*** ‘TWITTER’: The ‘Wall’ of “Great Censorship”
*** It Suspended Account of The Geopolitical JALIFE
*** He Accused CALDERON And KRAUSE of Corruption
Austin, Texas.- “…Warfare is the greatest affair of State.(…) The Basis of Life and The Death.(…) The Way(Tao) to Survival or extinction. It must be thoroughly pondered and analyzed”, said SUN TZU Chinese General Author of THE ART OF WAR. (Translated by RALPH D. SAWYER).
SUN TZU influenced one of the most important builders of China Today, MAO TZE TUNG. As you can see in his works: On Guerrilla Warfare, On the Protected War and Strategic Problems of China’s Revolutionary War.

Into The country of the First Amendment, in the country of the freedom of the press, the large newspapers allowed the Armed Forces to exercise the role of censor under the pretext of “safeguarding national interests “. As happened in the Gulf War.
It Wasn’t like that in War of Vietnam (1955-1975). The Critical role of The Press during the Vietnam War and the freedom of movement of journalists in combat zones and their free access to the troop was very common. Censorship didn’t work for the fortune of the American People.
“…For this Reason, in the offices of ADOLF OCHS (Eighth Avenue, in New York City). It was frequent the unexpected visits of the Presidents of the most powerful country in the World: US. Because OCHS was the owner of The New York Times. The New York Times Correspondents reveal the truth about the Vietnam War crudely in the World and US.”
“… They surely claimed that The TIMES should not report truthfully, for reasons of US national security. But even after the death of ADOLF OCHS, The TIMES followed the stamp that printed him in Life: Sell News with the guarantee of being an article about trust. No hidden machining.”
So it tells GAY TALASE, journalist of THE NEW YORK TIMES, in his book: ‘The Kingdom and The Power”, edition of 1969. This is largely explained because the Influence of the New York Times is global and it’s incontrovertible.
In Mexico, still the Deputy of the PT, GERARDO FERNANDEZ NOROÑA, every time he can, in different forums he crosses out FELIPE CALDERON (PAN) as the usurper of Presidential Power, in 2006 by the fraud. Besides pointing out the great corruption that in his Government invaded.
The Government of FELIPE CALDERON(PAN) acted under the harassment of censorship and death threats against journalists. As occurred with ANA LILIA PEREZ Who had to go to Berlin Germany to avoid repression. She is the author of El Cartel Negro: Cómo el Crimen Organizado se ha apoderado de PEMEX, Edition Spanish. She Aired CALDERON’s dark business.
Something happened on the social networks that President ANDRES MANUEL LOPEZ OBRADOR considers blessed. On Twitter, ALFREDO JALIFE RHAME, one the most important Geopolitical your account was suspended, without any explanation.
“…I am consecrating to the truth. I Know that it was indisposed that I have challenged FELIPE CALDERON HINOJOSA and ENRIQUE KRAUSE to transparent as Cemex’s Mafia cement company was rescued with citizen money.”
“ (…) Don’t Defeat to me. The only thing I am concluding is that I will continue to put in my judgment what is the truth. I will use alternate networks. We see it as this concludes on Twitter. It’s not the first time they’ve done it to me “said Rahme to Sputnik.
But, the challenge made by ALFREDO JALIFE on Twitter against former President FELIPE CALDERON HINOJOSA and pseudo-intellectual ENRIQUE KRAUSE to transparent as the cement mafia of Cemex was rescued with money citizen?. It’s intact, nobody says anything.
Not only does it have a huge stain of censorship TWITTER. Too TWITTER in Mexico already has a large wall of censorship, which exerts against those who use the truth as a weapon. It is an accomplice of former President and a pseudo-intellectual, it thinks in the country.
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