*** “THE BLACK CARTEL”: How Organized Crime Owns PEMEX
*** Mr. CABEZA DE VACA seeks to “kidnap” to the PAN
*** The Cartel of Governors of PAN support to MARKO CORTES
San Antonio, TEXAS.- “… In 2000, since you start VICENTE FOX (PAN) as president of Mexico expanded the root of corruption. In 2018, VICENTE FOX is still investigating by the Attorney General of the Republic (PGR) for alleged crimes committed during his administration”.
“… Scandalous Corruption impelled by FOX in his government involves his wife MARTA SAGAHUN, and one of his sons, apart from other characters” according to the book: “ FOX, Business in The Shadow of Power ” of RAUL OLMOS and VALERIA DURAN.

“…During the governments of VICENTE FOX and FELIPE CALDERON, the “Black Cartel” is developed, by a conglomerate of officials, workers, businessmen, contractors, inspectors, comptrollers, customs brokers, leaders and members of the Oil Union, politicians.”
“…Milkers, extortionists, fraudsters, smugglers and money launderers who, aligned with drug traffickers, consolidate as a business organization parallel to Pemex, to the degree to compete in the domestic and international fuel market” as stated by the book: “THE BLACK CARTEL”: How Organized Crime Owns PEMEX of ANA LILIA PEREZ.
It is easy to see that as Political Party, the PAN is dragging the lousy fame of being a hotbed of corrupt people, that harms Mexico. With FOX and CALDERON in their governments had a strong and a pestilent smell of corruption, in agreement with their critics.
American Newspapers like The New York Times, The Washington Post, Los Angeles Times, The Observer and British Newspaper The Guardian in 2012 criticized to VICENTE FOX and FELIPE CALDERON, for encouraging the return of ENRIQUE PEÑA from the PRI to the Presidency.
In a scenario politically adverse, FELIPE CALDERON seeks to create in 2019 a new political party. And Where all conditions benefit to his wife MARGARITA ZAVALA, for that to be the presidential candidate in 2024. This argument hides it in the public opinion.
While the critics of CALDERON comments that: “… He lacks any political authority to create a political party. Because he had a disastrous government that led Mexico to war against the Drug Traffickers. Having a Massacre of Mexican Citizens”.
“…In The Past Selection of the presidential candidate of the PAN. RICARDO ANAYA, who was the presidential flag-bearer, left CALDERON’s wife out of the internal dispute, MARGARITA ZAVALA.CALDERON’s new party will make his wife a presidential candidate, in 2024.”
“… He argued that the PAN is controlled by “a clique that has shattered and shattered its democratic life,” so much so that it is “impossible” to change from within. The former President of Mexico recognizes.” Currently, the choice of national leaders is very strung out.
“…The Cartel of the Governors of the PAN-as denounced by GUSTAVO MADERO, former national leader of the National Action looks for to bring MARKO CORTÉS to the national presidency of that party, in a covert and fraudulent way. With the backing of RICARDO ANAYA.”
According to MADERO: “The Board of Governors of the PAN directed by FRANCISCO GARCÍA CABEZA de VACA, Governor of Tamaulipas pursue to “kidnap” to the PAN.” It is CALDERON’s motive to form another political party to help his wife MARGARITA, in your politics run.
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