*** On February 10, Governor of NL vs. The Guillotine
*** Impeachment Against SAMUEL GARCIA Moves Forward
*** He Was Denounced in The Office (FGR) of GERTZ MANERO
San ANTONIO, TEXAS.- Before addressing the issues. Dear reader, we ask permission for a digression. The UNIVERSE News, and EL UNIVERSO received a group of SNTE teachers, in Brownsville, Texas, and requested that we transmit this message:
“The Teachers of Matamoros, Tamaulipas (Mexico) feel great pride in the successful participation of numerous SNTE colleagues in Tamaulipas, on different tournaments. Where they triumphed, and we recognise their dedication. They are an example for children, and youth”. Served, Sirs.
“Do not be afraid in adversity,” recommended NICCOLO MACHIAVELLI, in his classic work THE PRINCE, to the politicians of his time, in 1513. It is considered a great work of Political Philosophy, recognized worldwide, after more than 500 years, for the specialists.
NICCOLO MACHIAVELLI, (Born May 3, 1469, Florence, Italy—Died June 21, 1527, Florence). Italian Renaissance political philosopher, and statesman, secretary of the Florentine republic. He had an enormous natural talent for the politic, as told the historians.
Accurate Treatises of Politics that, he inherited to the Humanity. Due to it, locate to NICCOLO MACHIAVELLI, like the father of modern political philosophy, and political science, in the opinion of the analysts. Your name is rendered in English as NICHOLAS MACHIAVEL.
With singular wit, MACHIAVELLI argues that power is the result of the union between virtue, and fortune. Virtue is seen as good decision-making, and fortune, as luck in conquest.
Significant commentary is MACHIAVELLI’s political thought regarding the special importance of the relationship between the people, and their rulers. Since it is the citizens who keep them in power.
As if someone thrown away, of the great scholar MAQUIAVELO’s great knowledge of the political reality of his time. Regardless, it was a whole life and his political experience that he inherited to humanity, who left his mark worldwide and still is in force.
In the State of Nuevo Leon (Mexico), a ‘dwarf’ of state politics, such as SAMUEL GARCIA, who is paid as governor. He does not care about the citizens, and makes decisions against the people, according to Congressmen: MARCELA GUERRA and JOSE LUIS GARZA.
“Instead of taking the bull by the horns”, Mr. SAMUEL is going to go sightseeing in Europe. As he himself announced on social networks. His tour includes visits to Rome, Turin and Milan (Italy). Paris, France and Madrid, Spain.
During his first day of his trip, NL Governor GARCIA went to the Vatican. There, he attended the mass dedicated to the VIRGIN OF GUADALUPE, and held a brief dialogue with POPE FRANCIS. While, in the northern state, they demanded impeachment against him.
Although SAMUEL GARCIA enjoyed his trip to Europe, since past December 12. As early as November 11, 2022, local and federal deputies were firing their batteries with long-range missiles, demanding impeachment against the political dwarf, who pretending to be Governor of NL.
They do not take their finger off the line. The members of the LXV Legislature who denounced before the FGR and demanded Political Judgment against SAMUEL GARCIA are: MARIA DE JESUS AGUIRRE MALDONADO, KARINA BARRON PERALES, and MARCELA GUERRA CASTILLO.

As time goes by, many NL citizens think that: Governor SAMUEL GARCIA will not be spared from the political trial that the local congress has opened. Though, the MC wants him as a presidential candidate, in 2024.
“There is not a deadline, which is not fulfill,”says the popular aphorism. The legal-constitutional mechanisms of the local congress of NL has its machinery well oiled, to carry out the political trial vs. SAMUEL GARCIA. The deadline is next February 10th.
In the case of the NL Governor. The prognosis is reserved, as to what will happen. However, a majority of the population believes that SAMUEL will face the invention of the Dr. GUILLOTIN (The GUILLOTINE), who used in the French Revolution on 1789-1793, to punish the enemies.
In relation to the impeachment, and criminal lawsuit in the FGR against the head of the NL Executive, for the local and federal legislators is fully grounded, that he will have no other way out: to leave power.
By denying the release of the resources, as well as not transferring the federal contributions, the governor of Nuevo Leon, SAMUEL GARCIA, is violating the rights of the people of Nuevo Leon, as states the Federal Legislator, MARCELA GUERRA, and adds:
“The authoritarianism, negligence, blackmail and ungovernability with which the State Executive is conducting itself by ordering the seizure of the bank accounts of the Municipalities of Apodaca, San Nicolas, Guadalupe and Juarez subjects them to a situation of inoperability.”
In the face of a Sea of Doubts. The Congress of Nuevo Leon approved, by a majority, to instruct the Superior Audit Office of the State (ASE) that in the ordinary review of the public account of 2022, and 2023.
Also, to pay special attention: to the expenditure made on lines 4, 5 and 6 of the Metro, social communication, the trips of Governor SAMUEL GARCIA SEPULVEDA, and the purchase of an airplane for cloud bombing during the water crisis, suffered by the entity.
“WELL. WELL. WELL. Who is The Troublemaker?. It is a good question. But, I Think Which should respond it you. Why?. Because, Your opinion is more important for us: The UNIVERSE News And EL UNIVERSO.
Whatever you say is worth more, due to your opinion is the only thing that matters, to us. His Opinion is The One That Counts, And no Other…. See you soon in: Who is The Troublemaker?.