*** TRUMP Seeks to End With “Narco-Accomplices”
*** Will CLAUDIA -Face- TRUMP, For Them: Protecting Them?
***Pay Attention Please: Translation From English to Spanish by MARY DE LA RIVERA.
¿SHEINBAUM vs. TRUMP, Por Narco-Funcionarios?
*** TRUMP Busca -Acabar- Con “Cómplices” Del Narco
*** En la ‘Mira’ de DONALD: AMÉRICO, RUBÉN y MARIO
*** ¿CLAUDIA -Enfrentará- a TRUMP, Por Ellos: Protegiéndolos?
*** Mary de la RIVERA -entrañable- amiga y colaboradora de The UNIVERSE News y EL UNIVERSO. Traduce el título y sumario de la información del Inglés al Español. Y Los Primeros Párrafos.
(First Part, Due to That This -History- Will Continue)
San Antonio, TEXAS.- “Will President CLAUDIA SHEINBAUM avoid the -dangerous- political fate of two Governors: RUBÉN ROCHA of SINALOA, AMÉRICO VILLARREAL of TAMAULIPAS and MARIO DELGADO, Head of SEP. If the -Anti-Cartel- Mexican President, DONALD TRUMP, acts in Mexico?”. They are asking in The capital, Mexico, City and in The U.S. millions of Mexicans .
(“¿Evitará la Presidenta, CLAUDIA SHEINBAUM, el -peligroso- destino político que -corren-dos Gobernadores: RUBÉN ROCHA de SINALOA, AMÉRICO VILLARREAL de TAMAULIPAS y MARIO DELGADO, Titular de SEP. ¿Sí el Presidente -Anti-Carteles- Mexicanos, DONALD TRUMP, actúa en México?.” Se preguntan en la capital, Ciudad de México y en U.S. millones de mexicanos .)
“DONALD TRUMP upon protesting, as: President of the United States – plans to declare – the cartels and their – accomplices – as ”terrorists”. And there are plans to create: a special attack operation to -exterminate- these criminal organizations”. This, the U.S. Press reported.
(“DONALD TRUMP al protestar, como: Presidente de los Estados Unidos -piensa declarar- a los cárteles y sus -cómplices- como “terroristas”. Y hay planes de crear: una operación especial de ataque para -exterminar- a estas organizaciones criminales.” Esto, lo difundió la Prensa de EU.)
Before leaving the country, the US ambassador, KEN SALAZAR, declared to the media, that the LÓPEZ OBRADOR government -failed- the strategy of “hugs and not bullets” and currently there is a “very big” problem of -violence- and insecurity in Mexico.
(Antes de salir del país, el embajador de Estados Unidos, KEN SALAZAR, declaró a los medios, que el gobierno de LÓPEZ OBRADOR -fracasó- la estrategia de “abrazos y no balazos” y actualmente hay un problema de -violencia- e inseguridad “muy grande” en México.)
The Monster of “Organized Crime and Drug Trafficking” that has a -bearing- towards U.S. and Mexico. There are the visible facts: The ‘Fentanyl’ that lead young people to death. And in Mexico they have kidnapped: Sinaloa and Tamaulipas. As revealed by daily news, worldwide.
(El Monstruo del “Crimen Organizado y el Narcotráfico” que tiene un -acoso- hacia U.S. y México. Están los hechos visibles: El ‘Fentanilo’ que llevan a Jóvenes a la muerte. Y en México tienen secuestrados: Sinaloa y Tamaulipas. Como revelan noticias diarias, en el mundo.)
The UNIVERSE News and EL UNIVERSO gave us the opportunity to discuss the phenomenon of Organized Crime and Drug Trafficking. And how it should be approached from the political, economic, and criminal points of view. The Title: AMÉRICO -Allegedly- Linked to “NARCO”. Dated: February 9, 2024. ( https://newseluniverso.com/americo-allegedly-linked-to-the-narco/#).
(The UNIVERSE News y EL UNIVERSO nos -dio- la oportunidad de plantear el fenómeno Crimen Organizado y el Narcotráfico. Y cómo debe de enfocarse desde: lo político, económico y criminal. (…) El Titulo: AMÉRICO -Supuestamente- Vinculado a el “NARCO”. De fecha: 9 de Febrero de 2024. ( https://newseluniverso.com/americo-allegedly-linked-to-the-narco/#).
