*** RIGO’s Illegal Maneuvering in The SNTE
*** Brotherhood of CDV vs. ARNULFO RODRIGUEZ
*** RIGO Betrays CEPEDA And is AMLO’s Opponent
San ANTONIO, TEXAS.- One of the main commitments that President ANDRES MANUEL LOPEZ OBRADOR made to the people in 2018 was to carry out a Labor Reform. He has already fulfilled it, it is in force in Mexico.
Inside its main characteristics is that the elites of the unions, will no longer be immersed in corruption. In view of this, the rank and file workers should be the ones to elect their representatives. Those who elect their leaders, through a totally democratic system.
Before in the SNTE, the delegates to the congress decided, without consulting the rank and file workers, who would be the General Secretary in a section. Now, no longer, with AMLO’s reform, the rank, and file teachers will choose their leaders, without official or union interference.
In the national context, the Tamaulipas teachers’ union has a brilliant history. Therefore, the SNTE in Tamaulipas is of vital importance in the political scenario of the country. The eyes of the national press are attentive to what will happen in the upcoming renewal of The Section XXX.
One of the old fighters of the labor conquests in Tamaulipas, ARNULFO RODRIGUEZ TREVIÑO, based in Nuevo Laredo, always showed his rebelliousness to the decisions of the National SNTE, because they harmed the teachers, according to those who know him. And they explain:
That was ARNULFO’s great sin that prevented him for several decades from becoming Secretary General of Section XXX. After under the nose of ELBA ESTHER GORDILLO, then powerful chieftain of the SNTE, ARNULFO won the state leadership, not without problems.
Together with the education workers of Tamaulipas, ARNULFO dedicated himself body and soul to obtain collective benefits. Although, he always had the dark shadows of Teacher GORDILLO, he proved that he served the teachers, according to his followers.
Today, that the replacement of the state leadership of the SNTE, held by RIGOBERTO GUEVARA VAZQUEZ. ARNULFO RODRIGUEZ TREVINO is once again raising many banners, based on the demands of the teachers in the state.

In various public forums in Tamaulipas, ARNULFO exposes before the teachers (from Nuevo Laredo, Reynosa, Matamoros, Victoria, Mante, Tampico, Madero, Altamira and the rest of the 43 municipalities), what they want to tarnish the election of the Secretary General with traps.
ARNULFO recalled: “When I won the General Secretariat of Section XXX of the SNTE. I thought, they were going to respect my position. It wasn’t like that, the Teacher ELBA ESTHER GORDILLO ‘imposed’ all my collaborators. She managed the National SNTE.”
“For example, she sent RAFAEL MENDEZ SALAS to the Secretary of Finance. She did the same with ANTONIO ROCHA. In short, she placed all her unconditional supporters on the Sectional Committee, which I was going to preside in Tamaulipas.”
“Now, that the SNTE General Secretary is in dispute in Tamaulipas. They want to apply the old statute, that already expired, so that I cannot compete in the magisterial elections, which are coming.”
“They completely ignore the ‘labor reform’ that President LOPEZ OBRADOR made since May 1, 2019. That’s what it’s worth. I meet all the legal requirements. That’s why I’m in this fight, to vindicate the teachers of Tamaulipas.”
“…Some of the rules are: Everyone can be Secretary General. It’s a plural event. No one can get involved in the process of electing the ‘Sectional’ Executive Committee. No one can campaign for someone. Neither the authority of the SEP, nor the SNTE.”
“However, RIGOBERTO GUEVARA VAZQUEZ (RIGO) is putting, not only hands. But the whole body in favor of JAIME RAMOS SALINAS, JOSE GUADALUPE PUENTES COVARRUBIAS, ABELARDO IBARRA VILLANUEVA, and MA. CECILIA ROBLES RIESTRA, so that they win. It says: all they are the Brotherhood of CABEZA DE VACA.”
“The Case of NAIF JOSE HAMSCHO IBARRA is said to have support, and an image campaign in his favor of the brothers ISMAEL and FRANCISCO CABEZA DE VACA, to get to lead the SNTE of Tamaulipas.”
“They signed a commitment that established RIGO, which is totally illegal. Because not even Master CEPEDA SALAS. Less, RIGO may have a balance in favor of: Because with that they are breaking the law.”
“They disrespect to President ANDRES MANUEL LOPEZ OBRADOR. Since which labor reform in the country, it is an international presidential commitment of the US, Canadian and Mexican governments.”
In the Venezuela 44 building in Mexico, City, they judge that the fact of intervening in the change of Section XXX of the SNTE, by Teacher RIGOBERTO GUEVARA, is another act of treason against Teacher ALFONSO CEPEDA SALAS.
The National Leader of the SNTE knows perfectly well that, no one can interfere in the process of replacement of the SNTE Executive Committee, in Tamaulipas. Therefore, Mr. CEPEDA is acting impartially and is oblivious to any tricks that RIGO may try to play.
It is not news that RIGO is totally devoted to Governor GARCIA CABEZA DE VACA. He made it in six years. He is doing his last grace to politically discredit to President OBRADOR. And RIGO seeks to ingratiate himself with his boss, CABEZA DE VACA.
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