*** “Couldn’t Eat” The -Cheese- of The Presidency
*** Ecuador’s ‘Gorilla’ -Attacked- to Mexico
*** Before LUISA GONZALEZ Succumbs: He Did Not “Win”
***Pay Attention Please: Translation From English to Spanish by MARY DE LA RIVERA.
NOBOA -Camina en el Filo- de la Derrota, en Ecuador
*** “No Pudo Comerse” el -Queso- de la Presidencia
*** El ‘Gorila’ De Ecuador -Atacó- a México
*** Ante LUISA GONZÁLEZ Sucumbe: Él no “Ganó”
*** Mary de la RIVERA -entrañable- amiga y colaboradora de The UNIVERSE News y EL UNIVERSO. Traduce el título y sumario de la Información Del Inglés al Español. Y… Los Primeros Párrafos.
San Antonio, TEXAS.- In DONALD TRUMP’s dizzying race to beat the whole world, with threats of tariffs-creating problems in Europe, Canada, Mexico, China, and other countries. Where, he ‘enjoys’ his enormous -ego- from the attention of millions of residents of the planet.
(En la -vertiginosa- carrera de DONALD TRUMP de vencer al mundo entero, con amenazas de aranceles-creándoles- problemas a Europa, Canada, México y otros países. Donde ‘disfruta’ su enorme -ego-de la atención de millones de residentes del planeta.)
In this dynamic, DANIEL NOVOA who is seeking re-election as President of Ecuador a few days ago, as the TRUMP of Ecuador imposing tariffs on Mexico, trying to subdue the Government of SHEINBAUM, according to the local press in Quito.
(En esa dinámica , DANIEL NOVOA que busca reelegirse como Presidente de Ecuador, que hace unos días, como el TRUMP de Ecuador le impuso aranceles a México. Intentando -someter- al Gobierno de SHEINBAUM, según la prensa local de Quito.)
They explain: “His NOBOA motivation for imposing tariffs is more political than commercial. What he wanted was to take advantage of the -wave- caused- by President DONALD TRUMP regarding levies and criticism of international trade.”
(Explican: “Su motivación de NOBOA para imponer aranceles es más política que comercial. Lo que quiso aprovecharse de la -ola causada- por el mandatario DONALD TRUMP respecto a los gravámenes y la crítica al comercio internacional.”)
“He is justifying this tariff imposition to build an enemy, which would be, in this case, the Mexican Government, especially because of the lawsuit in The Hague against him and his Government, for the attack on the Mexican Embassy, in the Capital of Ecuador.”
(Él está justificando esta imposición arancelaria para construir un enemigo, que sería, en este caso, el Gobierno mexicano. Sobre todo por la demanda en La Haya contra él y su Gobierno. Por el ataque a la Embajada de México, en la Capital de Ecuador.)
The current Ecuadorian President seeks to promote a -negative image- of Mexico to continue attracting voters, due to the fact that the general elections were held on February 9, 2025. And, what was the voter turnout?. NOBOA could not -eat- the cheese of the Presidency.
(El Mandatario Ecuatoriano busca fomentar una -imagen negativa- de México para seguir atrayendo votantes, debido a que los comicios generales se realizaron el 9 de febrero de 2025. Y ¿Cuál fue el resultado de los votantes?. NOBOA no -pudo comerse- el queso de la Presidencia.)
Mexico and Ecuador have had a strained relationship since April 2024, when police forces of the South American country broke into the Mexican Embassy to arrest former Vice President JORGE GLAS. This caused the rupture of the diplomatic link, following a lawsuit made by President OBRADOR, against NOBOA, Ecuador’s gorilla, according to international experts.
(México y Ecuador mantienen una tensa relación desde abril de 2024, cuando fuerzas policiales del país sudamericano irrumpieron en la embajada mexicana para detener al ex vicepresidente JORGE GLAS. Esto provocó la ruptura del vínculo diplomático, a raíz de una demanda interpuesta por el Presidente OBRADOR, en contra de NOBOA, gorila de Ecuador, según expertos internacionales.)
With 93% of the precincts counted, the preliminary results reflect an extremely tight race. DANIEL NOBOA obtained 44.27% of the votes. While LUISA GONZÁLEZ remains close with 43.85%. In the first electoral round.
As attested by Ecuador’s electoral regulations, in order to win in the first round, it is necessary to surpass 50% of the valid votes, or to reach at least 40% with a minimum advantage of 10 points over the second candidate. Since none of these criteria have been met, Ecuador is heading towards a second round about: April 13, 2025.

CLAUDIA SHEINBAUM, President of Mexico, wished that the presidential elections in Ecuador are won by LUISA GONZALEZ, socialist candidate, so that -Mexico can restart- diplomatic relations, with the South American country.
“Hopefully in Ecuador, they will soon say the president with A,” she said in reference to the electorate. CLAUDIA SHEINBAUM was in the middle of a press conference at the National Palace. Where she offered a conversation with the Mexican people.
LUISA GONZALEZ and CLAUDIA SHEINBAUM met in Mexico, City, in 2023. When the current president was about to become Morena’s candidate for the presidential elections of 2024.
It is not the first time that presidential elections in the Andean country have had 16 candidates. In the 2021 race, which was won by banker GUILLERMO LASSO in the second round, there were also an equal number of contenders.
The winner of the elections awaits: on the horizon, the management of a country plunged in fear, due to the increase of murders, kidnappings and extortions by gangs related to drug trafficking.
Voting in Ecuador is mandatory. Failure to vote implies the payment of a fine equivalent to 10% of a unified basic salary. Where the reelection of DANIEL NOVOA is in danger of being defeated. As it just happened, which was not seen all the electoral power, which he said he had.
In his message NOBOA, was shared on social networks this Monday morning. After last night -he stood up- his supporters, who were waiting for him in a hotel in the north of Quito, to celebrate the vote. Goodbye to NOBOA’s reelection, his opponents predict. The experts’ bets consider this to be the case.