*** Why Mr. ZALDIVAR Obstruct The Justice, in Mexico?
*** Eleven (11) Ministers Are Supporting a Criminal of “White Neck”
*** BIDEN is Watching What Role Has Minister-President of SCJN
*** Signs Make us Think That The Court Protect to CABEZA
Austin,TEXAS.- It does -not become- a “Rheumatoid Elephant”. If anything, the Mexican Court whose applied justice is invisible to the eyes of millions of Mexicans. It is a ‘Great Ghost’ according to constitutional experts.
In Washington, D.C., the government of JOE BIDEN is watching to see, if the fight against corruption in Mexico is real. And what role is being played by Chief of Court ARTURO ZALDIVAR, and his ministers. Especially in Tamaulipas, where violence is rampant, as stated the analysts.
Let me recap: “… The North American Press, a few weeks ago, reported an extremely violent incident in the Aztec country. And it disclosed the actions of the JOE BIDEN Government regarding: the -cruel violence- carried out by organized crime in Mexico and Tamaulipas. “
“…Not even 24 hours had passed. When the Government of JOE BIDEN exhorted its citizens, not to visit Tamaulipas, and other states, due to the violence. There was an armed attack on the civilian population, and 15 innocent people were killed in Reynosa”.
“…The Hit Men -as attest witnesses- shot at everything that moved. In the neighborhoods: Bienestar, Almaguer, Fidel Velázquez, Lampacitos, and Unidad Obrera. They acted as if it were: a war. ‘Worse’ than the one I know -develops- in Syria.”
“…Before the ‘omission’ of GARCIA CABEZA DE VACA, Reynosa has become a violent city. What the population does not deserve. While Minister JUAN LUIS GONZALEZ ALCANTARA CARRANCA ‘put the petals off the daisy’ to define the CABEZA DE VACA Case.”

“…What caused Senator RICARDO MONREAL to allude to the events in Reynosa. In which 15 people were killed by an armed group. He said: “Tamaulipas is a hell. And -he blamed- the SCJN for this climate of violence, for not attending to the CABEZA DE VACA matter.”
The UNIVERSE News and EL UNIVERSO opportunely informed their countless readers about the uncontrollable violence in Tamaulipas, since the arrival of CABEZA DE VACA, and will continue as long as he is Governor of Tamaulipas. It is a citizen perception, in the State near to U.S.
Under the title: How Many -Deaths- Does the Court Need, To -Judge- CABEZA?. Colleague and friend Gerardo ‘JERRY’ Estrada did an extensive report dated July 17, 2021, that addressed topics such as: *** They already killed 15 “innocents” in Reynosa, the Narco!.
*** ALCANTARA -Cover up a ‘Narco-Governor’ *** In Marked Opposition to GERTZ, the Minister of the Court*** The Government of BIDEN Alerted Its Citizens, not Visit “Tamaulipas”.(https://newseluniverso.com/cuantas-muertes-necesita-la-corte-para-juzgar-a-cabeza/)”.
“…Several U.S. media show Governor FRANCISCO GARCÍA CABEZA DE VACA’s ineptitude to solve the unstoppable violence of organized crime, which the population has still suffered for more than 5 years.”
“…An ‘Emblematic Case’ is that of MIRIAM RODRIGUEZ, human rights activist, who was murdered in her home in San Fernando, Tamaulipas, which THE NEW YORK TIMES gave special coverage, due to the crime, and abuses affect by the population of Tamaulipas.”
While in political circles in Mexico City, there is talk of the hidden relationship between the President of the SCJN, ARTURO ZALDIVAR, and the still PAN Governor of Tamaulipas, FRANCISCO GARCIA CABEZA DE VACA, which apparently is covered up by the entire SCJN.
“…They speak: On April 30, 2021, the Chamber of Deputies decided the political fate of CABEZA DE VACA as Governor of Tamaulipas. So that the FGR could criminally prosecute the PAN governor.”
“…At the demand of the Attorney General’s Office of the Republic, it requested the impeachment of CABEZA DE VACA, so that he could answer for serious crimes, the Chamber of Deputies applied the procedural trial (Impeachment) ruling: to remove his immunity, so that the governor could be judged.”
In spite of the fact that the Minister President of the SCJN, ARTURO ZALDIVAR propagates to the ‘four winds’ that Justice in Mexico is prompt, and expeditious. And that the Court does not submit to the whims of the powerful. Even -they eradicated- influence peddling.
“…The Factual History disproves the entire SCJN. Minister JUAN LUIS GONZALEZ ALCANTARA decided to respect the resolution of the Congress of Tamaulipas not to make equivalent the declaration of ‘precedence’ of the Chamber of Deputies of the Congress of the Union.”
“…It is the origin of the mess, that exists today. This allows CABEZA DE VACA to walk around like ‘PETER’ in his own house. However, he has an imminent arrest warrant from the FGR, for serious crimes linked to organized crime.”
“…While RICARDO MONREAL AVILA, Morena’s parliamentary coordinator in the Senate, asked the Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation to soon put right the case of the Governor of Tamaulipas, FRANCISCO GARCIA CABEZA DE VACA.”
“…He explained that the SCJN has not resolved the appeal filed by the Attorney General’s Office against GARCIA CABEZA DE VACA, whom it has pointed out of diversion of resources, and tax evasion.”
“…If there were not this constitutional controversy, FRANCISCO GARCIA CABEZA DE VACA should be in preventive prison”, affirmed former Senator AMERICO VILLARREAL ANAYA, now candidate of MORENA for the Government of Tamaulipas, in 2022.”
“…A World of suspicions, and serious indications make us think that in the case of CABEZA DE VACA, Mr. ZALDIVAR and the 10 ministers that accompany him are going to favor him. Despite that there are very weak legal arguments that protect FELIPE CALDERON’s close friend.”
“…You know the way. With the constitutional controversy promoted by LUIS TORRE ALIYAN to prevent CABEZA DE VACA’s cousin, MARIA DEL PILAR GOMEZ LEAL, from being imposed as mayor of Victoria. The court has not yet resolved the case.”
“…To MARIA DEL PILAR GOMEZ LEAL was made Mayor of Victoria, Mr. CABEZA in violation of the law. She ceased to be. Today she is paid as a high official in the government of her cousin. And what happened to the Court, and the myth that justice is prompt and expeditious?.With CABEZA, the Court have 260 days without solving the case.”
Not Forget ‘Friends’ Readers of The UNIVERSE: “… One of the virtues that transcends any field of human life is Majesty. In Ancient civilizations were dominated by the “Great Majesty” that allows them to go in Universal History. The Egyptian, Chinese, and Indian cultures flourished in this social field.”
“…The Majesty is of a fully grown “Lion”, an aphorism that expresses: an allegory of the wise masters, and ‘Virtue’ that is within people’s reach. Precept that expresses, whoever manages to make it a habit(of the Majesty) will get to success, without any problem,” …advises The Wise Men of The World…See You Soon in ‘The UNIVERSE News, and EL UNIVERSO’.