By Dante Gonzalez / Special to EL UNIVERSO
San Antonio, Texas.- Since The Birth of the PRI, on March 4, 1929, never saw it that there would be good political omens, according to some Mexican Historians.

The Death of General ALVARO OBREGON, the native of Sonora, shook Mexico in June 1928. A Large Political Vacuum was created in the country with the decease of the politician from Sonora, Mexico.
All it means forcing the President PLUTARCO ELIAS CALLES to rethink in stopping the political violence in the country, which had been seen since 1920.
Mr. CALLES sought the creation of a large party of national goals, which will bring together all those interested in power politics.
Thus, The PNR was born. The Special Background of the PRI. Since Time the PRI to date transited with some vices that led him to lose credibility among the Mexican population.
There were several crucial moments when the PRI was going to die politically. But the turning point was the assassination of the resident of Sonora, LUIS Donaldo COLOSIO MURRIETA, who was sure to be president of México, in 1994.
If He hadn’t found the death in Lomas Taurinas, in Tijuana, Baja California, Norte. From there the PRI came down. People started to distrust the PRI and its members.
The Vast Majority of the Mexican Political scientists agree that the death of COLOSIO affects directly to the PRI, like a great national political party.
Decay and rot had already deep roots in the PRI, in Mexico everyone knew. Although he did not yet have a national political collapse as losing the presidency of the Republic.
With ERNESTO ZEDILLO PONCE de LEON, being president of Mexico, the PRI is observed politically very weak.
The PRI had so much annoyance among the people, that the Federal Congress lost it, being ZEDILLO as President.
In 2000, in the presidential dispute among FRANCISCO LABASTIDA OCHOA ( PRI), VICENTE FOX QUESADA (PAN) and CUAUHTEMOC CARDENAS SOLORZANO( PRD), the strategists of the tricolor could not sleep, because they would see a serious defeat for the PRI. As The Facts shows.
After torturous efforts of the Presidents of Mexico (PAN) VICENTE FOX QUESADA and FELIPE CALDERON HINOJOSA, the country lost its course, in all respects.
Of little or nothing served the change in the presidency of Mexico. The two governments of the PAN that did a lot of damage to the entire country.
For the misfortune of Millions of Mexicans, the PRI returns with ENRIQUE PEÑA NIETO to lead to Mexico.
December 1, 2012, until the terrible year 2018, the Mexicans will have which withstand the poor government of PEÑA NIETO. Because all his government was a disaster, in these almost six years.
But the Mexican people are intelligent and wise. The wisdom of the Electors on next July 1, no doubt, take the best decision which leads the country to other stages of well-being, which has not been for many years.
The General Opinion in all of Mexico is that the PRI is collapsed, in 2018. While your presidential candidate JOSE ANTONIO MEADE KURIBREÑA disappeared from the competitive national plan.
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