*** Three Years of AMLO And Violence Follow
*** With CALDERON Was a Narco-State: OBRADOR
*** Will There be Exemplary Punishment For Drug Traffickers?
*** Japan, And Other Countries Win to Organized Crime
SAN ANTONIO, TEXAS.- Mexico is caught in a decade-old public debate over organized crime violence. Which continues to damage the social fabric of the country. To date, the 4T government has yet to find a radical solution to this social cancer.
In the opinion of the specialists, the Aztec country has been dragged down by political, business and police corruption for decades, which has caused violence to grow in various parts of the republic. And they explain it:
“…Zacatecas, Michoacan, Veracruz, Guanajuato, Tamaulipas, Jalisco, are just a few places, where Mexican homes are suffering the onslaught of organized crime violence. Without the Mexican State is able to protect their lives and patrimony, to this date.”
“…Invaded by dollars, the growth of the drug market from Mexico to the United States. And the deaths are bargaining chips among drug cartel members, widening the monstrous insecurity experienced by the Mexican people.”
“…In The Mexican Constitution clearly states that the Mexican State has the obligation to care for, and protect the lives of all Mexicans. It also provides security to avoid damages to the patrimony of citizens, in addition to other aspects.”
“…Today, on the national scene, violence remains unstoppable, damaging the social fabric of Mexico. For decades now. While the Federal Government has been unable to radically solve the criminal actions of the drug cartels.”

From the National Palace, Mr. OBRADOR mentioned that, during the six-year term of FELIPE CALDERON, he rejected the notion of a ‘narco-state’. However, in view of the evidence against GENARO GARCIA LUNA, and his collaborators. He has no choice but to accept this situation.
EDGARDO BUSCAGLIA, one of the most critical voices of President ANDRES MANUEL LOPEZ OBRADOR’S strategy, gave OBRADOR credit for recognizing that Mexico became a ‘narco-state’ during past administrations.
The public security expert welcomed the fact that a Mexican president has finally acknowledged that drug trafficking and organized crime have infiltrated the highest levels of the Mexican state.
In 118 countries, Dr. EDGARDO BUSCAGLIA has studied the phenomenon of organized crime. He is a researcher at Columbia University, his commitment to the fight against mafias, and his work in the field has earned him enemies and death threats from organized crime.
How to understand that after decades of frontal struggle against organized crime. Mexico in three years of government of the 4T is unable to give a radical solution to the conflict generated by the drug cartels?.
For Mr. BUSCAGLIA, the OBRADOR government lacks a strategy in its fight against the mafia. While experts from Asia do not know where and when there has been an exemplary punishment for drug traffickers, which serves as a guide for Mexican society.
A very extensive investigation by colleague and friend GERONIMO BUENAVENTURA, from Tijuana, Mexico, published in The UNIVERSE News and EL UNIVERSO talks about how there are countries like China, which was able to solve the serious problem of Organized Crime. By Intellectual Blindness, they don’t -see- to CHINA is the title.
“…Today, that China is facing a tough -trade war- against a powerful nation like the U.S. (…) Does nobody in Mexico turn to -see- how the ‘Chinese Government’ did to -eradicate- the drug monster, which since the XVIII century tried to dominate, with its power -without succeeding- in the land of the Dragon”?
“…It was never in China, the Narco problem, a -simple conflict- to solve. However, they have always adhered to the universal axiom: “…Impunity grows in a monstrous way. When -there is no -exemplary- punishment against the narcos, in the eyes of society.”
“…Chinese officials are never shy enough to prosecute any drug trafficker. Even when they pass a death sentence against drug traffickers.(…) Children, young people and members of society witness the death sentences against members of the Mafia.”
“…There, before the Chinese Government of XI JINPING there is not the slightest ‘challenge’ from drug traffickers, which disturbs social peace. The Chinese State does not allow it, because there are serious punishments against drug traffickers. If someone dares commit a crime that disturbs social tranquility, he pays with his life”.
Japan, South Korea, North Korea and other Asian countries that have organized crime under the control of their governments. And the key is: Give an exemplary punishment to drug traffickers and serve as a lesson to society, to prevent impunity from growing like a monster, say experts.
Talented and courageous Mexican journalist of international fame, ANABEL HERNANDEZ,who was living in exile in a European country due to death threats from organized crime.She has just released a recent book: “EMMA and the others ladies of the narco”.
When asked ‘to’ her: Did she feel safe, when she visits Mexico?. ANABEL answers laconically: “No. Because GENARO GARCIA LUNA who is imprisoned in New York for organized crime ties, his main collaborators. Today, they are collaborators in the government of LOPEZ OBRADOR.”
In the city of Guadalajara, Mexico, ANABEL was precise: OMAR GARCIA HARFUCH is collaborators very close of CLAUDIA SHEINBAUM PARDO, one of the front-runners to succeed President LOPEZ OBRADOR in 2024.
Other Collaborators of GARCIA LUNA work very close to the Attorney General, ALEJANDRO GERTZ MANERO, that’s why I don’t feel safe, because they launched the Death Threats, emphasized ANABEL HERNANDEZ.
Not Forget ‘Friends’ Readers of The UNIVERSE: “… The Way of success is to adhere faithfully to the silence of the facts. ‘They’ -speak- more than a thousand words. To follow the opposite is to travel to a ‘void’, which only misfortunes that it can bring. And what is that for?.”
“…The World of hollow words drags anyone to make the worst mistakes, which they later regret, because they could be avoided.Vanity is the worst enemy for full professional development or any level. Be careful that when you see yourself in the mirror, do not look at your mistakes,” …advises The Wise Men of The World…See You Soon in ‘The UNIVERSE News, and EL UNIVERSO’.