*** LULA Crying, He Says: “Democracy Won”
*** In PERU, Another President Defenestrated
*** MEXICO And Other Countries Are Oppose
*** CRISTINA, Victim of the Argentinean Justice System’s Atrocities
San ANTONIO, TEXAS.-“PELE” is considered globally, as the best soccer player of all time. In 1970, in the FIFA World Soccer Championship held in Mexico. He supported the Brazilian National Team to win: the cup for the third time, as stated the deport experts.
In the land of EDSON ARANTES DO NACIMIENTO (PELE), LUIZ INACIO LULA DA SILVA has just received (December 12) the certificate, which accredits him as President of BRAZIL. After defeating JAIR BOLSONARO, in October, he will take office on January 1, 2023.
The Experienced leftist leader will be president of his country, for the third time. After receiving official recognition from the Superior Electoral Court (TSE). To whom the Brazilian people gave the opportunity to be president of his country again.
“Democracy won,” said Lula da Silva with tears in his eyes, who recalled that his victory was not from a candidate or a party. But of a broad front of 12 political forces that supported him, in the first round, and then in the runoff.
He also affirmed that his commitment is “to the defense of democracy” and recalled “the audacity” of the Brazilian people when they elected him, as president for the first time two decades ago, even though he was often criticized for not having a university degree.
The president assured that the international spotlight has turned towards his country, because Brazil has played an important role in the global geopolitical scenario, where it is the largest economy in Latin America.
“Brazil’s relevance on the world stage is undeniable, and that was why the eyes of the world turned to our elections. We need strong and representative institutions. We requiere: harmony among the powers that inhibit authoritarian adventures,” LULA stressed.
He besides, assured that, currently, democratic systems face several challenges: “In Latin America, Europe and the United States, the enemies of democracy are organized and on the move. The fight, therefore, must be in the trenches of global governance, with advanced technologies and tougher and more efficient international legislation”.
LULA DA SILVA lost no opportunity to recall that there were people who opposed the reliability and efficiency of the Brazilian electoral system, in reference to BOLSONARO, who is living his last days as president of the country.
“The enemies of democracy cast doubt on the electronic voting machines, whose reliability is recognized worldwide. They created last-minute obstacles to prevent voters from reaching their polling places,” the President said.
After PEDRO CASTILLO, President of Peru, announced in a nationally televised message the dissolution of Congress, and the establishment of a “Government of exception”.
But the Parliament, when holding the session scheduled for past December 7, dealt with the president’s dismissal, and with an overwhelming majority voted in favor of putting an end to his government.
Following the legislative body’s vote, Vice President, DINA BOLUARTE took office as head of state. Becoming the first woman in Peru to hold that position.
The Governments of Mexico, Colombia, Argentina, and Bolivia issued a joint communiqué in which they expressed their “deep concern” over the removal and detention of PEDRO CASTILLO TERRONES, whom they addressed as President of the Republic of Peru.

The four countries noted that the Peruvian leader has been subjected to “undemocratic harassment” that resulted in his removal as head of state last December 7.
“We request that the [Peruvian] authorities fully respect the human rights of President PEDRO CASTILLO, and that he be guaranteed judicial protection,” reads the joint position.
Tuesday, December 6, 2022, will be marked in the history of the relations between Argentine politics and justice by the sentencing of Vice-President CRISTINA FERNANDEZ DE KIRCHNER, to six years of imprisonment, and perpetual disqualification from holding public office.
However, this news – which even the leader’s own team of lawyers anticipated – was not the most mobilizing of the day: the verdict of the federal court in charge of the Vialidad case was overshadowed by FERNANDEZ’s announcement confirming that she would not run for any public office in the 2023 elections.
Protests in front of the federal courts in Buenos Aires, in support of CRISTINA FERNANDEZ DE KIRCHNER, following the ruling that sentenced the vice-president, to six years in prison.
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