*** The Court Serve at The ‘Mafia’, Currently
*** Historically, Justice is Driven by Bad Politicians
*** Issue of Court, Smell Pretty Bad, Again
San Antonio, Texas.- One ‘Storm’ got a place in 1968 when a student-led movement took to the streets to protest to the Killer President GUSTAVO DIAZ ORDAZ. The Government replied by sending out soldiers to shoot dead the protesters, culminating in the Tlatelolco Massacre.
In the Monstrous Killings of the young students, in Mexico City, where was The Supreme Court on the 2 of October in 1968?. Up front the Tlatelolco Massacre, The Supreme Court kept absolute silence, in front of the power Presidential of DIAZ ORDAZ.

Tragic Night in Iguala, Guerrero on September 26th, the forced disappearance of 43 ‘normal school students’ from Ayotzinapa occurred. In the night and early morning of September 27, the students were taken to a destination, which is still unknown today.
125 kilometers from Iguala, Militaries, federals, municipal police, and members of organized crime attacked five buses in which the students were traveling. And they were heading to Mexico City to participate in the memorial acts of the 1968 Tlatelolco Student Massacre.
In the Dramatic Events, six people died, another 40 were injured. And 43 normal school students were disappeared by federal police, militaries, state agents, and criminals who took them in various vehicles to an unknown location, still.
In the History of Mexico, and the World the date of September 26th in 2014, it is recorded by the death of six young people and the disappearance of 43 students from the Escuela Normal Rural de Ayotzinapa, in the town of Iguala, Guerrero, in southern Mexico.
The then-Attorney General of the Republic, JESUS MURILLO KARAM, and TOMAS ZERON DE LUCIO, a high-ranking official of the PGR, created a “historic truth” about the Ayotzinapa case which, as the investigation progresses, becomes the great lie.
Without the slightest doubt, the news of the Ayotzinapa Case in 2014 shook to almost all the world. For misfortune of Parents of the 43 missing students in Guerrero are still not found in six years. Yet, Parents no know the destiny of them.
Two Facts: In 1968 Tlatelolco Student Massacre, and the Tragic Night in Iguala, Guerrero on September 26th in 2014 by the forced disappearance of 43 normal school students from Ayotzinapa are events that have black and Mortal stains, in the Political History of Mexico.
Neither in Tlatelolco, Mexico City, nor in the case of Ayotzinapa, Guerrero did the Supreme Court of Justice assume a relevant role in the face state crime what is judged thus, by the specialists in law. The Court was submissive to Presidents DIAZ ORDAZ and PEÑA NIETO.
In The Colonial era, injustice predominated (300 years). In Independence, it was a desire of JOSE MARIA MORELOS and PAVON, that everyone who complains with justice has a court that listens to him, protects him, and defends him against the arbitrary.
Historian ADOLFO GILLY in his book: “The Interrupted Revolution” reveals how the -injustice- was an engine of the revolution. Where General FRANCISCO VILLA and General EMILIANO ZAPATA gave – their lives – to the good causes of the Mexican Revolution of 1910.
Since in the Post-revolutionary era as until current the justice is at the service of the Presidents of the Republic, powerful businessmen, and organized crime. The people are in oblivion. As clearly defined by President OBRADOR Mexico lived in a ‘Narco-State’ for decades.
Justice is in the hands of the federal judicial branch and the Supreme Court. The Mexican people choose through their vote the Executive Power (President, Governors.) and the Legislative Power (Senators, Representatives).
The Mexican people choose through their vote the Executive Power (President, Governors, etc.) and the Legislative Power (Senators, Deputies) but in the judicial power, the people do not elect Judges, Magistrates, and Ministers of Supreme Court. People there do not count.
To Oxygenate a little of Mexico’s democratic environment, President OBRADOR requested a legal consultation from the Supreme Court of Justice in order to be able to prosecute 5 former presidents (SALINAS, ZEDILLO, FOX, CALDERON, PEÑA NIETO).
The Answer was not long in coming. “…The Draft sentence drawn up by Minister LUIS MARIA AGUILAR declaring the consultation proposed by President OBRADOR on the prosecution of former presidents unconstitutional implies a regrettable politicization of justice.”
“…AGUILAR was proposed by FELIPE CALDERON to occupy his current position and with PEÑA he reached the Presidency by the Supreme Court. Thus, AGUILAR shows that he prefers to get along with the former masters of the country”, says the Communicator JOHN M. ACKERMAN.
In Mexico, the issue of the Supreme Court is denying the consultation to prosecute former presidents, this October 1st, smell pretty bad. Again, the people will not have justice, as has been the case, for decades and centuries. The Court is only at the service of the Mafia of Power.
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