*** Voters Reject Recall Election, NEWSOM to Remain as Governor
*** Democratic Governor Won in This Overwhelmingly Blue State
*** TRUMP And Republicans Can Not Win, in ‘California’
SAN ANTONIO, TEXAS.- One ‘Rotten Apple’ damages a set of them, in a container. That is why American Farmer remove it to avoid further harm. The Hurtful effects of such fruit, if left in place, would affect others and would result in putrefaction.
Thus, The American People avoid other reelection of DONALD TRUMP as President, because the damages caused to the nation, in 2020. No economic growth, inattentive management of COVID-19, increased death and unemployment in the pandemic, caused by TRUMP.
In One of the most important states of the American Union, California. The eyes and ears of the Radio, Press and Television are on the recall process that was put to the voters on the Democratic Governor GAVIN NEWSOM.
A Very politically damaged figure, as seen appearing at the recall event in California, DONALD TRUMP was trying to influence JOE BIDEN’s Democrats to lose. And supporting LARRY ELDER as the Republican nominee, to no avail.
So-called recall election to decide whether NEWSOM’s governorship continues or is terminated. Many analysts have described it as crucial not only for the state, but for the country.
In Recent days, NEWSOM received the support of Vice President KAMALA HARRIS, former President BRACK OBAMA and other high profile politicians. The governor also had JOE BIDEN by his side at Long Beach City College.
At a Rally, BIDEN alluded to LARRY ELDER, the Republican nominee. Can you imagine him as governor of this state?. BIDEN told the audience.

The President said ELDER is “DONALD TRUMP’s clone, and added: The Eyes of the nation are in California. Governor GAVIN NEWSOM says ‘ in’ Long Beach that ‘TRUMPISM’ has yet to be defeated in California. While the President BIDEN says the stakes are high, for the entire country, and the world.
NEWSOM closed out his campaign, to try to avoid recall as governor of California. With an event in Long Beach, while, he was joined by President JOE BIDEN last Monday night. Where he alluded to the shadow of DONALD TRUMP.
While The President, JOE BIDEN urged California voters on Monday to keep GAVIN NEWSOM as their governor or risk returning to the “dark, destructive, divisive politics” of DONALD TRUMP. The challenge was clear, in the state of California.
“…We May have defeated DONALD TRUMP, but we have not defeated ‘Trumpism.’ ‘TRUMPISM’ is still on the ballot in California and that’s why it’s so important not only for all of us here, 40 million Americans in the strongest, and most populous state in the nation.”
“But Also to send a message across America that ‘TRUMPISM’ has no place here, and ‘TRUMPISM’ will be defeated across America, because we are better than that,” Governor of California, GAVIN NEWSOM says.
September 14, 2021 was the date for California voters to decide: whether their current Governor would remain in office or would have to go home, and quit his political job. On that day, the political expectation was heightened.
After Learning that California voters have emphatically endorsed him to remain governor, GAVIN NEWSOM celebrated the failure of the so-called recall election, which Republicans pushed for.
In His first statements, Democrat GAVIN NEWSOM who, according to early results had a 2 to 1 lead in the votes, said through his social networks:
“Tonight, California voted NO to recall and YES to: Science. Women’s rights. Immigrant rights. Minimum wage. The environment. Our future.
NEWSOM’s team was hoping that “they could have a record turnout” in a statewide special election. That would be a clear advantage for the Democratic governor in this overwhelmingly blue state.
Unions were central to Democratic turnout efforts in the recall, something Governor GAVIN NEWSOM acknowledged, widely. The Political factor playing a major role in the final weeks of the election. Latinos were also important to the Democratic victory, according to the experts.
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