*** ANAYA of The PAN Leave Mexico, to Avoid to ‘Jail’
*** ‘CARTEL’ of Governors of The PAN Has Kidnapped to The Party
SAN ANTONIO, TEXAS.- In the Global World, the fake news is a constant. Again appear MARKO CORTES (PAN), ALEJANDRO MORENO (PRI) and JESUS ZAMBRANO (PRD) in the lies world, in the traditional press, launched critics who are lovers of SANTA ANNA, the destroyer of Mexico.
For more 36 years, the Mexican people have been thirsty for democracy. Yet, currently the persons in Mexico can not see authentic practice democracy. Before it, PAN, PRI, PRD and MC, as ‘Political Parties’ are great obstacles which damage to the country, in all.
Antonio de Padua Maria Severino Lopez de Santa Anna y Perez de Lebron (Xalapa, February 21, 1794- Mexico City; June 21, 1876), known as ANTONIO LOPEZ DE SANTA ANNA, was a Mexican politician, and military man.
He was President of Mexico, and although in most texts it is said that he held the presidency eleven times. The National Institute of Historical Studies of the Revolutions of Mexico (INEHRM) maintains that it was only six times.
This was largely, because on the occasions, he was elected to the office. He requested multiple leaves of absence to abandon it. Only to later reinstate himself with the same record.

He was installed as ‘dictator’ for life, with the title of Most Serene Highness, in 1853. Although he was overthrown two years later. Throughout his extensive political career, he was considered ambiguous for participating in opposing parties. Whether with royalists, monarchists, republicans, unitarians, federals, liberals or conservatives. SANTA ANNA was also governor of Yucatán (1824-1825) and of Veracruz in 1829.
In the Treaty of Guadalupe-Hidalgo, in which Mexico lost the states of Alta California, and New Mexico (Today, California, Arizona, Nevada, Colorado, Utah, and part of Wyoming) to the United States, thanks to the stateless of SANTA ANA, in opinion with several historians.
Now cause -a lot of ridicule- in the Aztec country several facts basing that “the ducks throw to the shotguns.” ALEJANDRO MORENO (PRI), JESUS ZAMBRANO (PRD) and MARKO CORTES (PAN) were in Washington.
Leaders of PAN, PRI, and PRD talk by LUIS ALMAGRO secretary General of the OAS, to whom they will deliver their complaint about the intervention of criminal groups in the June elections.
Suffering from deep amnesia, the leaders of the Opposition do not remember which former Mexican Presidents of PRI and PAN were mainly accomplices from the Drug Barons that commands the organized crime. Besides the enormous damage made to the country.
Today, they are presenting as sisters of charity. President OBRADOR minimized the denunciation of the PAN, PRI and PRD in the OAS who should be “careful” because their parties could have connections with organized crime and the case of GENARO GARCIA LUNA.
Public conduct of MARKO CORTES, JESUS ZAMBRANO And ALEJANDRO MORENO cause reject of the Mexican people, as could see in the election of 2018 and 6, June 2021. ‘For’ would be their acts very similar to the of SANTA ANNA according to the critics.
On Others Episodes of -Corruption- of the PAN, it is presenting the escape of RICARDO ANAYA. So who is he?. He was a presidential candidate of the PAN, in 2018, in Mexico. Now, the FGR has an order of arrest to him, by the crimes that reach 30 years of prison.
While President OBRADOR say that nothing has intervened in the case of ANAYA. Mister ANAYA ‘accuse’ to Mexican President to be behind from their severe arrest to carry out the office of ALEJANDRO GERTZ MANERO.
In U.S., Canada, Spain and anything country of Europe might be mister RICARDO ANAYA, who is runaway from Mexico is speculating, in circles of FGR. With it, the PAN makes a great performance of enormous corruption, in the direction to 2024.
No is new the corruption of The PAN. It begining with RICARDO ANAYA. The UNIVERSE News and EL UNIVERSO report by ULISES CERVANTES in September 20, 2018 a scandal in that party. ( https://newseluniverso.com/featured/por-el-secuestro-del-pan-va-el-cartel-de-gobernadores/ ).
“…GUSTAVO MADERO, former National President of PAN, affirms that the formula of MARKO CORTÉS and HECTOR LARIOS to lead the party will allow the “cartel of governors” to hijack that political ‘institute’ and the leadership.”
As attest the interview with EL UNIVERSAL he says”…. That the Assembly of Governors of National Action, made up of FRANCISCO DOMINGUEZ, of Querétaro; FRANCISCO GARCIA CABEZA DE VACA, of Tamaulipas; MARTIN OROZCO, of Aguascalientes.
“…JOSE ROSAS AISPURO, of Durango; JOSE ANTONIO GALI, of Puebla; CARLOS JOAQUIN, from Quintana Roo, and CARLOS MENDOZA DAVIS, from Baja California Sur, together with RAFAEL MORENO VALLE, former president of Puebla, seek to “kidnap” the PAN”.
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