*** Someday Will Win MEXICO a FIFA WORLD CUP?
*** When Will Soccer-MEXICO Stop Being Called “Green Mice”?
*** Great March of President OBRADOR, The 27 of November
San ANTONIO, TEXAS.- MEXICO Cute, and, Dear, like the traditional song says. Someday, will the Aztec country win a FIFA World Cup. As Brazil of LUIZ INACIO LULA DA SILVA has obtained five times, in the FIFA Soccer Tournaments?.
The famous Mexican Geopolitician, ALFREDO JALIFE maintains, in several public forums, that: the Mexican Soccer Team represents to TELEVISA, and its interests. And not the sacred goals of the noble people of Mexico.
In the 60s, 70s and 80s, two great Mexican sports commentators: FERNANDO MARCOS, and ANGEL FERNANDEZ talked about the deficiencies of Mexican soccer. Their criticisms were aimed for that put in Mexico, at the top of the soccer world.
Both characters (FERNANDO MARCOS, and ANGEL FERNANDEZ) were passionate from Mexican, and world soccer. In their journalistic chronicles that they developed in the Private TV of Mexico. They denounced and praised soccer in general.
FERNANDO MARCOS who accompanied the Mexican national soccer team in world tournaments, the frequent remark was that the Mexican team were the ‘green mice’. Because of the enormous mediocrity, with which they played. And the null results, very far from those achieved from Brazil.
ANGEL FERNANDEZ when he went on the small screen to narrate soccer games. His charisma as a sports commentator was immediately apparent. His great erudition, and the emotion, he brought to the chronicle was evident. He is credited as the creator of the famous GOOOL shout.
ENRIQUE BORJA, HUGO SANCHEZ, GUILLERMO OCHOA, to mention a few, have been outstanding national, and international soccer players. However, the Mexican national soccer team is stuck, in the deepest mediocrity, as say the critics, in the media.
In Brazil under LULA DA SILVA, and in Mexico under LOPEZ OBRADOR, the people have a deep vocation, admiration, almost adoration, for soccer. So politicians should value those desires to have: an effective team. Brazil already has it. Mexico when?.
A Question that is not answered: Why if Mexico has better infrastructure, and sports facilities than Brazil. Why is it that Brazil exports much more players to Europe and Asia than Mexico?. Information that is currently being aired, by soccer specialists.
CARLOS SALINAS, ERNESTO ZEDILLO, VICENTE FOX, FELIPE CALDERON and ENRIQUE PEÑA NIETO, who as tenants of Los Pinos subjected the country to a plundering of official, natural and all kinds of resources, to make the worst of crimes: to destroy, and end Mexico.
Since the 70s, there were national rumors about TELEVISA’s links, with the President of the Republic in office. This version was clarified by the owner of TELEVISA, EMILIO AZCARRAGA, The Tiger, who declared: him to be a soldier of the PRI, disclose the journalist chronicles.
CARLOS SALINAS, ERNESTO ZEDILLO, VICENTE FOX, FELIPE CALDERON and ENRIQUE PEÑA NIETO had strong ties, with TELEVISA. The latter, it was always mentioned, that even TELEVISA got him a bride to marry, and that he would become President, on 2012.

Regarding the juicy multi-million dollar deals that, TELEVISA still makes on the Mexican national soccer team, without respecting the talent of thousands of players, to occupy a place in the national team. It smells pretty bad. And there is no transparency, in the midst of the 4T era.
All the Mexican people will hear from President ANDRES MANUEL LOPEZ OBRADOR himself, the achievements and progress that his government has made in 4 years, in The Zocalo of Mexico City, next Sunday.
Facing the thousand-headed monster, as many Mexicans consider Corruption. President LOPEZ OBRADOR is fighting this great battle, which he does not want to lose, even though he has two years of government left.
President OBRADOR has a gigantic task, in the face of monstrous corruption. Inherited since 2018 by the stateless parties of the PRI and the PAN. They are still determined to continue to harm the country today, as the people observe.
The day is coming: November 27th. Where the Mexican President will reaffirm his social, economic, political and other theses. Judgment spread by his followers in the country. The March is valued as the great march of the born in Tabasco, Mexico.
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Whatever you say is worth more, due to your opinion is the only thing that matters, to us. His Opinion is The One That Counts, And no Other…. See you soon in: Who is The Troublemaker?.