*** Attack on The Capitol is Not Cleared up
*** U.S. in The List of “Shrinking Democracies”
*** In 2018-2020, The Congress no Investigate to TRUMP
SAN ANTONIO, TEXAS.- GREECE is the cradle of Western civilization. It is the generator of a great culture that encompasses various aspects of scientific knowledge. In the political field it has invaluable teachings, especially of democracy, according to historians, in the world.
In City-States in Greece, named thus by the philosopher-politicians. Where the flourishing of science and philosophy reached extraordinary levels. Athens and Sparta figure as the outstanding and extraordinary ones, as attest the experts.
PERICLES, (born c. 495 BCE, Athens—died 429, Athens), Athenian statesman largely responsible for the full development, in the later 5th century BCE, of both the Athenian democracy and the Athenian empire, making Athens the political and cultural focus of Greece.
With the prominent Greek politician PERICLES appeared in the cultural firmament the historian Herodotus. In his time shone Sophocles and Euripides -maximum figures of the Greek theater, among others.

THUCYDIDES in the Peloponnesian War narrates: PERICLES, who possessed great authority by his prestige and intelligence and was manifestly inaccessible to bribery, restrained the multitude without taking away its freedom, and governed it to a greater extent than he was governed by it.
“…And this, because he did not speak according to his whim in order to seek influence for himself by unworthy means, but, thanks to his sense of honor, he came to oppose the multitude.”
“… Thus, when he realized that the conceited Athenians had an unwarranted confidence, he restrained them with his words, and, thanks to his sense of honor, came to oppose the crowd”.
“…With his words he restrained them, frightening them, and when they were unreasonably fearful, he restored their confidence. And that was officially a democracy; but, in reality, a government of the first citizen.”
PLUTARCH, Greek Plutarchos, Latin Plutarchus, (born 46 CE, Chaeronea, Boeotia [Greece]—died after 119 CE), biographer and author whose works strongly influenced the evolution of the essay, the biography, and historical writing in Europe, and others parts of the world.
In the “PARALLEL LIVES”, Masterly and classic work of PLUTARCH, faithfully portrays the majestic power that PERICLES possessed in his rhetoric. Every time he attended the assembly of the people of Athens, to discuss public affairs. Great Impeller of the Athenian Democracy.
Some American Politicians (Republicans and Democrats) should study in depth the temperance, and great political wisdom embodied by PERICLES. Whose personal and social history of Athenian politician recorded his name and his works of Democracy, in the Universal History.
After a permanent U.S. leadership in the World, in all aspects of human life. Including democracy. It is not surprising that today the USA is in trouble, because of a deterioration in its democracy, which was seen in the outcome of TRUMP, in 2021.
The United States appears for the first time in the list of “shrinking democracies”, mainly because of the deterioration during the second half of the DONALD TRUMP presidency, according to a report on democracy in the world published this past Monday.
More than a quarter of the world’s population now lives in a shrinking democracy and close to 70% if authoritarian or “hybrid” regimes are added, with the trend of democratic degradation continuing unabated since 2016, according to the annual report by Stockholm-based International IDEA.
Updated every year, its list of shrinking democracies already included India, Brazil, the Philippines and two European Union countries, Poland and Hungary. A third European nation, Slovenia, was added this year.
Although the United States remains “a high-level democracy,” the U.S. setback is related to the country’s declining indicators of “civic freedoms and checks on government,” said ALEXANDER HUDSON, one of the study’s co-authors.
International IDEA, especially cites the “historic turnaround” in DONALD TRUMP’s November 2020 presidential election challenges and “the reduction in congressional investigations of the president’s actions between 2018 and 2020.”
We classify the U.S. as ‘in decline’ for the first time this year, but our data suggest that the episode of deterioration began at least in 2019,” ALEXANDER HUDSON noted.
The Visible Deterioration of Democracy in the United States is shown by the growing tendency to question reliable election results, efforts to suppress participation and rampant polarization (…) which is one of the most worrisome developments for democracy on a global scale,” said International IDEA Secretary General KEVIN CASAS-ZAMORA.
At the height of the events of the attack on the Capitol in Washington, DC. Only a few of TRUMP’s supporters have been prosecuted. While DONALD TRUMP, who encouraged the Capitol bombing, remains at large, and is seeking to return to politics in 2024, his critics believe.
Not Forget ‘Friends’ Readers of The UNIVERSE: “… The Way of success is to adhere faithfully to the silence of the facts. ‘They’ -speak- more than a thousand words. To follow the opposite is to travel to a ‘void’, which only misfortunes that it can bring. And what is that for?.”
“…The World of hollow words drags anyone to make the worst mistakes, which they later regret, because they could be avoided.Vanity is the worst enemy for full professional development or any level. Be careful that when you see yourself in the mirror, do not look at your mistakes,” …advises The Wises Men of The World…See You Soon in ‘The UNIVERSE News, and EL UNIVERSO’.