*** Being LION You Can Scare The Wolves
*** OBRADOR Look For That The Cat Have Three Feet
*** TRUMP’s Threats Persist Over Mexico
SAN ANTONIO, TEXAS.-In Amidst of Global Tensions. When Europe, Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa try to use their currencies and not the dollar. Mexico has 45 days to resolve the explosive migration. But TRUMP will apply sanctions to the Aztec Country of not fulfill.
“…Diplomacy as it is now known in modern times. It is a creation of the fifteenth century, of the era of rebirth. Moreover, it is an institution of the Italian States. They seek to survive in the unstable European Political Landscape of the moment” according to some Historians.

“…NICCOLO MACHIAVELLI had a great theoretical and practice experience of Diplomacy. Since joining the Republic(Florence) in 1498. Always NICCOLO had the greatest sense of observation, analyze and study of political phenomena, who allowed it to become an in a global political thinker.”
“…In “The Prince” and “Discourses on The First Ten Books of TITUS LIVY”, Masterpieces of NICCOLO MACHIAVELLI exposes International Politics and Diplomacy. Both are forced consultation works for those who are worthy of being political.”
“…The Florentine MACHIAVELLI has a strong influence on various political characters, over time. As NAPOLEON BONAPARTE, WINSTON CHURCHILL and Others. The German Sociologist ULRICH BECK, published in LE MONDE an article entitled “Angela Merkel, New Machiavelli”.
“… Nothing Great, Was Never Achieved, Without Danger.(…) The LION cannot protect himself from traps and the FOX cannot defend himself from the WOLVES. One must, therefore, be a FOX to recognize traps and LION to frighten the WOLVES. MACHIAVELLI sentenced.”
“… Academics from various Universities in the World, Political scientists worldwide recognize the talent of NICCOLO MACHIAVELLI to solve political problems, which seem to have no solution.” It Describes it previous, The Philosophers of Politics.
“… President ANDRES MANUEL LOPEZ OBRADOR before a problem such as confronting the U.S. Government and DONALD TRUMP. Would it be Wise to Do a Study of the Masterpieces of MACHIAVELLI, to find a light along the way?.” It asks in Mexico.
At the Press Conference offered by President LOPEZ OBRADOR, in the mornings at The Palacio Nacional in Mexico City. Someone suggested that he take into account the Mexican Geopolitical ALFREDO JALIFE RHAME, as an advisor or to be in the Government.
OBRADOR said he was a good person. As far as we know, the international political expert, JALIFE, does not advise. He’s not even in the federal government. President ANDRES MANUEL loses the great political wisdom of ALFREDO JALIFE RHAME. Today it’s required.
Although some saw it as a frontal criticism against President OBRADOR and his government. It is not so. PORFIRIO MUÑOZ LEDO put his finger on the wound, in the vital affairs of the diplomacy of the Federal Government.
PORFIRIO was clear: “…The Action of the administration headed by Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador in response to the -threats- of President Donald Trump’s tariff shows a “moral dissolution of the Mexican State”.
Considered PORFIRIO: “…As unacceptable the terms of the agreement reached between the governments of both countries to avoid the imposition of tariffs on the import of Mexican products into the United States. Because they give the neighbor country the power to decide who enters Mexico and who does not.”
PORFIRIO MUÑOZ LEDO is President of the Board of Directors of the Chamber of Deputies. In addition to having in his political biography, numerous successful cases of Internal Policy as International. Without overlooking his proven political erudition, in fact.
What motives have the president OBRADOR to look for that the cat have three feet, when it has four. And he despises to brilliant and successful Mexicans like ALFREDO JALIFE and PORFIRIO MUÑOZ LEDO, who could see the case of DONALD TRUMP, in another way.?
But… You’d better tell us your opinion…. For us, it’s the only one that’s worth and not another. Please…. ¡ Attention! “Appreciable Readers” of EL UNIVERSO and The UNIVERSE News Can Send All The Comments And Criticisms to theuniversenews@gmail.com And Are Welcome.