***Will Mr. CABEZA Fully Stop The Organized Crime in Committed Term?
San Antonio, Texas.- An ISSUE….The Called Front Citizen for Mexico led by ALEJANDRA BARRALES, President of PRD, RICARDO ANAYA, President of PAN, and DANTE DELGADO, President of Citizen Movement ( Movimiento Ciudadano) began to break down on his way through the presidential contest of 2018.

Three political parties in Mexico that are looking for a presidential candidate for the succession of President ENRIQUE PEÑA NIETO.
The Gordian Knot is the method that will be used to decide who will be the presidential candidate. It is not an easy task for any of the political parties that make up the front.
For now, there was already a hair in the soup. This messed up the public image they have before millions of Mexicans, who are watching their actions.
A proposal by SILVANO AUREOLES, Governor of Michoacan, MIGUEL MANCERA, head of the government of Mexico, City and the former Governor of Puebla, RAFAEL MORENO VALLE, came to public light.
Which consists of an open consultation with the Mexican citizens, to define who will be the presidential candidate of the front.
About this position, there are many obstacles around to the open consultation with citizens it is not possible, said JESUS ORTEGA and JESUS ZAMBRANO, very important members of the PRD.
Soon we will see how this political gibberish they face in the direction of 2018 it resolves.
…NOT COMMENTS AGAIN, But… By renouncing the PAN, CECILIA LOPEZ CARDENAS, local deputy for the state of Sonora, Mexico. She pointed out the serious mistakes made by RICARDO ANAYA, national leader of the PAN.
To whom it indicates that it wants to be the presidential candidate. Immediately, the CECILIA deputy declared herself in favor of who will be the next President of Mexico: ANDRES MANUEL LOPEZ OBRADOR, current President of MORENA.
In the corridors of the building of insurgents north(PRI) it is commented that IVONE ORTEGA could also go with LOPEZ OBRADOR, for the conquest of the Presidency of Mexico.
On the case that the PRI closes the doors to a prominent PRI militant like IVONE ORTEGA.
Will the Governor of Tamauli- pas, FRANCISCO GARCIA CABEZA DE VACA, offer a deadline for the people to stop the violent actions of organized crime, which continue to damage businesses, schools, homes and all public places in the state?
The Term was 18 months, to have a real solution against organized crime, said Mr. CABEZA. Twelve(12) Months already passed.
See you at the next in… Politics Tips.