*** Assassinations of KENNEDY And LINCOLN
*** Lethal Threat Against President OBRADOR
***The Government to Confront Corruption:FMI
San Antonio, TEXAS.-The Tiger is regarded as a creeping animal. Because it attacks by the back to cause death, according to some zoologists. The Deaths of ABRAHAM LINCOLN, JOHN F. KENNEDY and LUIS DONALD COLOSIO, were severe assassinations. The Mafia assaulted in the shadows.
It Seems that it struck a honeycomb, which made infuriate to the wasps that seek to cause deadly damage, to everything that moves. President OBRADOR’s actions combating fuel theft in Mexico affect the bowels of organized crime, which causes a lethal threat against The President.

In The Fight against fuel theft, the dangers put to the army, the Navy and the federal police to test. After which on 36 years, the Presidents of Mexico never saw that. However, international experts pointed out that the Mexican state was a failed state, in this time.
In The States as are Veracruz, State of Mexico, Tamaulipas, Hidalgo, Sinaloa, Tlaxcala, Puebla, Queretaro, Jalisco, Nuevo Leon and Guanajuato in them, there is a high index of deaths from fuel theft. As a result, President LOPEZ OBRADOR carries out a plan against fuel theft.
By fuel Theft, PEMEX (National Company of Mexico) loses 30 billion pesos per year. Although the rest of the states also have fuel theft, conform to official data. Organized crime is shown in frontal resistance, with deadly actions.
After the transfer of drugs, fuel theft has become one of the most profitable crimes for organized crime. The war against fuel theft in Mexico, continue forward. In the face of the presidents’ infirmity who never saw the enormous damage done to the nation.
CHRISTIAN SABOROWSKI, an economist in the Western Hemisphere Department of the FMI, asserted that the fight against crime must be a political priority in the country. He illustrated that the fuel theft costs Pemex 1.6 million dollars per year, almost 0.14% of the gross domestic product.
Also, The Director of the same department, ALEJANDRO WERNER, argued that “any action undertaken by the Government to confront corruption and illicit activities will be positive. And if it’s about limiting fuel theft, it will be favorable for public finances and for PEMEX.”
It Includes the tragedy that occurred at dusk on January 18, in the Tuxpan-Tula pipeline at the height of the municipality of Tlahuelilpan, Hidalgo. At 100 kilometers from Mexico City. Which left 115 deaths, that mourns a population in Mexico.
The Enemies of the government, in the French Revolution were decapitated, after a trial, through the guillotine (invention of the Dr, Guillotine). MAXIMILIEN ROBESPIERRE, GEORGES DANTON, JEAN-PAUL MARAT and other leaders led the libertarian movement in France, on 1789.
Over 17,000 people were officially tried and executed. It sent King LOUIS XVI, condemned to death for high treason and crimes against the state, to the guillotine on January 21, 1793; his wife MARIE-ANTOINETTE suffered the same fate, nine months later.
“…Dura Lex, Sed Lex” says the Latin aphorism. Meaning: “The law is tough, but it’s the law”. (…) In His Book (Spanish Edition): “SIN FILIAS, NI FOBIAS”: Memoirs of an Uncomfortable Prosecutor, SANTIAGO NIETO, current head of the Financial Intelligence Unit of the SHCP.
He documents the -modus operandi- of the Brazilian transnational Odebrecht and reveals that in the case of Mexico it obtained 42 contracts of Pemex. If well electoral crimes have already prescribed, he says, former president ENRIQUE PEÑA NIETO – who acted with a “clan vision” to protect his friends–can still be judged for Bribery.
PEÑA has many detractors who would like to cut off his head. For the enormous damage who he did to Mexico (FUEL THEFT). To follow within the law the Government of LOPEZ OBRADOR is not remote to bring to trial ENRIQUE PEÑA NIETO and send him to jail. While he ‘Hides’ His Head. Why?. In Mexico ask?.
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