*** Crimes Without Punishment of CALDERON
*** Thousands Killed Left in Mexico’s Drug War
*** From Madrid, FELIPE Defends to CABEZA DE VACA
San ANTONIO, TEXAS.-In the midst of eccentric luxuries, FELIPE CALDERON HINOJOSA lives in the Spanish capital, Madrid. The Protection offered to him by the government of PEDRO SANCHEZ, without seeing the countless crimes, that he committed against the people of Mexico.
CALDERON always suffers amnesia, with the subject of the war against drugs, which left thousands of people dead. Which turned out to be a farce, which was orchestrated by his partner: GENARO GARCIA LUNA, who is accountable before a U.S. court, for his ties with drug traffickers.
FELIPE spoke loudly, saying: In Mexico I have six open investigations, and I am being persecuted by President OBRADOR. Just like RICARDO ANAYA, the ex-governor of Tamaulipas, FRANCISCO GARCIA CABEZA DE VACA, and other fugitives PAN members.
It is worth commenting that: “The Fish by His Mouth, he Dies”, is a popular saying. In Madrid, on October 21, when CALDERON received from the Spanish Government the authorization of residence. He thus began his defense, in the face of the implications in the GARCIA LUNA case.
Officially, CALDERON could be involved in two investigation files of the Attorney General’s Office: One is the “Fast and Furious” operation, through which the U.S. Government illegally introduced thousands of weapons into Mexico’s territory through criminal groups.
And the other one is related to the eight lionized contracts that CALDERON delivered, through GENARO GARCIA LUNA, to six business groups for the construction and administration of eight federal prisons, according to sources from GERTZ MANERO’s office.
“FELIPE CALDERON HINOJOSA and GENARO GARCIA LUNA, known as the “infernal couple” that took hundreds of thousands of Mexicans to their graves, in their leading role in their War on Drugs. Once again they seek to do damage, only it is to their party the PAN.”

“The serious political-criminal implications that FELIPE CALDERON has in front of his nose. Due to the serious prosecution of his partner GARCIA LUNA, in the court of New York, in the United States, for his links with international organized crime, are enormous.”
“In the global spotlight is the scandalous trial against GENARO GARCIA LUNA, Secretary of Public Security, whose role was to defend Mexican citizens. He changed his role: he served like no one else the powerful Mexican drug traffickers, under the guidance of FELIPE CALDERON.”
“American TV, RADIO and Press, whose influence is worldwide, have their eyes set, in a very critical way, on what is happening to CALDERON’s partner, who Uncle Sam’s justice has put in the dock for crimes linked to Bosses of The Drugs”
“With the gigantic evil fame that CALDERON and his partner GARCIA LUNA, who would be envied by any capo in Sicily, Italy, are having a devastating effect on the PAN and PRI, as seen by the Mexican electorate. Particularly in Coahuila, and the State of Mexico.”
“At the door are the elections for Governor of the State of Mexico. ALEJANDRA DEL MORAL represents the PRI, PAN and PRD. Meanwhile, in Coahuila, MANOLO JIMENEZ, could lead the PAN, PRI, and PRD as candidate for Governor.”
“In the perverse game played by MARIO DELGADO, national leader of MORENA, whose rise to the Presidency of the cherry colored party. It was the result of the cheating made by LORENZO CORDOVA of INE, with his famous survey. Now he applied his poll, which divided Coahuila.”
“Because of the rather crude, and wild imposition made by MARIO DELGADO, who, like a magician, pulled Senator ARMANDO GUADIANA out of the hat as MORENA’s candidate for Governor. The people decided to support RICARDO MEJIA as PT candidate, who supports AMLO.”
“In the tricks that MARIO DELGADO knows how to hide, with his questioned poll that he applies, as he pleases. He used it in Nuevo Leon, San Luis Potosi, Oaxaca, Durango, and Coahuila, in addition to other states, causing chaos, confusion and division, which is damaging to MORENA.”
“If Well, the party of President ANDRES MANUEL LOPEZ OBRADOR may have trouble winning the state of Coahuila. Due to the obvious blunders of MARIO DELGADO, who still cannot learn the ABC of National Politics, after years.”
“MARIO’s damage is very distant from the drug trafficking issues, in which the infernal couple (FELIPE CALDERON and GENARO GARCIA LUNA) are involved. But above the harm to all their candidates in Coahuila, and the State of Mexico.”
“Harmful political effects are caused by CALDERON-GARCIA LUNA to PAN, PRI and PRD. They are fighting for survival in 2023, especially for the 2024 presidential race in Mexico. They still can’t find the ‘quadrature’ of the circle, since no one believes them.”
“To say the least: the infernal couple (CALDERON-GARCIA LUNA) have to the PAN, PRI and PRD on the canvas. Although a great majority of Mexicans think that in 2023 and 2024, the electorate will tear them to pieces, that nothing of them will be left. They do not want more corrupt, nor more criminals.”
We show the above opinions of several analysts in Mexico, City. They see little or no chance to win of the PAN, PRI, and PRD candidates for Governor in Coahuila, State of Mexico, and the presidential candidacy, in 2024
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