*** In The Narco-Politics The SNTE is Trapped
*** CECI, JAIME, PUENTE And RIGO Impulse it
*** MARIO GOMEZ is The Main Accomplice
*** DEA And FIU (UIF) -Might Find- The Evidences
*** RIGO is an -Enemy- of AMLO, And CEPEDA
By William MORGAN / Gerardo ‘JERRY’ ESTRADA / Special to The UNIVERSE News, And EL UNIVERSO / Second (2a.) Part.
Brownsville, TEXAS.- “…An Evil that has very deep roots is the narco-politics, in Tamaulipas. Even at this time, it still suffers from it. First, it was the PRI’s narco-governors, and now it is the PAN’s narco-governor.”
“…But, especially: TOMAS YARRINGTON, MANUEL CAVAZOS LERMA, EGIDIO TORRE CANTU, and FRANCISCO GARCIA CABEZA DE VACA have numerous true horror stories. Which would be of interest to Hollywood Screenwriters of panic movies.”
“…In the bloody government of TOMAS YARRINGTON, is when the -clan- of RIGOBERTO GUEVARA VAZQUEZ (JAIME RAMOS, OSCAR RAMOS, CECILIA ROBLES, JOSE GUADALUPE PUENTE, ENRIQUE MELENDEZ, among others) became the great rich men of Tamaulipas.“
“…With the support of narco-governor TOMAS YARRINGTON (who is now serving a sentence for organized crime in the U.S.), RIGO and his cronies bought ranches, residences, acquired gas stations, and other assets, with the poor teacher’s salaries.”

“…As if a luxury residence (that could envy the set of U.S. such a place), could be acquired by any teacher. Even having the highest category, it could not be bought. At least it could, if the teachers were in the narco-politics, where millions of dollars are earned, immediately.”
“…Brothers OSCAR, and JAIME (RAMOS SALINAS) appeared overnight as owners of several gas stations in Tamaulipas. OSCAR was the General Secretary of Section XXX of the SNTE. And JAIME was a State Policeman, with YARRINGTON.”
“…Even with the salaries of OSCAR and JAIME’s teachers, they were not able to acquire many gas stations, in the state. So then, the question arises: where did they get the capital to set up these companies? And who was the godfather of this millionaire purchase?.”
“…All of them are presented as people of high society. Because of their lifestyle of magnates that they enjoy in front of the teachers’ base. The origin of their personal fortunes, and those of their families, are unknown. In less time than a rooster can crow, they became rich.”
In a long conversation with teachers, residents of Tamaulipas, based in the city of H. Matamoros, with The UNIVERSE News and EL UNIVERSO. Talk with them, about the political-union situation in Section XXX of the SNTE, in Tamaulipas, and Mexico.
We Only ask, that we want anonymity, in exchange for giving them information. Because, we are denouncing people linked to organized crime and is very dangerous for us. However, they present themselves to pretend to be redeemers of the SNTE workers.
Comment that: “…High Impact Crimes, Kidnappings, Human Rights Violations, Deadly Attacks on Houses of Critics or Political Enemies were the constants in the government that had kidnapped TOMAS YARRINGTON, for the service of organized crime.”
“…A System of Terror was implemented by YARRINGTON to govern Tamaulipas for six years. Fortunately, for the people of Tamaulipas, after the Italian police arrested YARRINGTON, he was taken to the U.S. to be tried for drug crimes. And he is in a U.S. jail.”
“…A Horrible Nightmare still lives the people of Tamaulipas, with the still Governor of the PAN, FRANCISCO GARCIA CABEZA DE VACA. Because, he is protected by the court headed by ARTURO ZALDIVAR. Otherwise, CABEZA DE VACA would be in prison, with his family.”
“…The Seriousness of the crimes attributed to the Governor of the PAN on behalf of the FGR says it all: the reputation of criminal that GARCIA CABEZA DE VACA holds: the crimes of “Organized Crime, Money Laundering and Tax Fraud”. Alongside your family.”
