*** Polls Continue to Favor Independent Senator Bernie
*** People Protest vs The Partner of “CABEZA DE VACA”
By William MORGAN / Gerardo “Jerry” ESTRADA / Special to EL UNIVERSO.
WASHINGTON, DC.- ELIZABETH WARREN is one of the Democratic candidates who in her campaign in Las Vegas to make a speech on immigration, that addressed a sensitive issue for families, in which there are one or more undocumented persons.
When asked about immigration on a CNN Show, the Democratic Candidate gave a strong response, confident that it would draw applause from the public: “Immigration has not made this country weaker, it has made it stronger.”

WARREN went on to ask how a person should feel when they get home and “not be sure if your father is going to be there, if your grandmother is going to be there, if an immigration raid took your aunt. That has to end in the United States,” she said.
Senator from Massachusetts assured that she supports the DACA program, but considered it insufficient. “We need a path to citizenship for all our neighbors, friends and loved ones who are here,” said WARREN, who received a standing ovation from the public.
Polls Continue to favor independent Senator Bernie Sanders, who has been a national favorite for some time. The Victory of the popular vote in Iowa and the New Hampshire primary have given his campaign a boost in winning the Democratic nomination for the 2020 election.
The Partner of the Governor of the PAN, FRANCISCO GARCIA CABEZA DE VACA, denied being a member of the PAN. The still Mayor of Victoria, XICOTENCATL GONZALEZ shows a total contempt for the political party that led him to the presidency of Victoria.
The People of Victoria tired of so many lies of XICO that makes rose up against him. The capital lacks efficient services from the municipality. Among those that highlight insecurity, violence from organized crime, lack of ‘water’ and lack of jobs, among other problems.
“Illegal Traders” of the Municipality that protects, XICOTENCATL GONZALEZ URESTI have hijacked public and private spaces in the Capital City of Tamaulipas. Besides that, they are trash heap, for all the garbage that invade in the places where they are put.
Exclusive Places are the public squares are for the Illegal Traders, whom have more of 30 years are damaging at The Capital City of Tamaulipas. It’s the Height of Hubris of Mr. XICOTENCATL made them untouchable to the illegal traders.
Illegal Traders live with impunity in two important public squares (The of 15 Hidalgo and the 22 Hidalgo, in Victoria, Tamaulipas). There not authority that can punish them. They violate the spaces in the homes of Victoria’s residents.
Even they have kidnapped those places. And the people cannot enjoy these places. Before, entire families went to delight these public spaces. Today, they commit all kinds of misdeeds, before the eyes of several high authorities.
That is why the citizens of Victoria take to the streets of the capital of Tamaulipas to show their discontent against the current mayor. Who is protected by his friend Governor of The PAN, FRANCISCO GARCIA CABEZA DE VACA.
Remember ‘Friends’ Readers of The UNIVERSE That : “…None Useless Thought. You Can Not Might Keep it …Because if You Broke This Universal Rule. You Help to Your Enemies.”… See You Later on… EL UNIVERSO.