***GARCIA LUNA Case Drags to Several Defeats
*** Includes: The State of Mexico And Coahuila
*** It is Lifeless The PAN-PRI-PRD Alliance
SAN ANTONIO, TEXAS.- When the hands of the clock stop, on a wall in New York. Twelve members of the jury in the court of the City of The Big Apple, declared to GENARO GARCIA LUNA guilty of drug trafficking.
In the choppy waves of the sea, the serious accusations against FELIPE CALDERON HINOJOSA’s associate were rumbling. For his links with the Sinaloa cartel, and the official protection given in exchange for million dollar bribe.
“Dura Lex, Sed Lex” is a principle of the Roman law (753 BCE until the fall of the Western Empire in the 5th century CE.) that, can be translated as “the law is hard, but it the is law”. In U.S. using the penal code conform crimes against Mr. GARCIA LUNA.
RICHARD DONOGUE a prosecutor who charges the former Mexican official with three crimes: 1) International Conspiracy to Distribute Cocaine Internationally. 2) Conspiracy to Distribute and Premeditated Possession of Cocaine. And 3) Conspiracy to Import Cocaine.
The Fourth Offense, the prosecutor charges him with is that of having rendered in 2018, one or more false statements to the U.S. Customs and Immigration Services (USCIS). In which he denied that he was involved or that he had participated in facts possibly constituting a crime.
“My Chest is not a warehouse” repeats President OBRADOR frequently, and in his morning conference, he commented on the GARCIA LUNA case. On Wednesday, he questioned to his predecessors: VICENTE FOX, and FELIPE CALDERON HINOJOSA.
After the ruling of a U.S. court that found GENARO GARCIA LUNA guilty of drug trafficking, and other crimes, who was a powerful security official in governments (FOX – CALDERON) from Party of The PAN.
“The bottom line, what is omitted is: what is the explanation that you are going to give to the people of Mexico about why you appointed GARCIA LUNA, and if you knew or did not know (that he was allied with drug trafficking). That is the explanation we are waiting for,” warned the president.
He also pointed out that: “there is a possibility that the former security secretary may agree to become a collaborator of the US justice system, and offer information that could be key to punishing complicity between authorities, and organized crime.”
“I would say, as president of Mexico, for the good of the country that hopefully, he will do so in exchange for informing. Whether he received orders or informed the former presidents, both FOX and CALDERON,” he said.
In MEXICO, Generals TOMAS ANGELES DAUAHARE, ROBERTO DAWE GONZALEZ and other militaries suffered repression from FELIPE CALDERON HINOJOSA, when he was President. Because, they found evidence that GARCIA LUNA was involved in drug trafficking.

In addition, they informed the President about the maneuvers that GARCIA LUNA was doing from his position as Secretary of Public Security. Under such circumstances CALDERON ordered the fabrication of crimes against the military and they were imprisoned. Today they are free.
“Fear does not ride on a donkey” goes the saying. In the midst of enormous luxuries FELIPE CALDERON from Madrid, Spain, who is the main person implicated in the GARCIA LUNA case is enjoying life pleasantly, and undisturbed by GERTZ MANERO’s office.
To live without crime is to live free, says a sociological axiom. A cancer that has been destroying Mexico (like drug trafficking) since 1940. In 2023, it is worthwhile for experts to analyze as in CHINA and RUSSIA: how they eradicated civilian deaths, shootings, and other harm to people.
Another defeat for the PAN-PRI-PRD alliance in Coahuila is knocking on the door, GARCIA LUNA Case is making an impact. The standard bearer MANOLO JIMENEZ walks to the slaughterhouse. The Doubt: who will win, ARMANDO GUADIANA of MORENA or RICARDO MEJIA of the PT.
A sickly invasion of a high level of pessimism envelops the PRI, in the state of Mexico. Where the ex-Secretary of Education DELFINA GOMEZ, candidate of MORENA, and its allied parties could have the State Government, without electoral problems.
If analysts’ predictions come true in Coahuila and the state of Mexico. The PRI would add two serious defeats. Since the tricolor holds the two state governments. Thus, GENARO GARCIA LUNA determine the serious and imminent loss, in the elections of 2023.
Who? The PAN-PRI-PRD Alliance will be the next victim (presidential candidate) of a defeat announced by certain international organisations, and JP Morgan Bank analysts who predict that, in 2024 MORENA will triumph in the presidential election.
Inevitably, the disastrous political-electoral effects of the case of the narco-official, GENARO GARCIA LUNA that the jury in New York gave a guilty verdict, will seriously damage the weak PAN, PRI, PRD, according to analysts, in 2023 and 2024.