“…RIGO and his clan (CECILIA ROBLES RIESTRA, JAIME RAMOS SALINAS, OSCAR MARTIN RAMOS SALINAS, JOSE GUADALUPE PUENTE, ENRIQUE MELENDEZ PEREZ, among others) move like fish in water in this organized crime scenario.”
“…It is not free. All of them have good economic dividends, amassing great fortunes for themselves, and their families. Since TOMAS YARRINGTON and FRANCISCO GARCIA CABEZA DE VACA are extremely generous with them.”
To the specific question of what evidence they have to make their allegations. Answer: “…All their assets are on display: gas stations, residences, ranches and other assets. Simply, the office of PABLO GOMEZ, head of the Financial Intelligence Unit can, and will find them.”
“… How and where are they going to hide the luxurious facilities of the gas stations?. Of lavish residences, and ranches, among other real estate. And they will not pass the (UIF) FIU investigation. And less to demonstrate that with teachers’ salaries, they acquired them.”
“…Among the millionaire purchases of RIGO, and his clan is the holder of the SET, MARIO GOMEZ MONROY, which make it the main accomplice of those who self-qualify as: redeemers of education workers, in Tamaulipas.”
“…Monstrous detour of federal resources made by Mr. MARIO to benefit RIGO, and his clan. While hundreds of thousands of teachers are still waiting for their payments, their scholarships, and the delivery of glasses, among other labor benefits, which they have always been denied.”
“…MARIO GOMEZ did not struggle much in serving RIGO, and his SNTE clan. Since, he knows well the traps and dirty business that GARCIA CABEZA DE VACA taught him, since he was Mayor of Reynosa, and traced him being: today’s Governor.”
“…Notwithstanding that the teacher ALFONSO CEPEDA, at that time Secretary of Finance of the SNTE, presided over the work for RIGO to become the state leader of the SNTE. In the face of the strength of RAFAEL MENDEZ who wanted to impose his candidate. He simply could not.”
“…With much electoral neatness, Master CEPEDA SALAS carried out the sectional congress. With it RIGOBERTO GUEVARA VAZQUEZ rose. Soon, the -betrayal- appeared RIGO, surrendering to CABEZA DE VACA, in the union line in favor of the PAN.”
“…In more than five years, which RIGO has an episode that paints him full-length as a traitor to him. When he demanded that the then National leader of the SNTE, JUAN DIAZ DE LA TORRE, openly support the PAN, and GARCIA CABEZA DE VACA. Although he was denied.”
“…While Professor ALFONSO CEPEDA SALAS, being the national leader of the SNTE, joins the thesis of President ANDRES MANUEL LOPEZ OBRADOR. Along with him, the SNTE has unconditionally supported at the politician of Tabasco, at the national level.”
“…RIGO and his clan, in more than 5 years, follow the guidelines imposed by the PAN Governor, GARCIA CABEZA DE VACA. To this end, the SNTE in Tamaulipas -serves as a political instrument of the PAN, in the different local and federal elections.”
“…As omnipotent person, RIGO has publicly questioned the decisions made by President LOPEZ OBRADOR. Like the COVID-19 vaccination process, on teachers. And in other issues. Without taking into account the majority feeling of the teachers, in the state.”
“…Leaving aside RIGO, the position of the national leader of the SNTE, ALFONSO CEPEDA SALAS and the organization as a whole, who go hand in hand with President OBRADOR. This makes him the great enemy of teacher CEPEDA, and President OBRADOR, in Tamaulipas.”
“…It is not news. The fact that the Government of JOE BIDEN launches numerous alerts for American citizens. In order that they do not visit Tamaulipas, and avoid endangering their lives. Due to the violence unleashed by organized crime. Situations registered by the DEA.”
“…By the way, the DEA is very concerned about the drug invasion in your country. As a result, the DEA has already begun a new plan to combat drug and crime violence. Tamaulipas is a natural candidate, for the DEA, because of the narco-politics that currently persist.”