*** Evils of Politicians: Betrayals And Corruptions
*** CAESAR Was -Assassinated- in The Senate, in Rome
*** TRUMP or KAMALA, Who Will Win the Presidency?.
“Democracia Imperfecta” de US: Noviembre 5, 2024
*** Males de Políticos: Traiciones y Corrupciones
*** CÉSAR Fue -Asesinado- en el Senado, en Roma
*** TRUMP o KAMALA, ¿Quién Ganará la Presidencia?.
*** Mary de la RIVERA entrañable amiga y colaboradora de The UNIVERSE News y EL UNIVERSO. Traduce el título y sumario de la información del Inglés al Español. Y el primer párrafo.
San Antonio, TEXAS.- According to Political Science theorists, Ancient Greece (approximately 1200 BC-146 BC) as a country, and Athens as its capital are: the cradle of Western Civilization. They gave the world enormous philosophical, intellectual, political, contributions.
(Según los teóricos de la Ciencia Política, la Antigua Grecia (aproximadamente entre 1200 a.C. y 146 a.C.) como país, y Atenas como su capital son: la cuna de la Civilización Occidental. Aportaron al mundo enormes contribuciones filosóficas, intelectuales y políticas.)
If we take the -classical lessons- of democracy, which many of them are still valid from the City State. As they call the portentous ATHENS, they are valuable. The affairs of ATHENS were debated in popular assemblies, there present conflicts and solutions for the people.
A case of monstrous corruption was attributed to Phidias, the great sculptor. Who was accused by enemies of his protector PERICLES of keeping part of the gold intended for the statue of Athena, Greek goddess.
PERICLES – Greek statesman – did not take action in the case of FIDIAS, in front of the People’s Assembly. It was up to FIDIAS to make his own defence. The Sculptor was of very few words. He simply resorted to the weights and measures of a weighing scale to prove his innocence.
Faced with the shouting of the audience, FIDIAS set up his instruments to see: how much gold, he was being accused of stealing. On one side, he placed the Statue of Athena. On the other, he marked the alleged crime of theft. And the scales were level, before the sceptical eyes of those present.
Without speaking, he proved his honesty. PERICLES of whom PLUTARCH Greek historian considered that when he spoke he had: a thunderbolt on the tip of his tongue. That he could silence his enemies in public debates.for he showed countless oratorical gifts.(With PHIDIAS he did not speak).
On the Ides of March (March 15, 44 BC) in Rome (Italy). One of the most famous Roman emperors of all times, JULIUS CAESAR was assassinated in the Senate, product of a conspiracy.
In William Shakespeare’s play “Julius Caesar,” Caesar is depicted as uttering “Et tu, Brute?” just before he dies. But this is a literary creation, and not a historically verified quote.
In reality, according to historical sources, Caesar received 23 wounds and, at his moment of death, he shouted “Et tu, Brute?” (Also you, Brutus?) in reference to Brutus, one of the conspirators who assassinated him. This quote is not found in the original sources, but in Shakespeare’s play.
Rome became a theater of all kinds of personal ambitions. Various generals and politicians took advantage of their military victories to aspire to the maximum power in the State, leaving aside the genuine and noble aspirations of the Roman people.
In the “ocean of chaos” of the political events of Rome and Greece. The Floretine NICCOLO MACHIAVELLI created a system of analysis and prospective of the events of the recent past. For this reason, some political philosophers consider him to be the creator of political science.
Niccolò Machiavelli (born May 3, 1469, Florence (Italy)—died June 21, 1527, Florence) was an Italian Renaissance political philosopher and statesman, secretary of the Florentine Republic. He has been studying human behavior, especially that political actors.
Notable Works Machiavelli’s: “Discourses on the First Ten Books of Livy”, “Florentine Histories”, “On the Way to Deal with the Rebel Subjects of the Valdichiana”, “The Art of War”, “The Life of Castruccio Castracani of Lucca”,“The Mandrake” and “The Prince”.
Conforming to his biographers, MACHIAVELLI spent hours looking at the human condition of Greek and Roman politicians, in order to draw scientific conclusions. What is relevant is that much of the political knowledge is still valid, and is the subject of study today.
Two U.S. Presidents were assassinated (ABRAHAM LINCOLN and JOHN F. KENNEDY) both wanted their Presidency to fully serve the interests of the American people. But, the petty and murky interests of an elite, opposed this.
ABRAHAM LINCOLN (born February 12, 1809, near Hodgenville, Kentucky, U.S.—died April 15, 1865, Washington, D.C.) was the 16th president of the United States (1861–65), who preserved the Union during the American Civil War. He Abolitiotes the slavery in U.S.
JOHN F. KENNEDY (born May 29, 1917, Brookline, Massachusetts, U.S.—died November 22, 1963, Dallas, Texas) was the 35th president of the United States (1961–63). Like LINCOLN, KENNEDY were beloved by the American people and live on in the hearts of the Americans.
He who faced a number of foreign crises, especially in Cuba and Berlin, but managed to secure such achievements as the Nuclear Test-Ban Treaty and the Alliance for Progress. He was assassinated while riding in a motorcade in Dallas.
Now in this US election in 2024, DONALD TRUMP, Republican presidential candidate already had two assassination attempts. Where there is a clear intention to prevent his return to the White House. Favouring KAMALA HARRIS, Democratic presidential candidate.
After serious conjectures that are aired in the political milieu. Again the deep state, the powerful elite that decides the fate of the US in domestic as well as international affairs. It plays a warmongering role, for the business it represents.
In the current election campaign, TRUMP is openly showing his rejection of the Ukraine War and Israel’s misguided Genocide in Gaza. Perhaps, because TRUMP is opposing the multi-billion dollar interests of the Deep State, it will try to eliminate it.
Can the “Deep State” create a lethal -scandalous fact- that could damage the U.S. elections next November 5th, in an Imperfect US Democracy?. A question that wanders in the American country. Will it be KAMALA or TRUMP who wins?. An unanswered interrogate, not yet resolved.