*** US Never ‘Captured’ to the General FRANCISCO VILLA
*** ‘Cooperation Yes. Interventionism No’: Mr. OBRADOR
*** TRUMP Postpones The Designation of Mexico’s Drug Cartels
San Antonio, TEXAS.- In The Midst of the ‘Political Storm’ that President DONALD TRUMP faces over the impeachment, that Democrats want to make him. Still, He has time to look, the roads invade his close neighbor: Mexico. While The Washington Post reported:
“…House Speaker NANCY PELOSI said that President Trump’s wrongdoing strikes at the heart of the Constitution and asked House committee chairs to proceed with articles of impeachment, saying lawmakers have “no choice but to act.”

“…Her address, in which she invoked principles espoused by the nation’s founders. Came shortly after Trump went on Twitter to urge House Democrats to impeach him quickly, if they plan to do it, and suggested that he would call an expansive list of witnesses during a trial.”
According to Worldwide Historians: “…It is not a novelty. Always, the US has had imperialist craving, since it separated from England on 4 July, 1776. The U.S. invasions against Mexico has its precedents expansionist U.S. policies.”
“…They Had been observed since 1809: the purchase of the Spanish Louisiana from NAPOLEON BONAPARTE, which acquired it from Fernando de Borbon, in 1803, and the signing of the Adams-Onís Treaty of 1819. With which Spain ceded the Florida peninsula, are some examples.”
“…In 1846-1848, Mexico had a war conflict with the United States. Losing the states of California, Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, Nevada, Utah, Colorado and part of Wyoming.(…) U.S. was aided by the Timorous President ANTONIO LOPEZ DE SANTANA”.
“…Second American Intervention in Mexico, April 12, 1914 to November 23, 1914.The purpose was to prevent the arrival of a large shipment of weapons at the hands of the Federal Army, and to support the forces of Venustiano Carranza in their revolutionary struggle.”
“…On March 9, 1916, the troops of General FRANCISCO VILLA stormed the village of Columbus, Texas. With 600 militiamen belonging to the Northern Division, who crossed the Mexican border into the United States. It was the only time in American history that a Latin American army attacked its territory.”
“… Historians say that General Villa observed the combat from a nearby hill. And he was screaming about “Long live Mexico!. The gringos die!.” While the contingent of Mexican guerrillas raided Colombus, Texas.”
“…The Military Intervention in Columbus was Pancho Villa’s response to US support for Venustiano Carranza, in the civil war. It also had a component of revenge for the US invasions of 1846-48 to Mexico.”
“…The ‘Punitive’ Expedition, a military campaign that the US government carried out in Mexico, to capture the revolutionary leader FRANCISCO VILLA who had attacked Columbus, New Mexico. The US government authorized a military expedition in order to capture VILLA on March 14, 1916. The Expedition ended on February 7, 1916. The US Mission failed, never captured to Mexican General FRANCISCO VILLA.”
President TRUMP turns around at the Government of LOPEZ OBRADOR upside down. When DONALD said he was going to classify the drug cartels in Mexico as “narco-terrorists. With this, the US can enter Mexican territory without asking permission, like JOHN at his home.
The ‘Specialists’ have several opinions, on this case: “…US President Donald Trump wants names like Sinaloa, Jalisco New Generation, Tijuana, Juarez and Los Zetas to stop designating criminal organizations and instead be considered “terrorist groups” in their country.”
“… The US would no longer need an arrest warrant to inspect a house or get into computer equipment because the focus on terrorism is to act before the attack happens.”
“This gives high flexibility to US security forces to carry out acts that have normally been seen as violating rights in a democracy.”
“…The Most serious thing that could be done would be the US combat missions that violate Mexico’s sovereignty and territoriality. The Cartels would be a threat to national security.”
For These reasons, the Chancellor, Marcelo Ebrard wrote on Twitter: “Mexico will never admit any action that means a violation of its national sovereignty. We will act firmly.” President LOPEZ OBRADOR himself rejected the US position. Cooperation Yes. Interventionism No, OBRADOR say to the International Press .
TRUMP postpones “temporarily” the designation of Mexico’s drug cartels as “terrorist groups”(….)“…Should Mexico thank TRUMP, For Not Invading Him?” A question being asked millions of people, in Mexico and on the US.
But… You’d better tell us your opinion…. For us, it’s the only one that’s worth and not another. Please…. ¡ Attention! “Appreciable Readers” of EL UNIVERSO and The UNIVERSE News Can Send All The Comments And Criticisms to theuniversenews@gmail.com And Are Welcome.