.
“…RIGO, as the current General Secretary of Section XXX, likes to be called, is on slippery ground. He doesn’t realize that he could be involved in the -Dance of Millions of Dollars- that CABEZA DE VACA, who is still promoting from his hiding place.”
“…Since February 13, 2019, that charges as Secretary of Education, MARIO GOMEZ MONROY to date. Education is going from bad to worse in Tamaulipas, due to the obvious negligence of the PAN official, before the eyes of all teachers.”
“…Fear spreads, when any teacher from the 43 municipalities of Tamaulipas goes to the central offices of the SET because they face the evident arrogance and arrogance of some officials, who instead of attending to the teachers, are busy with other things.”
“…But, the ones they are afraid of are the Undersecretary of Education MAGDALENA MORENO and the Director of Personnel, NURY PEREZ GARZA, who treat the teachers of Tamaulipas as if they were their bitter enemies.”
“…Both MAGDALENA and NURY do not deny the cross of their parish. They follow the script set by Governor GARCIA CABEZA DE VACA, and his true the maker in the SET is MARIO GOMEZ MONROY, who instead of putting an end to their abuses, protects them.”
“…This is not the end of the string of pains suffered by the teachers of Tamaulipas.There are many anomalies that SET which exist. Even MARIO GOMEZ recognizes several problems that affect teachers, through the local press, he spreads them.”
“…GOMEZ discloses that SET owes: the payment of scholarships for elementary school students, the program related to the ‘eyeglasses’ program for educational personnel and several fortnightly payments to full-time teachers.”
“…It could not miss the -main sign- that makes the Government of CABEZA DE VACA, in SET. The elites favored by the corruption promoted by the PAN. The distribution of full time positions, among Education officials.”
“…What is serious is the public fame that surrounds the figure of MARIO GOMEZ MONROY, who is charged as Secretary of Education of Tamaulipas. He is nothing less than, greater puppet of RIGOBERTO GUEVARA VAZQUEZ, leader of the SNTE, in the State..”
“…In the wake of the enormous corruption that CABEZA DE VACA has done in his government for more than 5 years, makes it possible for Professor RIGO to obtain monthly emoluments, earning more than President LOPEZ OBRADOR.”
“…With this, RIGO betrays at the national leader of the SNTE, ALFONSO CEPEDA SALAS, who supports the austerity thesis of the Chief Executive, ANDRES MANUEL LOPEZ OBRADOR, in sections of the SNTE, in the country.”
Please, pay attention, friends of The UNIVERSE News, and EL UNIVERSO, this story will continue.