*** “Jail” For Former Corrupt Presidents in Mexico
*** If DE LA MADRID Lived, he Might go to Prison
*** Mexico Loses if FGR Does Not Punish to SALINAS
SAN ANTONIO, TEXAS.- Russian President VLADIMIR PUTIN announced last Thursday that the Vektor Research Center in Novosibirsk will have a second vaccine against COVID-19, ready by September.
It should be remembered that Russia already had a vaccine, “Sputnik V”, which was developed by the National Research Center of Epidemiology and Gamaleya Microbiology in Moscow, and was registered last August 11.
PUTIN said I am confident that the Véktor center’s vaccine will be effective and safe. “I am sure they will create an excellent drug that will be of great help to people.”

Also, be noted that PUTIN’s own daughter had herself injected with “Sputnik” V, without consultation. The next day, she suffered a temporary increase in temperature, but she is now fine. And after the second vaccination, 21 days later, there was also a slight rise in temperature, but everything is fine,” he explained.
VLADIMIR PUTIN insisted that it is “totally obvious” to the Russian specialists that Sputnik V “is safe” and “generates a stable immunity and antibodies arise”, just as they appeared in his daughter’s body.
In 1982, Mexico saw the beginning of the worst government led by MIGUEL DE LA MADRID HURTADO, who was the leader of the Moral Renewal. This thesis was always contradicted by him. Since he was involved in corruption and drug trafficking scandals.
MIGUEL ANGEL GRANADOS CHAPA excellent journalist and writer, traced in a masterful way with his pen: The State Crime of MANUEL BUENDIA, in his book: “BUENDIA. THE FIRST MURDER OF THE NARCO-POLITICS IN MEXICO”, occurred in the time of DE LA MADRID.
It was a very dark period of six years. And Neoliberalism took deep roots. Much was denounced, that the capital of drug dealers played an important role in Mexico’s national economy, as attested by the North American Press.
President DE LA MADRID promoted to CARLOS SALINAS, who was Secretary of Programming and Budget to be his successor in the Presidency. PRI nominated him as its candidate in 1987. On June 6, 1988, they perpetrated a great fraud to obtain the victory.
If DE LA MADRID lived, he could be included -without any problem- in the lists of former presidents, who could be tried. DE LA MADRID was counting on monstrous errors, in his Government. What made him a natural candidate for prison, say critics of the PRI.
One of the most complete politician of the political system in Mexico is undoubtedly PORFIRIO MUNOZ LEDO. He has an impressive curriculum in his political career, with a patriotic vision of the country. He would only need to be President of the Republic, as per the analysts.
Around the case of the former presidents of Mexico who should be judged, like any Mexican citizen. MUNOZ LEDO took the floor, in his peculiar style he gave his judgments, especially about CARLOS SALINAS DE GORTARI.
“…If the current government of Mexico fails to punish former President CARLOS SALINAS DE GORTARI. For the damage he did to Mexico, it would be a historic defeat for the country,” said MORENA’s Representative PORFIRIO MUÑOZ LEDO. He explains:
“…Public opinion thinks this is a joke. They can’t imagine SALINAS behind bars, and that’s what it’s all about, that this country punishes those who stole, those who did a lot of damage to the country. I think that’s what it should be.”
“…If SALINAS isn’t punished it would be a historical failure, you can’t play with fire, you can’t threaten and then recant. If the government doesn’t do it, if the Attorney General’s office doesn’t go all the way, then this could be a historic defeat for the government of Mexico.”
In The Chamber of Senators in Mexico, City, the legislators prepare an agreement for a national consult, for that people say: yes or not, seek to judge, by corruption and other crimes to the former Corrupt Presidents.
If that were the case, SALINAS, ZEDILLO, FOX, CALDERON, and PEÑA NIETO already are making a ‘dirty war’ against The President ANDRES MANUEL LOPEZ OBRADOR, and your Government, comment the Politics scientists.
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