*** Were DIAZ, And ECHEVERRIA, Members of The CIA?
*** Rector of The UAT Cover up to CABEZA DE VACA
*** Where Will GARCIA CABEZA DE VACA Hide?
San ANTONIO, TEXAS.- After the massacre of students in Tlatelolco, on Mexico, City, made by President GUSTAVO DIAZ ORDAZ, on October 2, 1968. A question arises in political environment: Are GUSTAVO DIAZ ORDAZ, and LUIS ECHEVERRIA ALVAREZ, members of the CIA?.
In the face of the monstrous collective murder executed by the Mexican Army, against students who demanded social justice, in Mexico. How to explain the murderous mentalities of two political figures: GUSTAVO DIAZ ORDAZ and LUIS ECHEVERRIA ALVAREZ?.
To Date, there is no scientific, and psychological explanation, for the criminal distortions of their amorphous personalities. For specialists in criminal behavior, they simply explain it this way: they are sick with power. Without regard for the evil they do.
In the U.S. and Mexico, information leaked that both President GUSTAVO DIAZ ORDAZ (1964-1970) and his Secretary of the Interior, LUIS ECHEVERRIA ALVAREZ were active members of the C.I.A.
It is, to a great extent, explains his criminal actions in his political career in Mexico. In addition, it is understandable today: why LUIS ECHEVERRIA ALVAREZ arrived at the official residence of Los Pinos,on Mexico, City. He lived there from 1970 to 1976.

The UNIVERSE News and EL UNIVERSO interviewed many residents of Tamaulipas, who are living in Mexico, City. We made them the following question: How it went to Tamaulipas, on during LUIS ECHEVERRIA ALVAREZ’s term as President of the Republic?.
We summarize the opinions: “To the disgrace of the inhabitants of Tamaulipas, the arrival of ENRIQUE CARDENAS GONZALEZ, as Governor of the State, brought nothing good. He was a close friend of the then President LUIS ECHEVERRIA ALVAREZ”.
“In six years of his government, CARDENAS GONZALEZ plundered the government coffers. The big millionaire businesses were for his relatives, and friends. He amassed great fortunes, from the Government. There is a book made by PROCESO of JULIO SCHERER about The Governors.”
“In it, he talks about the many dirty tricks committed by ENRIQUE CARDENAS GONZALEZ. Also, the National Press documenting: how the UAT was held hostage by criminals and organized crime leaders. He laid the foundations for the rotting of the UAT. And it is still the same.”
“The worst looting, and that was bestial, made to the Government. It was consummated by the Governors: EMILIO MARTINEZ MANAUTOU, AMERICO VILLARREAL GUERRA, MANUEL CAVAZOS LERMA, TOMAS YARRINGTON, EUGENIO HERNANDEZ FLORES, and EGIDIO TORRE CANTU”.
“At that time, The UAT only served as a center of operations for organized crime, for to launder money, and commit other crimes. The most affected were the students, who were denied a true professional education. The UAT was damaged by The Governors of Tamaulipas.”
“The one who crossed the line was none other than, the one prosecuted in Texas for several crimes: FRANCISCO GARCIA CABEZA DE VACA (PAN). Who for six years, charged as Governor of Tamaulipas, harmed to Tamaulipas, and the noble people of the State.”
“Having the audacity of the promoter of the winds of change to use the UAT, in his years of government. As a private business for him, and his family. The UAT was CABEZA DE VACA’s big business.”
While in Mexico, City, just a few days before the end of his Government. There is speculation: where FRANCISCO GARCIA CABEZA DE VACA will hide. In view of the imminent arrest by ALEJANDRO GERTZ MANERO of the FGR. ISRAEL, U.S. ‘are’ mentioned as places for such distinguished candidate of ALMOLOYA.
We expose the point of view of our colleague, friend, and faithful collaborator of The UNIVERSE News, and EL UNIVERSO, HECTOR DOMINGUEZ MENDOZA, who knows well the issues of the UAT.
“THIRD AND LAST CALL for GUILLERMO MENDOZA CAVAZOS, who is the spurious “Rector of the PRIAN”. It is the “tip of the iceberg” to know the great corruption.”
“And looting of the UAT’s budget during the UAT during the governments of EGIDIO TORRE CANTU, and FRANCISCO JAVIER GARCIA CABEZA DE VACA.”
“The last 12 years of neoliberal of neoliberal PRIAN corruption in the UAT are the key to initiate a HISTORICAL AUDIT, that will allow us to demand ACCOUNTABILITY, and prosecute corrupt, and treacherous governments.”
“The corrupt and treacherous “university” governments, and traitorous “university” governments that for 47 years turned our University into a corrupt private fiefdom, corrupt, and criminal.”
“The University must be the Cradle of Defenders of the People. Not of Corrupt and Exploiters”!
WELL. WELL. WELL. Who is The Troublemaker?. It is a good question. But, I Think Which should respond it you. Why?. Because, Your opinion is more important for us: The UNIVERSE News And EL UNIVERSO.
Whatever you say is worth more, due to your opinion is the only thing that matters, to us. His Opinion is The One That Counts, And no Other…. See you soon in: Who is The Troublemaker?.