*** Perverse Inheritance of Former Mexican Presidents
*** ZALDIVAR And CARRANCA Severe Harm Made to The 4T
*** And TAMAULIPAS, When Mister President OBRADOR?
SAN ANTONIO, TEXAS.- Halfway through President ANDRES MANUEL LOPEZ OBRADOR’s six-year term, his government’s actions speak for themselves. Diverse social programs, infrastructure actions, etc. Including: AIFA.
AIFA, the international airport FELIPE ANGELES named after the revolutionary general who served Mexico. At different moments of the national history. Of which are told, extraordinary episodes of his public life next to General FRANCISCO VILLA, as attested by historians.
The Valuation: for the lootings, the destruction of the economy, the monstrous robberies to the nation and other social larcenies of CARLOS SALINAS, VICENTE FOX, FELIPE CALDERON and others, was made by the people in 2018. And repudiated them.
For some Mexican political scientists, the political system is corrupt, rotten to the core. They explain the reasons: “…Thanks to CARLOS SALINAS, ERNESTO ZEDILLO, VICENTE FOX, FELIPE CALDERON, and ENRIQUE PEÑA NIETO, that used the government at will.”
“…Instead of serving the people, they emptied the coffers of the treasury, to amass great fortunes made since the government, with legal tricks. For more than 36 years, the poorer classes were impoverished, in Mexico.”
“…PRI and PAN open it the doors at the organized Crime. Both, still live in a great -cohabitation- with the International Leaders Mafia. Thus, they obtain enormously rich, for them, and their family. Currently, they enjoy the life around the world, without penalty.”
“…In the crucial moments of its Political History, the wisdom of the people of Mexico has prevailed over the smelly whims of the evil elites. As happened on July 1, 2018, the day of the presidential vote.”

“…Significant was the electoral victory of the MORENA party (Together We Will Make History), in those elections. They won 69 Senators, 309 Federal Deputies, thereby taking away at the PRI and PAN, the two chambers: the Upper and Lower.”
“…With more than 30 million voters, ANDRES MANUEL LOPEZ OBRADOR became the main tenant of the National Palace in Mexico, City. Shattering the myth that you couldn’t become President, after 18 years, that he tried.”
“…Millions of people got tired of so many negative transactions. The people’s repudiation was in full swing: they hated the PRI and the PAN. No one wants to know about them anymore. Because of the countless injustices.”
“….The Mexican people were right, and from a distance their wisdom is confirmed. Of the four presidential candidates who competed: OBRADOR is the President. And the rest are in serious trouble with justice, for more severe crimes committed.”
“….RICARDO ANAYA CORTES, PAN presidential candidate, refuses to face a Federal Judge. In order for him to answer for the delicate accusations made against him by the Attorney General’s Office of the Republic. To date, no one knows where he is.”
“…The Crimes charged to RICARDO ANAYA CORTES: Bribery. Money laundering. Criminal association. Acceptance of bribes. Operations with resources of illicit origin. Even though he said he would face it. He is currently on the run.”
“…JAIME RODRIGUEZ CALDERON is arrested in Nuevo Leon for diverting public resources. The former governor was arrested for the case of the “Broncofirms”, with which he obtained his presidential candidacy. The residents had to endure a series of crimes that he promoted.”
“…A Team of lawyers of RODRIGUEZ CALDERON, EL BRONCO, seeks the release from prison of the former Governor of Nuevo Leon, who with illegal ways and dirty tricks wanted to be President of the Republic in 2018. And which LORENZO CORDOVA of INE supports it to him.”
“…JOSE ANTONIO MEADE KURIBREÑA, Presidential candidate of the PRI. Around him, there are solid indications that could be related to the Scam Master and other serious crimes that have sunk in jail to ROSARIO ROBLES. And not excluded that MEADE might be in the legal problems.”
“…Since July 1, 2018, the more than 30 million Mexicans who supported Mr. OBRADOR and MORENA. So that there is complete, prompt and expeditious justice in Mexico. It’s been over three years, and things in the justice business are bogged down.”
“…In The Times of the 4T, ARTURO ZALDIVAR and his fellow ministers who are responsible for Federal Justice in Mexico are not up to the country’s circumstances. There are strong indications that they are defending notable members of the PAN.”
“…FELIPE CALDERON HINOJOSA, RICARDO ANAYA CORTÉS, FRANCISCO GARCIA CABEZA DE VACA and others live in absolute impunity. Despite the fact that they have serious accusations on their backs, which cannot be concretized in the federal courts.”
“…The Court moves with a lot of ambiguity. With a lot of ‘simulation’. This prevents both RICARDO ANAYA, and FRANCISCO GARCIA CABEZA DE VACA from being brought before federal justice. To the detriment of the large sectors of the Mexican population that have been affected.”
“…In the case of CABEZA DE VACA, who currently continues to collect as Governor of Tamaulipas. It is very evident the inclination of the Court in favor of the Governor of the PAN. Since last April 30, 2021, the Chamber of Deputies challenged him. And it is a date that cannot be judged.”
“…Due to one of the ministers of the Court, JUAN LUIS GONZALEZ ALCANTARA CARRANCA that gave validity to a constitutional controversy of a local legislature, which today disappeared. Because of this, CABEZA DE VACA maintains its role as Governor.”
“…Twisting the law, with legal subterfuge, the Court presided by ARTURO ZALDIVAR walks like a turtle, in the legal situation of CABEZA DE VACA. In spite of the fact that the people widely support the office of GERTZ, who wants to prosecute him for crimes linked to organized crime.”
“…The central point of the GARCIA CABEZA DE VACA case is that the violence of the drug cartels has not stopped, since he entered as Governor in 2016. Today is time, where there are the deaths of innocent people. Besides, they continue to occur, all over Tamaulipas.”
“…Another massacre occurred on March 19, 2022, in the street Engineers of the colony Bertha del Avellano., in the capital of Tamaulipas ( Victoria, City ). Losing the life of a whole family (7 Members). Among them, an 8-year-old child.”
“…Another event of terror. In Nuevo Laredo, Tamaulipas, the American consulate closed its offices, for the assault it suffered with gunfire, on March 14, 2022. In the border city of Tamaulipas there were shootings, fires and roadblocks.”
“…CABEZA DE VACA is a real danger to the lives of all the inhabitants of Tamaulipas, as long as he is the Governor. For this reason, the JOE BIDEN government frequently sends out warnings to Americans, to avoid visiting or transiting Tamaulipas, if they want to keep their lives.”
President LOPEZ OBRADOR is a great humanist, who greatly values the lives of millions of Mexicans. How long will, he listens to the complaints of the people of Tamaulipas, which want the PAN Governor, CABEZA DE VACA, to stand trial?. It is the question made by the persons.
“…In The Universe there are different ways: ‘The One of Good, and The One of EVIL’. The Universal One, and The One of Mediocrity. Each one decides, which to take. People complicate the decision. The Transit for the good, and universal being is through study, imagination, and good will. Zero Negativism.”
“…The Ego of people plunges them into an abyss of pride, which has no end. When exist simpler ways of doing good, and are there for everyone to see.”
“…However, People prefer to base their behavior on following the blind men. Those who talk about the light. And they have never seen it ,”…advises The Wise Men of The World…See You Soon in ‘The UNIVERSE News, and EL UNIVERSO’.