San Antonio, Texas.- The Expectations caused by the former Governor of the State of Mexico, ENRIQUE PEÑA NIETO, in 2012. When he arrived at the Presidency of Mexico were very high, in the people.
Yesterday, as today, President PEÑA NIETO lives immersed in a huge simulation. Which still causes the great evils of Mexico: corruption and violence, among others, according to political experts.

Mexico bleeds with President (PAN) FELIPE CALDERON HINOJOSA and with President(PRI) ENRIQUE PEÑA NIETO fare worse. The War against organized crime in the administration of FELIPE CALDERON left a total of 121 thousand 683 violent deaths, conform to the information from the National Institute of Statistics and Geography (INEGI).
Making a comparison between both governments, the administration of EPN exceeds the of CALDERON with more than 15 thousand intentional homicides, consider the national analysts.
Corruption always involved the management of PENA NIETO. The Cases of ODEBRECHT and the “White House”(La Casa Blanca) of PENA NIETO are distinctive of the scandalous official corruption.
A Recent fact. The Plot was to divert 246 million pesos (12.7 million dollars) in early 2016 from the Ministry of Finance, headed by today Foreign Minister LUIS VIDEGARAY, to the coffers of the PRI.
The PRI, led by MANLIO FABIO BELTRON, who sent the money to local governments in the states of Chihuahua, Tamaulipas, and Veracruz.
The Three governors, in turn, would forward the resources to other entities where the PRI was opposition and with the objective of strengthening it before the 2016 elections.
In Your Government, PEÑA NIETO, in no one year had a recession or a quarterly significant decline in the economy. The economic performance is truly poor. Without the recession, the average annual average growth has been 2%, according to the data of National and Foreign Specialists.
The case of Ayotzinapa (disappearance of the 43 Students of Guerrero) is the brand that carries for life the management of PENA NIETO as President.
“Ayotzinapa is a test case of the Mexican authorities’ willingness and ability to tackle serious human rights violations. For some three and a half years, the victims’ families have been fighting for the right to know what happened to their loved ones.”
“… I urge the Mexican authorities to ensure that the search for truth and justice regarding Ayotzinapa continues, and also that those responsible for torture and other human rights violations committed during the investigation are held accountable.” ZEID of United Nation said.
In sum, Mexico suffers from serious corruption, extreme violence, low economic growth, the violation of human rights, growing poverty, among other national problems.
The question that millions of Mexicans ask themselves: Where will the President PEÑA NIETO go?. The majority of Mexicans seems to answer: “To the Garbage of the Mexican History”. Because his government was a national disaster, in almost six years.