*** OBRADOR Only Words, And Punishments When?
*** Instead, LOPEZ OBRADOR Rewards Them
*** Will Have Former Presidents Exemplary Punishment?
***In an “Ocean of Doubts” is OBRADOR’s Thesis
Houston, Texas.-Mexico’s political scene is extremely hazy. There seems to be no political direction. Although “The Choir Directors of The Fourth Transformation” turns on all days incense to his political boss: ANDRES MANUEL LOPEZ OBRADOR.
“…OBRADOR’s narrative is highly critical against the corrupt. However, after more than a hundred days of government, there is not a single of the corrupt in jail. People ask punishment, OBRADOR does not take the step to punish them. Only words, words, words plus words.”

“…While his opponents like are former presidents VICENTE FOX QUESADA and FELIPE CALDERÓN HINOJOSA.They don’t get tired of making virulent criticisms toward at the President OBRADOR, in the slightest mistake that LOPEZ OBRADOR makes, in his role as President of Mexico.”
“…One Day and another also, the duo FOX-CALDERON focus all the venom of their criticisms against OBRADOR. From the past of December 1st to the date. The Role of Soothsayers of the disaster fulfills it FOX and CALDERON well.”
“… But when FOX-CALDERON have problems with organized crime, and they see the difficulties of insecurity, they ask OBRADOR for help. And with lightning speed, OBRADOR puts a special military guard on FOX-CALDERON to take care of them. Instead, the people are unprotected.”
“…The Ironies of 4T. The Most Corrupt as FOX and CALDERON are taken care of by the military. While The people scratch with their own fingernails in the face of the dangerous insecurity that lives in Mexico.”
“…How do you want to remove corruption from the root, OBRADOR? (…)In the world, there are examples of great men who did a huge good in their country. CHARLES ANDRE JOSEPH MARIE DE GAULLE in France. He was defeated by ADOLPH HITLER, in the Second World War”.
”…DE GAULLE took refuge in London, made on the radio an appeal to the French to continue the resistance against Germany. In 1944 was in the French Government. There was no other way for DE GAULLE, that an exemplary punishment to correct social ills as the corruption.”
“…MAO TSE TUNG was the leading Chinese Marxist Theorist and Statesman who led his nation’s cultural revolution. MAO TSE-TUNG served as president of the People’s Republic of China from 1949 to 1959, and drives the Communist Party of China from 1935 until his death.”
“… China’s problem in MAO’s time was the country’s internal governance. Within its disciplinary measures to control so many millions of Chinese was to give an exemplary punishment against those who diverted their personal conduct, contrary to the national guidelines.”
“… Even MAO sentenced Capital punishment to those who broke the law. In the case of Drug trafficking. So that everyone could see and serve as an example for those who tried to enter to organized crime. After seeing that, no one was trying.”
“…WINSTON CHURCHILL in England, MAO TSE TUNG in China, CHARLES DE GAULLE in France and other great men who passed into Universal History agree that to give an exemplary punishment serves to remove from the root, any social evil. The Facts of them are in sight.”
“…In an ‘Ocean of Doubts’ is OBRADOR’s thesis to remove the corruption. Millions of Mexicans wonder: Will he have an exemplary punishment, CARLOS SALINAS, ERNESTO ZEDILLO, VICENTE FOX, FELIPE CALDERON and ENRIQUE PEÑA NIETO for the enormous damage they did to the nation and the people?. President OBRADOR’s response is not seen in the facts.”
Political Scientists, Sociologists, Historians and critics of the fourth transformation that proclaims OBRADOR see with discomfort the current reality of Mexico and its points of view are exposed earlier.
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