*** World Fear by The Second Wave of The COVID-19
*** South Korea Has Problems With The Coronavirus
*** CABEZA Financed Campaign of CALDERON: DEA
SAN ANTONIO, TEXAS.- All International organizations, particularly the U.N., know that Mexico as a country which is an obligatory step, for any Latin American to reach the U.S., whose desire is to reach the ‘American Dream’.
In U.N. records, Tamaulipas appears as a violent state, dominated by drug cartels for decades. Where the violence of organized crime has the state as a land, without law. There, the criminals walk like: John by his house, and nobody bothers them.
Neither on works, schools, streets, public squares. Any space, where people are is not safe in Tamaulipas. Also is a state that has been kidnapped by organized crime for decades.
The Tragic Events occurred on August 22 and 23 in 2010. The massacre of 72 migrants in San Fernando was labeled as such by international organizations, because of the viciousness of the Zetas Cartel.

Ten Years after the San Fernando massacre in which 72 migrants were massacred, the whole truth is still not known and there are even bodies still unidentified, say collectives of the disappeared in Tamaulipas, who are looking for the government of OBRADOR apply justice.
Just Yesterday, during the prayer of the traditional Angelus, Pope FRANCIS yielded homage to those “people from different countries who were looking for a better life”, massacred between August 22 and 23, 2010 in San Fernando (Tamaulipas). On the occasion of 10 years of impunity.
Experts of the U.N. records on organized crime in Tamaulipas, do not doubt the horrific tragedy that is taking place. The Governors helped to the drug traffickers, from ENRIQUE CARDENAS GONZALEZ, EMILIO MARTINEZ MANATOU, and AMERICO VILLARREAL GUERRA.
With MANUEL CAVAZOS LERMA and EGIDIO TORRE CANTÚ it was the same. The best proof they comment is that TOMAS YARRINGTON RUVALCABA and EUGENIO HERNANDEZ are convicts. One is imprisoned in the U.S. and another in Mexico for his ties to drug traffic.
“…We are concerned about the declaration of ZHENLI YE GONG obtained by the DEA that FRANCISCO GARCIA CABEZA DE VACA financed the campaign of President FELIPE CALDERON , with money from the Gulf Cartel, as per the Consulate U.S. in Nuevo Laredo, Tamaulipas.”
According to documents of U.S. authorities that ALEJANDRO ROJAS DIAZ DURAN has in his possession, candidate to the National Presidency of MORENA comments the previous expression. Where GARCIA CABEZA DE VACA is incriminated, because of his links with drug cartels.
Repeatedly, in a press conference in Mexico City, ROJAS says that the current Governor of Tamaulipas is in the sights of Mexican and North American Justice. And It will not spend a lot of time, so that FRANCISCO GARCIA CABEZA DE VACA be arrested.
Beach and club closures, mandatory mouth guards, bans on mass gatherings: restrictions are tightening in several countries as fears of a second wave of the COVID-19 Pandemic grow and cases in Europe and Asia increase in levels of the first outbreak.
The Numbers are growing all the time. Since it appeared in China in December, the disease has killed more than 805,000 people and infected 23.2 million, conforming with a report from official sources, and explain:
“…Latin America and the Caribbean is the most affected region, with more than 258,000 deaths and some 6.7 million infections. In Europe, returns from summer holidays are a source of contagion in countries like Italy, Spain, France and Germany.”
“…As the region prepares for the beginning of the new school year. Even South Korea, which was considered an example in the fight against the pandemic, recorded the highest number of daily cases (397) in the last 24 hours since the beginning of March.”
“…Faced with this upsurge, the authorities extended the restrictions already in force in the capital to the entire country, from closed sports events to the closure of museums, starting Sunday.”
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