*** Venezuela’s Rebellion That Wasn’t
*** Juan Guaido’s Uprising Failed
*** MADURO Gives by Defeated Attempted Coup D’etat
San Antonio, Texas.- On a lightning trip that I made to Venezuela, especially to Caracas. In order to solve the problem of a very close relative. I didn’t do a journalistic job. It was simply fulfilling a moral duty.
I arrive in Caracas. And my imagination was associated with the beautiful women of Venezuela who have won the first places in the World Miss UNIVERSE contest. I could see those beautiful women who there are in Venezuela.

In the Hotel, I seek to make contact with a Venezuelan friend. And I achieve it. We both followed the route of the solution to the problem that led to a beautiful city. Although I was going to solve a conflict, it was a wonderful trip. Around us, they always blew up the news. As the following:
The New York Times.
Juan Guaido’s Uprising Failed. What’s Next for Venezuela?… The armed forces’ continued support for the dictator remains the opposition’s most formidable obstacle for a regime change.
By Michael Shifter and Bruno Benefit
Mr. Shifter is the president of the Inter-American Dialogue, where Mr. Binetti is a research fellow.
In the early hours of April 30, the Venezuelan opposition leader and president of the National Assembly, Juan Guaido, initiated his third attempt this year to remove the dictator Nicolás Maduro from power. This time, he had the support of some low-ranking soldiers and, significantly, the director of the regime’s intelligence agency. At his side was his mentor, Leopoldo Lopez, who had been freed from house arrest.
As thousands of Venezuelans poured into the streets to support the uprising, it seemed that Mr. Maduro’s regime could finally be coming to an end. But by sunset, it was clear that Mr. Guaidó had failed to persuade the military to rise up against Mr. Maduro. The armed forces’ continued support for the dictator remains the opposition’s most formidable obstacle for a regime change.
The Wall Street Journal.
Venezuela’s Rebellion That Wasn’t… Guaidó got double-crossed. But Maduro will have to sleep with one eye open.
By Mary Anastasia O’Grady
Venezuelan interim President Juan Guaido took a big gamble last Tuesday when he stood outside La Carlota air base in Caracas at dawn and called on the military to drop its allegiance to dictator Nicolás Maduro.
Pompeo accuses Cuba, Russia of propping up Maduro
U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo is lashing out at Cuba and Russia for continuing to support Venezuelan leader Nicolas Maduro, saying they are contributing to his country’s economic crisis. (March 11)( AP_Associated Press).
RT, Russian Television broadcast the following: MADURO gives by defeated attempted coup d’etat in Venezuela.
President Nicolas Maduro defeated the attempted coup d’état this Tuesday. The opponent, Juan Guaido acknowledged in an interview that he overestimated the support he had among the Venezuelan military.
While President Donald Trump began questioning the credibility of the information he has on Venezuela after the failure of the coup attempt. For its part, the Venezuelan army reiterated its absolute loyalty to Maduro.
In Caracas, it invaded Washington’s news against MADURO. While Moscow news was totally favorable. A friend commented aloud, it is time to be or not to be in Venezuela. For the crisis that lives in this place.
Yet, I am being in the US, in my room. I listen to the voice of a woman that do which wake up to me. She claims that I helped her solve the problem in college, you even helped her solve the English Exam. Nothing answers.
The Only thing I thought was a dream about the trip to Caracas, Venezuela. Or it was a reality. Now, I don’t know.
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