*** Another Shooting: More Deaths, And Wounded in U.S.
*** Assault Weapons Flood in The 5O American States
*** Nature (Winter) Also Plays Against ZELENSKI
San ANTONIO, TEXAS.-In the 50 states of the United States, violence harasses defenseless people. To date, no authority has been able to stop the overwhelming threats of death. While the Federal Congress seems to be asleep.
On the front pages of U.S. newspapers, frequently, the news narrates the shootings of deranged people, who using high-powered weapons, machine-gun citizens, without any reason, causing their death.
On the screens of the U.S. TV channels, they present terrible, and macabre images of the attacks on the civilian population. Dozens of corpses (from old people, women, young people, children, etc.) appear, victims of the uncontrollable violence, which is increasing day by day.
Just a few hours ago, President JOE BIDEN asked Congress to pass a law banning assault weapons. After the shooting in Colorado Springs, where at least five people were killed, and 18 more were injured in a Q Club attack.
“We need to enact an assault weapons ban, to get the weapons of war off the streets of America,” President JOE BIDEN stressed. In view of the serious events.
“The president regretted that members of the LGBTQI community are particularly victims of violent aggressions, due to “acts of hate”. What is inadmissible for many Americans.
“Gun violence continues to have a devastating and particular impact on LGBTQI communities across our country, and threats of violence are on the rise,” the president said in a statement.
He recalled the 2016 attack in Orlando, Florida, where 49 people were killed and more than 50 injured. Examples that hurt the American Society, for what that mean, think thousands of residents of the land of Uncle Sam.
“Our nation suffered the deadliest attack affecting the LGBTQI community in U.S. history,” BIDEN said of that shooting. “And we continue to see it in the epidemic of violence and murders against transgender women, especially transgender women of color.”
“Places that are supposed to be safe spaces of acceptance, and celebration should never become places of terror and violence,” The President said.
“Yet that happens far too often. We must eliminate the inequalities that contribute to violence against LGBTQI people. We cannot and must not tolerate hate”, BIDEN added.
Two bloody world events recorded in the history of the world, that occurred in Russia: Two resounding defeats suffered by the great military strategist French NAPOLEONE BOUNAPARTE, and dictator of Germany, ADOLPH HITLER, in their failed attempts to win the war, in the winter.

In 1812, NAPOLEONE’s defeat was devastating. The harsh cold of the Russian Winter suffered by the French army was so decisive that French soldiers were killed by the inclement weather, and not by enemy bullets.
In the early morning of November 6, 1941, the first premonitory frosts of the harsh Russian winter began. The Germans barely had warm clothing, but the ice began to undermine the army of ADOLPH HITLER. Then came the total debacle for the German dictator.
In his venture to embark on the ZELENSKI War against Russia. He did not take into account General WINTER, as it calls in Moscow the intense cold weather, that is already present. And today, he suffers the consequences. But as a good comedian wants to make fun of the Russian Winter.
VOLODIMIR ZELENSKI warned that Russia is trying to use the cold winter temperatures, as a “weapon of mass destruction”, through its shelling of energy infrastructure.
“The Kremlin wants to transform this winter’s cold into a weapon of mass destruction,” ZELENSKI said in a video message during a meeting of French mayors.
“We need many things to survive this winter, and to prevent Russia from transforming the cold into an instrument of terror and submission,” he added.
ZELENSKI urged the Association of French Mayors (AMF) to send generators and medical equipment to Ukraine. “I ask you to be very concrete with your help and support our cities and communities against terrorism,” he said.
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