Special to EL UNIVERSO.
San Antonio, Texas.- An ISSUE… According to the published surveys, ANDRES MANUEL LOPEZ OBRADOR enjoys a comfortable advantage, at the beginning of the presidential race.

It Was said that their advantage would diminish, once known the candidates of the other parties, but that does not happen. In Fact, the other contenders have limited to attacking the figure of AMLO, so that their acceptance does not grow.
While the MORENA candidate already has a detailed program and a cabinet proposal. The others only react to the agenda that is fixed. RICARDO ANAYA of PAN, JOSE ANTONIO MEADE of PRI and others, they don’t find popular approval in Mexico.
The PRI should use the official times to spread its proposal. And uses them to show how his candidate’s name is pronounced: JOSE ANTONIO MEADE KURIBREÑA.
The PRI was not able to present a candidate of its own, borrowed from one who came from the PAN and wants to put the label of a citizen, when in fact it has been an official who has made decisions of the greatest responsibility in the last decade.
So far what we have is a proposal for change, that of Lopez Obrador, and two of continuity, that of MEADE and that of ANAYA. They are different country minks, which are put to the valuation of the electors. While independent candidates suffer serious obstacles to collecting signatures, to become legal candidates.
MARGARITA ZAVALA, JAIME RODRIGUEZ “El Bronco”, ARMANDO RIOS PITER and MARIA de JESUS PATRICIO MARTINEZ, they seek to attract thousands of voters in the country on the presidential race in Mexico.
NOT COMMENTS AGAIN, BUT…..A Hidden motive has the President ENRIQUE PEÑA NIETO with The Law of Internal Security so-called in Mexico.
They see it so, opposition parties they see it so, opposition parties who think that Mr. PENA NIETO seeks in all ways to impose JOSE ANTONIO MEADE KURIBREÑA as president of Mexico.
He would resort to using the army to curb any protest, however large it was. The Law Interior Security was passed despite the repudiation of billions of Mexicans.
Also against the desire of the ONU and other international organizations that expressed a strong opposition to that law…The” Promoter of Change” in Tamaulipas, FRANCISCO JAVIER GARCIA CABEZA de VACA said nothing about the ‘perverse’ Law of Interior security… After That the Case of former Governor of Tamaulipas, EUGENIO JAVIER HERNANDEZ FLORES spread in the world, the Mayor of Victoria, OSCAR ALMARAZ SMER walks looks for reelection in the same job.The enemies of ALMARAZ SMER believe that it does not achieve its goal because the Capital is a real chaos….See you at the next in…. Politics Tips.