Information Entry: Dallas,TEXAS.- PETER H. SMITH -caused- an enormous- commotion, in the national political class. For -uncovering- the corrupt Mexican Political System. When he published in 1979, his book about Mexico: “Labyrinths of Power”. (…) If readers of The UNIVERSE News and EL UNIVERSO are interested, it is available in Spanish and English: https://newseluniverso.com/.
(Entrada de la Información: Dallas,TEXAS.- PETER H. SMITH -causó- una enorme conmoción, en la clase política nacional. Por -desnudar- el corrupto Sistema Político Mexicano, al divulgar en 1979, su libro sobre México: “ Laberintos del Poder”. (…) Sí les interesa a los Lectores de The UNIVERSE News y EL UNIVERSO, está a su entera -disposición- en Español e Inglés: https://newseluniverso.com/.)
We only show some parts of the information: On PETER H. SMITH’s The “Labyrinths of Power”. We delineate some notes, which he analyzed: the change of continuity in the structures of political careers. We have to see that before the revolution the bureaucratic system was governed by a continuous -retention of power- in the same hands.
Repetition” was ‘at’ the order of the day. The system was static, rigid and closed. The revolution ushered in a completely different era. Careers became more flexible and people moved quickly across the interpositional board. Improvisation and diversity prevailed.
The Mexican regime has many similarities with the authoritarian prototype designed by Juan J. Linz, who says: “as long as the elite remains relatively open, there are no established ways to access it, which frustrates the ambitions of many”.
The trajectories leading to power in Mexico, since 1946 are as obscure as they can be in other authoritarian regimes, necessarily contrasting with those prevailing in other types of systems.
In Mexico, there are no rules of any kind, nor are political careers uninformed. Rules exist, but they are different from those prevailing in many other places. There is no seniority system, nor is there a system of examinations, nor is there even a genuinely competitive electoral system.
A few days ago, President ANDRES MANUEL LOPEZ OBRADOR, in Mexico City, once again criticized past governments that legalized the looting of the State, from 1982 to 2018. At the Constitution ceremony, on February 5, 2024.
In that period, the following governed: MIGUEL DE LA MADRID (1982-1988), CARLOS SALINAS (1988-1994), ERNESTO ZEDILLO (1994-2000), VICENTE FOX, (2000-2006), FELIPE CALDERON (2006-2012) and ENRIQUE PEÑA NIETO (2012-2018), according to President LOPEZ OBRADOR.
Vices in Politics that began with the very corrupt MIGUEL DE LA MADRID HURTADO, with that flag of Moral Renewal. Doing the opposite before the eyes and ears of millions of Mexicans.
The UNIVERSE News and EL UNIVERSO interviewed several Tamaulipas natives living in Mexico, City. On the role that MIGUEL DE LA MADRID HURTADO played in the neoliberal era, which was a dark and harmful time for Mexico.
“Look, things with MIGUEL DE LA MADRID and his government in six years, were totally scandalous. In which the U.S. Press brought him as a piñata. Since there were numerous corruption scandals and his alleged links with drug trafficking, which were spread in the U.S.”.
“That guardianship that DE LA MADRID felt, for taking care of his loved ones and friends. It was extended to the then Undersecretary of the SARH, AMERICO VILLARREAL GUERRA, who made him Senator, later Governor of Tamaulipas. Without having the merits to be in politics.”
“AMERICO VILLARREAL GUERRA, continued with the lessons of his godfather: MIGUEL DE LA MADRID HURTADO, who from Los Pinos practiced all kinds of immoralities and alleged crimes, which were not prosecuted. Today, his son AMERICO VILLARREAL ANAYA is in the same line.”
“AMERICO VILLARREAL ANAYA that during the campaign for Governor, the PAN and FRANCISCO JAVIER GARCIA CABEZA DE VACA never tired of attributing links to drug trafficking and the King of Huachicol. Now, Tamaulipas lives in convulsions due to Narco.”