*** TRUMP Separated His Children From Their Parents
*** MAYORKAS Blame The situation at The Border to Trump
*** BIDEN Faces The Problem of Undocumented Immigrants
SAN ANTONIO, TEXAS.- “…The Worst Thing that has happened to the U.S. is the passing of DONALD TRUMP as President. Since the country from following: to an ascending state in all the lines. There was a setback that ostensibly damaged the leadership it held in the world.”
“…Four Years of TRUMP’s Administration. Four years whose time were totally dead for the U.S. TRUMP himself spent making war on all racial minorities. Not to mention the former President’s utter contempt for all migrants.”
“…Even the government of LOPEZ OBRADOR was subjected to blackmail by TRUMP. In the case of not stopping migration from Central American countries passing through its territory. High tariffs were to be imposed on Mexican products.”

“…TRUMP did not limit himself to having obvious contempt for immigrants. He went so far as to criminalize many cases. If it were not for the American justice system to curb the excesses of the former President, hundreds of immigration cases would be affected by TRUMP’s whims.”
“…At the cost of their own lives, children, women and men leave their countries go – according to them – to conquer the American dream. A Mission that involves many difficulties in transit, where every minute they spend, they are exposing their own lives.”
“… With an acute thirst and hunger that prevents them from walking freely from their countries of origin. Migrants who dream of the ‘wellbeing’ of their families who dare everything. Even to put their lives at risk, when in their passage they meet members of the mafias.”
“…During the four years of DONALD TRUMP’s presidency that ostensibly ‘affected’ the crossing of Central American migrants. With absolutely inhumane and repressive measures. As the separation of parents and children made by TRUMP. Even so, things have not changed much.”
A Constant Hell is the life of migrants on their journey to reach the US. This is how the analysts who have years of study observe it and notice it in their previous trials a process that is unresolved in the USA. Where human life is the ‘bargaining chip’.
The Last straw of all heights what was said by TRUMP. He delivered to Joe Biden’s administration “the most secure border in history”. Former U.S. President Donald Trump says Joe Biden “has turned a national triumph into a national disaster”.
Trump again lashed out against the immigration policy being carried out by Joe Biden’s administration by assuring that when he left the White House he delivered “the most secure border in history.”
“…All they had to do was maintain a smoothly functioning system on autopilot,” he opined, “Instead, in the span of a few short weeks, the Biden Administration has turned a national triumph into a national disaster,” Trump said in a statement.
Trump also described the interventions of the Secretary of Homeland Security (DHS), Alejandro Mayorkas, on television as “pathetic”, “useless” and a “national disgrace”: “His self-indulgent presentation in the midst of a massive crisis that he himself has helped to create is further proof that he is incapable of leading the DHS,” he said.
TRUMP urged the resumption of the construction of the wall on the border with Mexico, one of his star proposals that was paralyzed by Joe Biden on his first day in the White House, and assured that the drugs are entering the U. S. through the border, in addition to sex and human trafficking.
“…The Reckless Policies of this Administration are allowing and encouraging crimes against humanity, our country is being destroyed,” said Donald Trump. Therein lies the hollow words of TRUMP, who could not make a good government, as say the critics, yours opponents.
The Top immigration official, Secretary of Homeland Security (DHS) Alejandro Mayorkas, did a round of interviews on some of the country’s major television stations. In which, he blamed the current situation at the border on the Donald Trump Administration.
JOSEPH R. BIDEN Jr. faces the serious problem of undocumented immigrants. In the border with Mexico, these days, these weeks, the river of people arriving to the U.S. has been overflowing.A problem that is TRUMP’s perverse inheritance, in agreement with the experts.
Not Forget ‘Friends’ Readers of The UNIVERSE: “… If You Renounce to the conquest of good and its virtues. You Commit a flagrant mistake against yourself. Because The Evil is a ‘monster’ with a thousand heads, which does not stop in the world.”
“…By Negative Actions and Thoughts you deny the existence of yourself, whose human essence is naturally linked to good. If you insist on continuing on the same path of denial. You commit the worst audacity of denying the immense power of Heaven, which in the development of humanity has irremediably triumphed over evil ” advises The ‘Wises’ of The World. See You Soon in ‘The UNIVERSE News, and EL UNIVERSO’.