*** The General VILLA Invaded U.S. Territory
*** TRUMP Attacks Opponents, on July 4th
*** To -Remove- The ‘Roots of Racism’: BIDEN
*** A ‘Historical Mistake’ to Trip of OBRADOR to U.S.
SAN ANTONIO, TEXAS.- When talking about the relations between the United States and Mexico, two episodes inevitably appear in the collective memory of the Mexicans, that mark wars and outbursts on the part of the North American government over Mexico, as per international analysts.
First: The Expansionist Spirit of the U.S. was introduced in 1846-1848. A War that created the Republic of Texas. The Americans landed in Veracruz, and conquered the Mexican capital. And they force the signing of the peace treaty Guadalupe, Hidalgo.

With this, the U.S. annexes the current states of California, New Mexico, Arizona, Nevada, Utah, Colorado, and part of Wyoming. In a fierce bombardment on September 13, the invaders assaulted ‘Chapultepec Castle’ killing the called ‘Child Heroes’. His age was between 12 and 18.
Second: On March 9, 1916, before dawn, VILLA, along with 589 members of his army, invaded U.S. territory and attacked the town of Columbus. It was the decision to support VENUSTIANO CARRANZA, and not FRANCISCO VILLA that had been made in Washington D.C. that’s why he invaded.
VILLA provoked the Punitive Expedition led by General JOHN J. PERSHING (March 14, 1916 – February 17, 1917). The purpose of the U.S. intervention in the north in Mexico was to capture VILLA, and execute him in the U.S. as a common bandit.
PERSHING kept U.S. troops in Mexico for eleven months, during which time VILLA was never found. The Mexican general had taken refuge in a cave in the Tarahumara mountains. He became invisible for the army of the U.S.
The Campaign was known as the Punitive Expedition. In this operation, the U.S. Army tested its newest military equipment that it would unknowingly use a year later in World War I, where PERSHING was one of the most prominent generals.
The 34th President of the United States, DWIGHT D. EISENHOWER, and the subsequent General GEORGE PATTON, were officers in this intervention in Mexico, with the rank of lieutenant. (…) Permanently it is too, complicate the relationship between U.S. and Mexico.
For that purpose, a Visit to Washington should always be analyzed. Regarding President OBRADOR’s trip to Uncle Sam’s land, Morena’s deputy PORFIRIO MUÑOZ LEDO agreed that President ANDRES MANUEL LOPEZ OBRADOR’s trip to the United States is “inopportune”.
On Twitter, he reminded that President DONALD TRUMP is racist towards Mexicans, and for the Morena representative, the visit is a pretext for the entry into force of the free trade agreement.
Different sides of opinion agree on the untimeliness of the Mexican President’s trip to Washington, when TRUMP is repudiated worldwide for his maniacal racism against African Americans. But also against ours, warned the experienced Mexican Politician.
Some ambassadors, such as AGUSTIN GUTIERREZ CANET, consider it ‘a historical mistake’ to trip of President OBRADOR to EU, which displays the futuristic rush on both sides of the border.
We care very much about the relationship with the United States Government, it is a relationship of friendship and it is also an indispensable economic and commercial relationship, so that is why my trip to the United States, President OBRADOR said at a press conference.
The United States celebrated Independence Day (Saturday, July 4th). With a speech by DONALD TRUMP encouraging division and polarization. And for a significant advance of the Coronavirus, as observed by political analysts.
“…Now we are in the process of defeating the radical left, the Marxists, the anarchists, the agitators, the looters and the people, who don’t know what they are doing,” the president said at the Independence event.
TRUMP referred to the attacks in recent weeks on monuments of Confederate leaders (the Confederate states – slaves – during the Civil War), U.S. founding fathers and even explorers linked to the Spanish “conquest” of America, such as Christopher Columbus, who are perceived as symbols of racism, by the protesters.
Meanwhile, JOHNS HOPKINS University reported that the United States is the country most affected by the pandemic in the world, with 2.8 million confirmed cases and more than 129,000 deaths by the CORONAVIRUS.
Hundreds of people, many without masks and without respect for interpersonal distance, attended the White House event. And where this situation is totally normal for President DONALD TRUMP. Despite warnings from health authorities about COVID-19.
“…We have an opportunity to remove the roots of systemic racism from this country. We have an opportunity to live up to the words that founded this nation,” Democratic Presidential hopeful JOE BIDEN said in a video posted on his Twitter account.
Within that scenario, Mexican President OBRADOR has his visit to the U.S., very complicated by the political environment. However, as he admitted at a press conference in Mexico, City, politics is like walking a tightrope. Always there are risks.
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