*** YARRINGTON And GEÑO Are in The Jail
*** CAVAZOS LERMA is a Political Corpse
SAN ANTONIO, TEXAS.-As lightning that falls into the territory of Tamaulipas and it broke in two parts. Thus saw the news of MARISELA MORALES, boss of the PGR that denounced the former governors(PRI) MANUEL CAVAZOS, TOMAS YARRINGTON and EUGENIO HERNANDEZ linked to the Traffic Drug.
At Final of Government of CALDERON occurred the news of former Governors that were at the point to go to jail, in 2012. However, nothing else entered ENRIQUE PEÑA NIETO to Los Pinos. And The record of the three former governors CAVAZOS, YARRINGTON and EUGENIO disappear.

The Government of Uncle Sam never avoided taking the look over one of the most perverse governors who had Tamaulipas, which was TOMAS YARRINGTON RUVALCABA. The Outcome is known: YARRINGTON is a prisoner in a U.S. Jail. Because of their links to organized crime.
As a vengeance to all lights was the imprisonment of EUGENIO HERNANDEZ FLORES in Victoria, Tamaulipas by Governor(PAN) FRANCISCO GARCIA CABEZA DE VACA.Due to which ‘GEÑO’ reject to CABEZA DE VACA, in his public accounts of the Mayor of Reynosa.
CAVAZOS LERMA walks free, without justice bothering him. But, it does not escape at the Black History that has with the Cartel of Gulf, and that the national press diffused in its times of governor of Tamaulipas. CAVAZOS is a political corpse. And he became invisible to Mexican Justice.
One of the most hated by the people, no doubt, was EGIDIO TORRE CANTU as Governor. Twenty Four hours a day of the six years of government, EGIDIO sailed inside a scandalous corruption. In Tamaulipas, EGIDIO’s government has been the most corrupt. Although there is a complaint in the PGR, today FGR against EGIDIO as Governor nothing moves.
Local Justice in Tamaulipas does not turn to where EGIDIO lives, in San Pedro Garza Garcia in Nuevo León. Although he has outstanding accounts for some crimes. Due to the protection, he has of his partner and friend, FRANCISCO GARCIA CABEZA DE VACA, the current governor.
The Cause that is discussed in the political scene is which Mr. CABEZA DE VACA owes him the triumph of the election of governor to EGIDIO. If not for EGIDIO, CABEZA DE VACA was not the governor of Tamaulipas, it are the comments given in the streets of Tamaulipas.
Hatred of the people of Tamaulipas is currently disputed by a former Governor and Governor. Imagine who?. The People’s response is EGIDIO TORRE CANTU or FRANCISCO GARCIA CABEZA DE VACA. You Better Say.
Magnitude works of construction there are not in Tamaulipas. Although the Local Congress authorized to CABEZA DE VACA a millionaire credit for that sector of government. That money was winged and flew. So the People think in Tamaulipas.
Since the arrival of CABEZA DE VACA to the government of Tamaulipas. Violence in the state is up. The State Capital is the Fourth worldwide because of the violence organized crime does. And Reynosa is a lawless land. As occur same in the rest of the municipalities.
Along with the contempt that has CABEZA DE VACA towards the People.Insecurity increases at unsuspected levels.Children, Youth, Parents, workers, Professionals, Elderly. Everyone is exposed to violence from organized crime, in Tamaulipas.
While the CABEZA DE VACA governor, his family and an elite of collaborators live protected every day of the year, by state police and members of the Army and Navy to take cares their lives. And nothing happens to them.
Within the scenario of insecurity and distress, the electors have the opportunity to choose the candidates for Deputies of MORENA, who are the President LOPEZ OBRADOR and to reject the candidates for deputies of CABEZA DE VACA, in the next June 2.
People know that voting for The PAN and their candidates is to vote for insecurity, corruption, and contempt for the government. On the other hand, to vote for the candidates of MORENA, whose image is that of the president OBRADOR will hope to have favorable results towards the people.
But… You’d better tell us your opinion…. For me, it’s the only one that’s worth and not another. To The “Appreciable Readers” of EL UNIVERSO and The UNIVERSE News Can Send All The Comments And Criticisms at theuniversenews@gmail.com And Are Welcome.