*** Kidnappings on The Roads is Not Insecurity
*** “Cartel” of Governors “kidnap” to the PAN
*** Political Myopia Has CABEZA DE VACA
San Antonio, TEXAS.- After The Political ‘Collapse’ of the PAN, in 2018, that suffered before the party of President LOPEZ OBRADOR. It does not recover, because the Defeat of RICARDO ANAYA, presidential candidate of the PAN, was extremely painful, analysts appreciate.
The ‘Questioned Arrival’ of MARKO CORTES to the dome of the PAN, in Mexico. Governors of the PAN served to MARKO to reach the national leadership of the PAN. A situation that creates too much agitation, and insurmountable cracks within the party, recognizes its members of the PAN.

GUSTAVO MADERO, former National President of the PAN, says that: “…The Formula of MARKO CORTES and HECTOR LARIOS to lead the party will allow the “Cartel of Governors” kidnap to the political institute and the leadership.”
“… That the Assembly of Governors of National Action, which conforms FRANCISCO DOMINGUEZ, of Queretaro; FRANCISCO GARCIA CABEZA DE VACA, Tamaulipas; MARTIN OROZCO, from Aguascalientes; JOSE ROSAS AISPURO, from Durango.”
“… JOSE ANTONIO GALI, from Puebla; CARLOS JOAQUÍN, of Quintana Roo, and CARLOS MENDOZA DAVIS, of Baja California Sur, together with RAFAEL MORENO VALLE, former Governor of Puebla, seek to “kidnap” the PAN.”
The Three Opponents of MARKO CORTES for the presidency of the National Action Party challenged before the Electoral Tribunal of the Judiciary of the Federation, the call for the internal process. For allegedly being inequitable and favor to the so-called “Official candidate.”
“…Sheltered with the power of VICENTE FOX and from FELIPE CALDERON, FRANCISCO GARCIA CABEZA DE VACA sailed in the waters of local and state politics. Managing to be a Deputy and Mayor of Reynosa. Then he took a leap to be a senator.”
“…In 2016, when the PRI is dead, thanks to EGIDIO TORRE CANTU, Mr. CABEZA became in Governor of Tamaulipas” according to the thousands of critics of CABEZA DE VACA that has in the Mexican state of the North.
When It was thought which defeating to the PRI, the ills of Tamaulipas were going to end, in 2016. It Wasn’t like that. Insecurity has grown exponentially. The Violence of organized crime does not stop, in all territories of the state. Although Governor CABEZA stated that in 18 months was going to finish it.
In an interview with THE OFFICIAL UNIVERSE(El Universo Oficial, en FACEBOOK) Bishop ANTONIO GONZALEZ SANCHEZ and the President of the State Council of Morena, JOSE ANTONIO LEAL DORIA and other local characters denied that CABEZA DE VACA would end insecurity.
Nor with Governor EGIDIO of the PRI, Tamaulipas as a state was so bad as it happens today who is Governor FRANCISCO GARCIA CABEZA DE VACA (of PAN) that is the citizen perception. Those who do not endure so much violence, that is unleashed throughout the state.
“…And Better not talk about economic growth, large infrastructure works, the problem of unemployment and other social deficiencies that has the people of Tamaulipas. The Serious problems that the state suffers, CABEZA has simply not solved them”, judge local observers.
“… Amid the growing insecurity that state lives, the Governor CABEZA seems to have “Syndrome of EGIDIO”. What does it consist of?. EGIDIO as Governor always says: There’s nothing going on in Tamaulipas. Everything’s quiet. While the blood flows into the territory of the State.”
“…Before The avalanche of criticisms made by the Press and National TV, Governor CABEZA DE VACA disqualifies them. DENISE MAERKER, journalist of The ‘Chanel of Stars’ (TELEVISA) exhibits a video of CABEZA DE VACA, which ensures that there is no insecurity in Tamaulipas.”
“… When referring to the kidnapping of 22 people who had come down from TRANSPAIS bus, in San Fernando. Then DENISE MAERKER on national television asked: How you can call what happens on the roads of Tamaulipas?.” Very commented that news in the state capital.
“…LA JORNADA, a daily Mexican Newspaper took out a caricature that reflects in good measure the judgment of the citizens about the Governor CABEZA DE VACA and his worst work, in Tamaulipas, on 2016, 2017, 2018 and 2019.”
“… Before with the PRI, Victoria and Reynosa did not appear as violent cities in the world ranking. Today, with CABEZA DE VACA (of the PAN), Victoria and Reynosa are in the top places. The Rest of the municipality, the 41 live also in the insecurity. You don’t see it all. CABEZA DE VACA has political myopia.” They are opinions that come afloat in Tampico and the Border of Tamaulipas.
However, Governor CABEZA DE VACA lives another reality, very much in the style of EGIDIO TORRE CANTU. In his world, in Tamaulipas, nothing happens. If There are kidnappings on the roads of Tamaulipas that is not called insecurity. There is the “SYNDROME OF EGIDIO”.
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